Students interested in surveying field practice are advised to secure the Special Bulletin of Information of the Summer School of Surveying. DRAWING. FREDERICK WILLIAM HENRY MEYER, Professor of Applied Arts, Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, and Instructor in Drawing, University of California, 1902-1906. PERHAM WILHELM NAHL, Instructor of Pen and Ink Drawing, University of California, 1906. JESSIE WILLARD, Assistant in Drawing in the Summer Session. 1. Instrumental Drawing. Professor MEYER. Practice in the use of drawing instruments, solving of geometrical problems, construction of conic sections and other mathematical curves; lettering. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-4. 22 East Hall. 2. Descriptive Geometry. Professor MEYER. Fundamental problems on point, line, plane, sections and intersections. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-4. 22 East Hall. 3. Methods of Teaching Drawing in Public Schools. Blackboard Drawing. 1 unit. Tu and F, 3. 22 East Hall. 4. Free-hand Drawing. Professor MEYER. Mr. NAHL. Representation; simple type forms in outline and light and shade. Mediums, pencil and charcoal. Perspective: Studies from rectangular and curvilinear skeleton models, supplemented by lectures. Still life: Arrangement of groups and representations in black and white of jars, vase forms, fruit, etc. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9-12. 11 East Hall. Miss WILLARD. 5. Painting in Water Color. Simple studies from nature of fruit, flowers, and still life groups. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9-12. 11 East Hall. 6. Talks on Art. Subjects (illustrated): 1. Historic ornament and its place in the public schools. Professor MEYER. 2. Methods and processes of reproducing drawings and paint- ings. drance to art? 4. Color and color harmony. M, 3. 16 North Hall. Professor MEYER. MANUAL TRAINING. ROBERT J. LEONARD, Supervisor of Manual Training, Berkeley Schools. 1. Elementary Woodwork. Mr. LEONARD. For those desiring bench work suitable to be presented to classes of the grammar grades in graded or country schools. The fee for this course is $3.50. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-3. McKinley School. 2. Primary Manual Training. Mr. LEONARD. Including cardboard work, basketry, and raffia work, suitable to be presented to classes of the primary grades in graded or country schools. The fee for this course is $1.50. 2 units. M Tu Th F, 3. McKinley School. 3. Advanced Woodwork. Mr. LEONARD. Open only to those who have had previous bench work and who desire to specialize in Manual Training. This course will be given if there are ten applicants. The fee for this course will be $3.50. 2 units. Hours to be arranged. McKinley School. 4. Lectures on Manual Training. Mr. LEONARD. 1. History and Significance of the Manual Training Movement. 2. The Old and the New in Manual Training. 3. The Educational Aspect of Manual Training. 4. The Industrial Aspect of Manual Training. 5. A Comparative Study of Courses in Manual Training now Used in Cities of the United States. 6. Manual Training Buildings, Equipments, etc. unit. W, 3. 22 South Hall. ENTOMOLOGY. CHARLES WILLIAM WOODWORTH, M.S., Associate Professor of Ento mology. 1. Biology of Plant Lice. Associate Professor WOODWORTH. Lectures with laboratory demonstrations, including the experimental production of wings and the careful study of the changes in the other parts of the body correlated with wing production. 1 unit. Lecture W, 1; demonstration W, 2. Entomological Laboratory. 2. Insect Structure. Associate Professor WOODWORTH. Lectures on the general structure of insects and the utilization of this subject for nature study work. 1 unit. Tu Th, 1. Entomological Laboratory. 3 Entomological Field Work. Associate Professor WOODWORTH. Excursions for collecting and observing insects in the field, with practice in the mounting of specimens, and in the identification of specimens, in the field, including the commoner bees and butterflies. 1 unit. W, 10-12; laboratory, W, 3. Entomological Laboratory. 4. Systematic Entomology. Associate Professor WOODWORTH. Laboratory work supplementary to Course 3 for accurate identification of insects. 