3. The Care of the Home. Miss HYDE. The fundamental principles of household economy; selection of building site; plans; sanitation; furnishing and care of the house, etc. 1 unit. Tu Th, 2. Hearst Hall. 4. Chafing Dish Cookery. Miss HYDE. The preparation of salads, desserts, etc. Individual work and demonstration. 1 unit. MW, 2-3:30. Hearst Hall. DIRECTIONS. 1. On or before Wednesday, June 14th, if possible, file application with the Recorder of the Faculties. 2. Before Monday, June 26th, if possible, select lodgings in Berkeley. } Registration. 3. Saturday, June 24th) (a) Register your college Monday, June 26th address with the Recorder South Hall, first floor; (b) obtain from the Recorder a Study Card; (c) show this card to the Secretary of the Regents (next door to Recorder), (d) pay necessary fces and (e) receive a Certificate of Registration; (f) this Certificate is to be shown, on demand, to the officers in charge of the classes, at the first meetings of the classes, or at any time during the Session. Students who can conveniently do so are advised to register with the Recorder and pay their fees to the Secretary on Saturday, June 24th, in order to gain time for consultation with their instructors and for other preliminaries on Monday. On Saturday and on Monday fees may be paid from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The regular class exercises will begin on Monday. 4. Monday, June 26th, 3 p.m., University Meeting. A general assembly of the Faculty and students of the Summer Session. Announcements by the Dean; addresses by two members of the Faculty. 5. Within one week after registration, your Study Card, duly filled out, should be returned to the Recorder. 6. To obtain a certificate of record, showing the courses elected during the Session and the grade attained in each, deposit a selfaddressed stamped envelope with the Recorder at the close of the Session, and a certificate will be mailed to you. SCHEDULE OF EXERCISES FOR THE SUMMER SESSION, 1905. All classes meet Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, unless otherwise specified. Recitations and lectures last fifty-three minutes, with intervals of seven minutes. The periods begin at seven minutes past the hour, and end on the even hour. Prof. Seymour, MWF Prof. Seymour, Tu Th Prof. Hale... Schedule of Exercises; Office Hours of Dean. 61 11 A.M.-Philosophy 2.. Education 6.. History 2 Greek 1 Greek 3 Latin 2. 8 North Hall 8 North Hall 12 North Hall The Dean of the Summer Session will keep office hours daily, except Saturday, 11-12, Recorder's Office, South Hall. |