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The Teaching of History in Secondary Schools. (See History 7.) Professors G. B. ADAMS, TURNER, and STEPHENS.

[blocks in formation]

Course for Teachers of Latin. (See Latin 1.)

Assistant Professor PRICE.

Virgil's Sixth Aeneid. (See Latin 3.)

Assistant Professor PRESCOTT.

The Romantic Movement in English Poetry. (See English 1.) Professor PENNIMAN.

Method of English Study in High Schools. (See English 3.)

Assistant Professor WELLS.

The Content and Method of Arithmetic. (See Mathematics 6.) Superintendent BUNKER. Physiography of the Lands. (See Geography 1.)

Assistant Professor HOLWAY.

Physiography of California. (See Geography 2.)

Assistant Professor HOLWAY.

Modeling Relief Maps. (See Geography 3.)

Assistant Professor HOLWAY.
General Geography: Content and Method. (See Geography 4.)
Superintendent BUNKER.
Plant Physiology and Elementary Agriculture. (See Botany 5.)
Assistant Professor OSTERHOUT.
Sanitary Science, Municipal and State Sanitation. (See Sanitary
Science 1.)
Assistant Professor HYDE.

Talks on Art. (See Drawing 6.)
Entomological Methods. (See Entomology 2.)


In connection with the courses in education, Professor F. E. Farrington will conduct an observation school near the University. The sixth, seventh and eighth grades will be represented, and every opportunity will be offered to teachers attending the Summer Session to visit the school.


EUGENE ALLEN GILMORE, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law, University. of Wisconsin.

GEORGE HENRY BOKE, M.A., LL.B., Associate Professor of Jurispru


The summer courses in law are designed to meet the need of three classes of students, viz.:

1. Students preparing for the practice of law who cannot attend the regular law school sessions.

2. General students who desire some knowledge of the common law either as a preparation for a business career, as of aid in their general scholarship, or as of assistance in their special field. Teachers of history and government will find these legal courses of use in their work. A cross-section of the common law at any point is of great value to the student of history.

3. Students of the Department of Jurisprudence who wish to attend the Summer Session in forwarding their legal education. These students can arrange for credit for the work done towards the law degree.

The Department of Jurisprudence offers at this Summer Session three courses in law, viz.: a double course in Torts, covering the subject fully; a course in Contracts, covering half the ground of the usual law school course in contracts, but with the same completeness and detail, as to that part, as the law school course; and a course in the law of private corporations, giving a general survey of that subject. The latter course is planned for the general student as business man, teacher, or student, desiring to be informed in that field of law, and those students of technical law who cannot take the more detailed course of the law schools. The courses in contracts and torts will meet the needs of both technical students of the law and the general student, forming a thorough study in detail of the principles of the subjects. All of the courses will be based upon the reading of selected cases.

1. The Law of Torts.

Professor GILMORE.

The course includes the consideration of the subject of Tort under the general heads of: trespass, conversion, defamation, legal cause, negligence, contributory negligence, imputed negligence, negligence of maker and vendor in relation to parties not of the contract, duty of care on the part of occupier of land or buildings, liability for fire and explosives, as keeper or owner of animals, and arising from extra-hazardous occupations.

The course will cover the entire subject of the law of torts, and will be given two hours daily throughout the Session. The class will use Ames' and Smith's Cases on Torts, 2 vols. 4 units. M Tu W Th F, 2-4. 19 North Hall.

2. The Law of Contracts.

Associate Professor BOKE.

A detailed study of the principles underlying the formations of contracts at the common law. The work will cover the following ground: Formation of simple contracts, mutual assent and consideration; formation of contracts under seal; parties affected by the contract, contracts for the benefit of a third party, assignment of contract, and joint obligations; the Statute of Frauds.

The case method will be used. Vol. I of Williston's "Cases on Contracts" will be read by the class. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 19 North Hall.

3. The Law of Private Corporations.

Associate Professor BOKE.

This course will include a general view of the following main parts of the law of private corporations: The nature and creation of a corporation, corporations de jure and de facto, implied powers, mode of contracting, directors, their powers and duties, stockholders, their rights and obligations, forfeiture of franchise, liability of corporation for torts, effect of ultra vires transactions, rights and remedies of creditors of a corporation, modes of dissolution, foreign corporations, combination and consolidation.

The class will read cases selected from Smith's Cases on Corporations, 2 vols. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 19 North Hall.


GEORGE BURTON ADAMS, Ph.D., Litt.D., Professor of History, Yale


FREDERICK JACKSON TURNER, Ph.D., Director of the School of History and Professor of American History, University of Wisconsin.

HENRY MORSE STEPHENS, M.A., Professor of History and Director of University Extension.

DON EUGENE SMITH, A.B., Lecturer in University Extension and Assistant in History.

JANE HARNETT, Reader in History.
JAMES WHEELER MORIN, B.L., Reader in History.

1. The Middle Ages.

Professor G. B. ADAMS.

In this course of lectures weight will be laid rather upon the characteristics of Medieval Civilization than upon the political history. The nature of the lectures can be gathered from Adams, G. B., "Civilization During the Middle Ages," which will be used as the basis of the course of lectures rather than as a text-book. The course, while general and for this reason open to auditors as well as to teachers and students, is intended for those who have already made some study of the Middle Ages, and is not meant for beginners. Open to all attendants on the Summer Session. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 113 California Hall.

2. Institutions of the Middle Ages. Professor G. B. ADAMS. This course is intended for those who have already studied Medieval History and will be in the nature of a seminary. Only those students will be admitted who have a reading knowledge of Medieval Latin, and either French or German. The particular line of work to be pursued will be settled after the class is organized. Open to teachers and students with the necessary qualifications, but not open to auditors. 2 units.

MWF, 2. History Seminary Room, University Library.

3. The Advance of the American Frontier. Professor TURNER. A study of the westward movement of the American people, with especial attention to the economic, political, and social causes and results of the movement. The colonization of the separate physiographic provinces reached in the advance of settlement will receive consideration. Lectures, topical reports, and collateral reading. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 113 California Hall.

4. The History of the United States During the Administrations Professor TURNER.

of Monroe and John Q. Adams.

The United States is studied in this course as made up of sections, the economic transformations of which deeply affected the political history of the period. Lectures, topical reports, and collateral reading. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 113 California Hall.

5. The Rise and Fall of Spanish Power in Europe and America. Mr. SMITH.

A rapid survey of Spanish History with special reference to the European background of the development of Spain's colonial empire in America. An outline of this course is contained in Mr. Smith's syllabus of University Extension lectures upon this subject, which will be used as the basis of the course. Open to all attendants on the Summer Session. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 110 California Hall.

6. Spanish Institutions in America.


An investigation or seminary course in Spanish-American History, open only to those who have a reading knowledge of the Spanish language. Use will be made in this course, if qualified students present themselves, of the sources for Spanish-American History in the H. H. Bancroft Library, now in possession of the University of California. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 2. H. H. Bancroft Library, California Hall.

7. The Teaching of History in Secondary Schools.

Professors G. B. ADAMS, TURNER, and STEPHENS. This course will partake of the nature of a conference with actual or prospective teachers of History, and only teachers or students desirous of becoming teachers of History will be admitted. Professor Adams will deal with the teaching of Medieval History, Professor Turner with the teaching of American History, and Professor Stephens with the teaching of Modern European History. No credit towards a University degree will be given in this course, which will consist of discussions on text-books and methods of teaching.

M Tu W Th F, 1. 110 California Hall.

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