2 units. M Tu Th F, 1-4. Entomological Laboratory. AGRICULTURE. LEROY ANDERSON, M.S.A., Ph.D., Professor of Agricultural Practice and Superintendent of University Farm Schools. RILEY OREN JOHNSON, A.B., Head of the Department of Biological Science, State Normal School, Chico, California. 1. The Teaching of Agriculture. Professor ANDERSON. A study of some of the leading agricultural subjects which may be introduced into the lower schools: the soil, farm crops, dairying, animal study, farm tools and machinery, and agricultural arithmetic. Outlines for teaching, methods, textbooks, materials and demonstrations. 1 unit. 3 hrs. M, 1 to 3; Tu, 1. 2 Agricultural Building. 2. Agriculture in the Schools. Mr. JOHNSON. This course will be a combined lecture, laboratory, and field course of ten hours per week. The school garden will be made the center of the work and the solution of all problems arising in connection with this work in the schools will be sought by experiment and practical field work. Among the topics to be discussed will be: The Plant: Structure, physiology, propagation, relation to inanimate surroundings (soil, air, water, temperature, light), relation to other plants (crowding, weeds, bacteria, fungi), relation to animals (stock, insects, birds, rabbits, etc.). Soil Physics and Soil Chemistry will be explained by many experiments. Inexpensive apparatus, easily obtainable by teachers in the most remote districts, will be used. Soil Biology in its Relation to Soil Fertility. The School Garden: History, present status in the public schools, relation to other studies (nature-study, manual training, geography, mathematics, etc.). These relations will be worked out quite fully. Food Tests: A series of tests for some common adulterations of vegetable foods will also be given. Teachers will be assisted in gathering together at a very low cost a vast amount of printed information (aside from government publications) bearing directly upon practical points in nature-study, the school garden, and the teaching of these subjects. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 8, and field work to be arranged. 2 Agricultural Building. FORESTRY. Mr. Findley Burns, of the Bureau of Forestry of Washington, D.C., will give a series of lectures, beginning July 15. The subjects of the lectures and the time and place of meeting will be announced at the opening of the Session. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. MAY SECREST, Director of Domestic Science, California Polytechnic School. 1. Foods. Miss SECREST. The production, manufacture, and preparation of foods; a study of carbohydrates, proteids, and fats and their combinations. 2 units. M Tu Th, 1-4. Hearst Hall. 2. Home Sanitation. Miss SECREST. A study of the location, plans, and sanitary construction of the home. Home economics and home management. 1 unit. WF, 1. Hearst Hall. PHYSICAL CULTURE. VLADIMIR VICTOR LIGDA, B.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Cul ture, University of Arizona. LOUISA ADELLE PLACE, Assistant in Physical Culture. Instruction for women will be conducted in the Hearst Gymnasium and Court, and for men in the Harmon Gymnasium. The course is open to all students who desire personal improvement by means of systematic exercise. Students are required to undergo a physical examination before work may be taken in the Gymnasium, in order that exercises adapted as nearly as possible to individual needs may be prescribed. The physical examination for women will be conducted by Miss Place; for men, by Professor Ligda. A fee of 50 cents is required for the use of a locker and towels. The regular gymnasium suit costs from $3.50 to $5. Fees are to be paid at the office of the Secretary. 1. Course for Men. Assistant Professor LIGDA. Exercises without apparatus, the developing appliances, chestweights, dumb-bells, bar-bells. Basket-ball and other recreative exercises. unit. M Tu W Th F, 4. Harmon Gymnasium. 2. The Principles of Wrestling. MW, 3. Harmon Gymnasium. 3. Course for Women. Assistant Professor LIGDA. Miss PLACE. Relaxing mat exercises, walking, the developing appliances, chest-weights, dumb-bells, bar-bells, Indian clubs, and exercises without apparatus. Basket-ball and other recreative exercises. unit. M Tu W Th F, 4. Hearst Gymnasium. |