1. Laboratory Exercises in Matriculation Physics. Mr. A. N. SHELDON. A series of laboratory exercises intended to supplement defec tive preparation for the matriculation examination in Physics. Approved work in this course will carry credit for the laboratory part of the requirement; but the examination upon principles must be regularly taken in August or January. M Tu W Th F, 9-12, 1-4. 1 and 2 East Hall. 2. General Physics-Mechanics, Properties of Matter, and Heat. Dr. MINOR and Mr. BUTLER. Equivalent to the laboratory exercises of the Freshman course; credit to the extent of approving the notebooks will be given accordingly. Full credit for the Freshman course cannot be obtained unless examination upon both laboratory work and recitations is taken with the regular class in college. Admission to the course presupposes the satisfaction of the matriculation requirement in Physics. But other students of maturity and earnest purpose will be admitted at the discretion of the instructor. M Tu W Th F, 9-12, 1-4. 1 and 2 East Hall. 3. General Physics-Sound, Light, and Electricity. Dr. MINOR. Equivalent to the laboratory course for Sophomores in college. Admission to this course will be confined to those who have, substantially, covered the ground of the Freshman course in Physics. It is especially intended to offer this opportunity to attendants upon previous summer courses. If the note book is approved, and the regular college examination with the corresponding class is passed, college credit may be obtained for this work. M Tu W Th F, 9-12, 1-4. 4 East Hall. 4. Advanced Laboratory. Dr. HALL. Laboratory work along special lines, offering opportunities for work of really advanced character. This course is especially planned for attendants upon previous summer courses. It is not intended for the removal of deficiencies in regular university courses. Open to qualified students, after consultation and arrangements made individually with Dr. Hall. Credit may be given at the discretion of the department. M Tu W Th F, 9-12, 1-4. 7 South Hall. 5. The Wave Theory of Light. Dr. HALL. Four lectures a week, with experimental illustrations. A pres entation of the historical development of the theory, with selected topics in refraction, dispersion, interference, diffraction, and polarization. M Tu Th F, 11. 13 South Hall. 6. Mechanical Analogies of Thermodynamics, with Special Reference to the Theorems of Statistical Mechanics. Professor BOLTZMANN. Lectures four hours each week and one hour of Seminary work. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. 14 South Hall. ASTRONOMY. RUSSELL TRACY CRAWFORD, Ph. D., Instructor in Practical Astron omy. 1. Modern Astronomy. Dr. CRAWFORD. Fundamental facts and principles underlying the science of astronomy in all its branches, with special reference to modern methods of research and to recent discoveries. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 11. 1 Observatory. 2. Observatory. Dr. CRAWFORD. Lectures on practical astronomy and observatory work, illustractive of Course 1, with the reflector, the refractor, the photographic telescope, the zenith- and transit- telescope, sextant, etc., etc. 2 units. M W, 7-10 p.m.; Th, 1-4 p.m., and one hour lecture to be arranged. 11 Observatory. GEOGRAPHY. RULIFF STEPHEN HOLWAY, A.B., M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Geography. FRANK FOREST BUNKER, Ph.B., Supervisor of Training, State Normal School, San Francisco. 1. Physiography of the Lands. Assistant Professor HOLWAY. Lectures and discussions on the various forms of relief, their origin and present stage of evolution, including some study of the effect of geographical conditions on history and the interaction between life and geographical environment. As far as practicable the work will be based on field excursions to be held on Saturdays; special excursions will be arranged for on certain afternoons. Opportunity will be given for laboratory work in the making and interpretation of maps and of models. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 10. 22 South Hall. 2. General Climatology. Assistant Professor HOLWAY. The course will consider Climatology in a broad way, and will include the following factors in their relation to climate: the astronomical relations of the earth and sun, the atmosphere and elementary meteorolgy, the ocean and ocean currents. The course will be illustrated by experiments in the elementary science involved. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 11. 22 South Hall. Courses 1 and 2 are designed first to cover the work in Physical Geography in the secondary schools, and, secondly, to give some treatment of the lines of more advanced study which may be followed by teachers of this subject. Particular attention will be given to available sources of information concerning physiographic conditions in California. 3. General Geography: Content and Method. Mr. BUNKER. The most typical features-historic, economic, artistic, political, or commercial, as the case may be-of each of the natural geographical areas of the world will be chosen; selected references, for the most part to current magazines, will be given on each to be read; and, with this as a basis, through discussions and lectures the attempt will be made to amplify the teacher's general information to such a degree as to make her the master of the text, rather than its slave. Use will be made of the unexcelled informational opportunities which the Bay region affords through Saturday visits to the plants of the various industrial activities thereabouts. Throughout the course much attention will be given to methods of presenting the material of geography to the children of the grades. Particular consideration will be given to the use of the present state-series texts in this connection. Those taking the course will be expected to become familiar through use with the juvenile books which are best adapted to supplementary purposes. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 11. 16 North Hall. CHEMISTRY. FREDERICK WILHELM OSTWALD, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Leipzig. WILLIAM CONGER MORGAN, Ph.D., Instructor in Chemistry. ARCHIE LEMONT HYDE, Assistant in Chemistry. CARL HOWARD MCCHARLES, Assistant in Chemistry. The chemical laboratories will be open daily, except Saturdays, from 8 to 4. Students electing courses in Chemistry will be ex pected to spend most of their time in the laboratory, and, generally, it will be inadvisable to attempt other courses requiring laboratory practice. There will be a deposit of $15.00, of which amount $5.00 will he returned at the end of the course, less the cost of apparatus that is broken or lost. 1. Elementary Chemistry. Dr. MORGAN. A general introduction to the methods and principles of Chemical Science, with special reference to the practical applications of chemistry to daily life. The work consists of lectures, recitations, and laboratory practice. The course is intended for beginners, and is equivalent to Matriculation Chemistry 12B, for which credit will be given after passing a satisfactory examination at the end of the course. M Tu W Th F, 8. 21 Chemistry Building. 2. Advanced Laboratory. Dr. MORGAN. The attempt will be made to adapt the work of the course, as far as possible, to individual needs, and qualified students may arrange to devote their whole time to the investigation of special problems. Admission to the course will be only after consultation with the instructor, and individual arrangements will be made as to times of meeting, credit, etc. 3. Energetics. Professor OSTWALD. In these lectures Professor Ostwald will present the results of his endeavor to establish a new foundation for the sciences by substituting the energistic for the atomistic conception of nature. His lectures will indicate the new aspect in which the sciences of Physics, Chemistry and Biology appear according to this formulation. 2 units. ZOOLOGY. WILLIAM EMERSON RITTER, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology. HARRY BEAL TORREY, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Zoology. ALICE ROBERTSON, Ph.D., Assistant in Zoology. The Marine Biological Survey that has been carried on during the last four years on the coast of Southern California by the Department of Zoology, and for the last two years has had its laboratory at Coronado, will be continued with broadened scope and increased facilities. During the summer of 1905 the laboratory will be at La Jolla. While, as heretofore, the whole time and effort of the staff of the laboratory will have to be devoted to research, a limited number of students sufficiently advanced to be able to work under the guidance of the investigators to the advantage of both themselves and their directors, will be gladly admitted. As the work will probably be going on throughout most of the summer, and will be of a variety of kinds, both at sea and in the laboratory, those who contemplate going to San Diego would do well to communicate with the Director of the laboratory, Professor Wm. E. Ritter, Berkeley, California, at an early date. Graduate students who are qualified for admission to candidacy for a higher degree in the University may, with the approval of the Professor of Zoology, have the time spent at work in the laboratory count as University residence for such degree. |