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June 21 to July 31

Purpose of the Session.

The tenth annual Summer Session of the University of California will be held from June 21st to July 31st. The purpose of the University in organizing this six weeks' session during the summer vacation is to offer the advantages of its instruction, its laboratory equipment, and its libraries to those whose occupations during the year prevent their attendance upon the regular sessions. Special effort is made in all departments to provide courses that shall be stimulating and practically suggestive to men and women who are actually engaged in educational work, either as superintendents, members of school boards, or teachers. It is a significant fact that in previous sessions more than half the students have been teachers and school officers.

Many are high school teachers interested in special fields of study, who find in the Summer Session a means of keeping abreast of current developments in their respective subjects and of meeting men engaged in University research along similar lines.

College students are present at the Summer Session in continually increasing numbers. Students are not encouraged to use the Summer Session as a means for making up deficiencies incurred during the regular session but rather for the purpose of supplementing and broadening their courses. There is, for example, an excellent opportunity during the summer for students in the technical colleges to undertake courses of study in the liberal arts; and for students in the literary departments to gain an insight into the laboratory methods of science.

Students about to enter the University find in the Summer Session an opportunity of becoming acquainted with University methods of organziation and instruction at a time when the confusion incident to the opening of a regular session, and usually so bewildering to a Freshman, is absent. In Physics, Chemistry, Mechanical Drawing, Free-hand Drawing, Mathematics, and Physiology, courses designed to satisfy matriculation requirements are offered to students who are otherwise thoroughly qualified for entrance.

While the courses of the Summer Session are more especially planned for the above mentioned groups of students, they are open to any person of good moral character and of sufficient maturity and intelligence to profit thereby. Persons desiring to attend courses or occasional lectures without examinations or formal credit may secure for this purpose a ticket of general admission upon payment of the regular fee ($15). Such tickets are obtainable by mail. Address the Recorder of the Faculties of the University of California, Berkeley, California.

Credit toward a University degree is in every case subject to the requirement that the student shall qualify as a regular matriculant, either by passing the entrance examinations or otherwise. Faculty.

The Summer Session Faculty will include not only members of the regular Faculty of the University but also a number of well known men of letters and of science from Eastern universities.

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Examination and Credit.

There will be no general period of final examinations. The matter of examinations for credit will be left in the hands of the instructors, who may use the regular recitation hours for that purpose when necessary, or may make special appointments with their classes.

It is intended that University credit shall be given only to attendants who are qualified to do systematic University work. In the absence of formal entrance requirements, the instructor in charge of a given course is to be the judge of the qualifications of candidates for credit. The instructor will enroll as regular students and as candidates for credit only such attendants as present to him, at the outset of the work, satisfactory evidence of preparation for the course to be undertaken.

In general, credit will be given at the rate of one unit for fifteen exercises. A course of five lectures weekly during six weeks would have a credit value of two units. Credit may be given, in due proportion, for a smaller number of exercises, when these are of more than the usual length (which for lectures and recitations is about fifty-three minutes)..

The normal amount of credit obtainable during the session, by a student who devotes his whole time to courses strictly of university grade, is six units. A bachelor's degree represents 124 or more units of credit, distributed according to the requirements of the college in which the degree is conferred.

In all cases where work is satisfactorily completed a certificate or record will be given, upon application, even though the student be not a University matriculant.


To insure adequate arrangements in due season, and to facilitate prompt communication with prospective students in case of change in present plans, all persons who desire to attend any of the courses are urgently requested to notify the Recorder of the Faculties on or before Wednesday, June 9, using the blank form of application appended to this announcement. All fees must be paid in advance, at the opening of the Summer Session, to the Secretary of the University, at his office in California Hall.


The tuition fee will be fifteen (15) dollars regardless of the number of courses taken. This payment entitles the student to the full privileges of the University Library, and also, in case of illness, to medical advice and hospital care without extra charge. The fee will be required of those who wish to attend as auditors merely, as well as of those who wish to undertake systematic class work and examination.

Laboratory Fees.

There will be the following fees for laboratory work:

Physics, $5.

Chemistry, a deposit of $15, of which amount $5 will be returned at the end of the course, less the cost of apparatus that is broken or lost. All necessary apparatus and chemicals, with the exception of platinum ware and small weights, will be furnished by the University.

Geography, $2.50. For the camping trip, $60 (or $30 for three weeks).

Botany, $5.

Physiology, $2.50.

Manual Training, $3.50 for each course.


There are no dormitories on the campus, but there are many boarding-houses and private families in Berkeley where students may obtain board and room at prices ranging from $25 to $35 per month. There are also several good restaurants in Berkeley where meals may be had à la carte. As the greater number of the regular students are not in Berkeley during the summer there are ample accommodations for all members of the Summer Session. A list of places offering board and room or room alone is kept on file in the office of the Recorder of the Faculties, and every possible assistance will be given to strangers in their search for suitable boarding places. Inquiries should be addressed to the Recorder of the Faculties of the University of California, Berkeley, California.

The whole expense of attendance at the Summer Session, exclusive of railroad fare and laboratory fees, need not exceed $65 or $70.


On Saturday, July 10, Dr. Robert Aitken, Astronomer at the Lick Observatory and lecturer in the Summer Session, will conduct an excursion to Mt. Hamilton for his classes and other members

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