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The University of California (founded in 1860) is by the terms of its charter an integral part of the educational system of the State. At Berkeley are its Colleges of Letters, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Commerce, Agriculture, Mechanics, Mining, Civil Engineering, and Chemistry; at Mount Hamilton is its graduate Astronomical Department, founded by James Lick; in San Francisco are its Colleges of Art, Law, Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy. The University's endowment is capitalized at about eleven million dollars; its yearly income is about seven hundred thousand dollars; it has received private benefactions to the amount of nearly five million dollars. The University is indebted to Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst for permanent building plans, upon a scale appropriate and comprehensive. At Berkeley there are one hundred and seventy-five officers of instruction distributed among thirty-six departments; twenty-seven hundred students; a library of over one hundred and fifty thousand volumes; an art gallery; museums and laboratories; also the agricultural experiment grounds and station, which are invaluable adjuncts of the farming, orchard, and vineyard interests of the State. In San Francisco there are one hundred and fifty officers of instruction, besides demonstrators and other assistants, and five hundred and seventy-five students. Tuition in the academic departments of the University, during regular sessions, is free to residents of California; non-residents pay a fee of $10 each half-year. Instruction in all of the colleges is open to all qualified persons, without distinction of sex.



The General Library, kept in the Bacon Art and Library Building, now contains over one hundred and fifty thousand volumes. It is constantly augmented by donations and exchange, and by large purchases of books with the income from the Michael Reese, James K. Moffitt, Jane K. Sather, Claus Spreckels, Mrs. William H. Crocker, E. A. Denicke, and other funds.

The great Bancroft library covering the whole field of West American history and archaeology has been acquired by purchase and will be installed in California Hall.

The Karl Weinhold library of books on Germanic philology and folklore, 6,000 volumes, 2,000 pamphlets a very rich collectionwill be placed at the disposition of students as soon as catalogued.

The resources of the Library are supplemented by borrowings from other libraries; and, similarly, the Library lends its books, under proper regulation, to other institutions. By a recently constructed addition to the building, six seminary rooms have been provided. Ground has been broken for a new library building, provided for by the bequest of the late Charles F. Doe.

The various departments of instruction have separately kept collections of books, useful for ready reference and class-room work.

The Library and Reading Room of the Department of Agriculture, situated in Agricultural Hall, receives the publications of the Experiment Stations of the United States and other countries, as well as pamphlets on agricultural subjects published by various governments and commissions. About one hundred and forty dailies, weeklies, and monthlies are regularly received.


The Psychological Laboratory is well equipped for instruction and for research. The entire second and third floors and part of the basement of the Philosophy Building are set apart for this use.

The Physical Laboratory occupies the entire basement floor of South Hall, and of East Hall, and thus secures favorable conditions as regards stability and evenness of temperature. There are set apart rooms for elementary and for advanced work, for photometry, and for spectroscopic research. The apparatus includes many instruments and standards for fundamental measurements from makers of the best reputation, and the laboratory employs a competent mechanician, who is continually increasing the equipment from original designs.

The Students' Observatory (Berkeley Astronomical Department). The equipment of the observatory consists of the following instruments: An eight-inch reflector; a six-inch refractor; a fiveinch refractor; two six-inch portrait lenses with a three-inch guiding telescope, all equatorially mounted with driving clocks; a three-inch Davidson combination transit-and-zenith telescope; a two-inch altazimuth instrument; a spectroscope; a Repsold measuring engine for

measuring astronomical photographs; an electro-Gærtner microscope for measuring spectrograms; an electro-chronograph; a Harkness spherometer; a level-trier; sextants, chronometers; a Howard clock; all the necessary electric connections for recording time and determining longitude by the telegraphic method; a set of meteorological instruments; two seismographs, having both time and electric connections, one of the Ewing and one of the Gray type, and two duplex seismographs.

The Chemical Laboratories are large and commodious, well lighted and well ventilated, and offer excellent facilities for the study of chemistry. Special rooms are devoted to volumetric analysis, gas analysis, spectrum analysis, and electrolysis. Ample facilities are provided for chemical analysis and for investigations in foods, drinking waters, mineral waters, poisons, etc. A chemical museum, with a large collection of chemical products and apparatus, is open daily for inspection and study.

The Mineralogical and Petrographical Laboratories are provided with a large collection of minerals and rocks and are well equipped with the necessary apparatus for research work in crystallography and petrography.

The Rudolph Spreckels Physiological Laboratory. There are laboratory facilities for about fifty students in the east wing of the building. The central part and west wing of the building are reserved for research.

The Department Library contains complete sets of all the important physiological journals, and the more important monographs on physiological and related subjects.

The Museum of Geology and Mineralogy comprises an extensive suite of minerals and ores illustrating the chief phenomena of crystals, and of economic deposits. There are, besides, many crystallographic models, and relief maps geologically colored. There is a similarly extensive suite of petrological specimens affording an almost complete illustration of the subject of Petrology; and many specimens illustrative of the more interesting features of structural geology.

The Laboratories of Agricultural Chemistry, Fertilizer Control, Viticulture, Agricultural Technology, and Dairy Practice are located in the Agricultural Experiment Station Building, that of Plant Pathology in the Botany Building, and that of Bacteriology in an adjoining structure.


The Entomological Laboratories are located in a separate build


The Gymnasium, presented to the University by the late A. K. P. Harmon, is well equipped, and provides all the students with opportunities for physical culture. Besides the main hall and including athletic quarters, there are one hundred and sixty-seven shower-baths, and two thousand steel lockers for the use of the students.

The exercises in the gymnasium are conducted systematically under the supervision of the Professor of Physical Culture.


Hearst Hall was presented to the University by Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst for a Women's Gymnasium. It contains the very best of modern equipment, with special facilities to overcome deformities or correct physical defects. In a separate building, and connected with the gymnasium, are eighty-nine shower-baths, supplied with hot and cold water, one hundred and seventy-eight dressing rooms, and nine hundred lockers for the exclusive use of women students. The lower hall is used as a general gathering place for the women of the University.

Connected with the gymnasium is a large enclosed court 150 feet long and 80 feet wide, with a seating capacity of one thousand, also the gift of Mrs. Hearst. It is used as an outdoor gymnasium, as well as for basket-ball and other games suitable for women.


BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University. ERNEST CARROLL MOORE, LL.B., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education; Dean of the Summer Session.

JAMES SUTTON, Ph.B., Recorder of the Faculties.

J. H. ACKERMAN, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Oregon.

Graduate of the State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1899; Principal of Grammar Schools, Portland, Oregon, 1889-94; City Superintendent of East Portland Schools, 1895; Assistant Superintendent of Portland Schools, 1896; County School Superintendent, Multnomah County, 1897-98; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Oregon, 1898-.

GEORGE BURTON ADAMS, Ph.D., Litt.D., Professor of History, Yale University.

A.B., Beloit College, 1873; B.D., Yale Divinity School, 1877; Ph.D., Leipzig, 1886; Professor of History and English, Drury College, 1877-78; Professor of History, Yale University, 1888-.

JOHN ADAMS, M.A., B.Sc., F.C.P., Professor of Education, University of London.

Graduate of the University of Glasgow (First Class Honors in Mental and Moral Science); Headmaster Jean Street School, Port-Glasgow; Rector Grammar School, Campbeltown, Lecturer at and afterwards Principal of Aberdeen F. C. Training School; Lecturer in Education, University of Glasgow; President of the Educational Institute of Scotland, 1896-97; visited Canada on Educational Commission 1902; Principal of London Day Training College; Professor of Education, University of London.

HAROLD DELOS BABCOCK, Assistant in Physics.

WALTER CHARLES BLASDALE, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry.

B.S., University of California, 1892; M.S., 1896; Ph.D., 1900; Assistant in Chemistry, 1892-95; Instructor in Chemistry, 1895-1903; Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1903-.

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