4. Bacteriological Diagnosis. Miss HENDERSON. Laboratory work for physicians and medical students on the organisms responsible for many of the infectious diseases and in the methods used for their diagnosis; on milk and water examinations and on methods of disinfection. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9-12. Bacteriological Laboratory. SUMMER SCHOOL OF SURVEYING. CAMP CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA. C. DERLETH, Jr., C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering and Dean of the College of Civil Engineering. W. C. WILLARD, C.E., Instructor in Civil Engineering, Director of Summer School of Surveying. A. K. MCCAMPBELL, B.C.E., Instructor in Civil Engineering. A. C. ALVAREZ, B.S., Instructor in Civil Engineering. At least three additional instructors, a physician, a commissary agent, and the necessary cooks, janitor and helpers will be appointed before May 1, 1909. The Summer School of Surveying is held at a camp established since 1904 on Liddell Creek, Santa Cruz County, within one-quarter mile of the ocean coast; twelve miles northwest of Santa Cruz on the Southern Pacific and Ocean Shore railroads. Attendance is divided into two sessions on account of the large number of students. About 200 students attend the school each year. The first session begins Thursday, May 13; the second session, Thursday, June 10. Each session is about four weeks in length. The first session accommodates third-year students in the College of Civil Engineering, and a portion of the first-year class of all the Engineering Colleges. The remaining first-year students attend the second session. Students attending the first session leave Berkeley on May 13; those attending the second session, on June 10. UNIVERSITY FEE. All regular students attending camp pay a University fee of fifteen dollars. Students attending in a year later than their proper term are charged twenty dollars. COMMISSARY DEPOSIT. A deposit of thirty dollars is required from each student, to cover expenses incurred for railroad fares, board at camp, student purchases from the camp coöperative department, and fines for injury to instruments or camp equipment. A rebate estimated at three dollars (for students not incurring fines) is returned. The University fee and commissary deposit must be paid in advance to the Secretary of the University at Berkeley on or before May 1. Receipts for these payments must be shown to the Camp Director on or before arrival at camp. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION. 1. Civil Engineering 3A. Mr. WILLARD, Mr. MCCAMPBELL, Mr. ALVAREZ, and Assistants. This course consists of field practice in Plane Surveying, comprising such subjects as: (a) Pacing survey. (b) Determination of length of base lines. (c) Measurement of horizontal angles. (d) Triangulation problems. (e) Stadia surveys. (f) Leveling. (g) Transit and plane-table work. (h) Topographic survey. (i) Azimuth traverse. (j) Determination of latitude and azimuth with engineers' transit. (k) Mine survey problems. (1) Stream gaging. (m) Simple railroad curves. (n) Elementary earthwork computations. Four weeks' continuous field work in first or second sessions as assigned. Required of Freshmen in all Engineering Colleges. Prerequisite: Course Civil Engineering 1. Three units credit. 2. Civil Engineering 3в. Mr. WILLARD, Mr. MCCAMPBELL, Mr. ALVAREZ, and Assistants. Section 1. Railroad Surveying. This course comprises field and office work necessary for the location of a short length of railroad, including: (a) Reconnaissance. (b) Preliminary surveys. (d) Final location. (e) Cross-sectioning. (f) Location profile. (g) Final estimates. Prescribed at the end of the Junior year for all students in the College of Civil Engineering, railroad course, who have completed Course Civil Engineering 3A and Course Astronomy 2B. The work must be taken during the summer following the year in which Courses Civil Engineering 2A, 2B, and 2c are completed. Four weeks' continuous field practice. Three units credit. Section 2. Canal Survey. This course comprises field and office work necessary for the location of a canal, including the following problems: (a) Determination of stream flow. (b) Location and design of head works. (c) Contour and topographic surveys. (d) Location survey. (e) Final estimates. Prescribed at the end of the Junior year for students in the Sanitary and Irrigation courses who do not elect Section 1. Prerequisites: Civil Engineering 3A, 2A, 2B, 10; 11A or Irrigation 2; Astronomy 2B. Four weeks' continuous field practice. Three units credit. Students interested in surveying field practice are advised to secure the Special Bulletins of Information of the Summer School of Surveying. Communications regarding the work of the Summer School should be addressed to the Dean of the College of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California. ART. FREDERICK MORTIMER CLAPP, A.B., Lecturer on Art in the University Extension Division, University of Chicago. 1. The History of Painting in Italy. Mr. CLAPP. A course of lectures on the History of Painting in Italy, with special stress on the Florentine School, illustrated with lantern slides. This course is specially designed for teachers and is intended to enable them to understand and explain the significance of the reproductions of Italian pictures which now form part of the equipment of the public schools. The lectures will be both historical and descriptive, and a course of reading will be laid out for those who desire credit. Open to all attendants at the Summer Session. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 11. 113 California Hall. 2. Lectures on Italian Art. Mr. CLAPP. A course of evening lectures, illustrated with lantern slides. The details of this course will be announced at the opening of the session. DRAWING. HENRY BABAD MONGES, Jr., Instructor in Drawing. KARL EUGEN NEUHAUS, Assistant Professor of Decorative Design, San Francisco Institute of Art. MAY GEARHARDT, Supervisor of Drawing, Los Angeles City Schools. CORA M. BOONE, Teacher of Drawing, Benicia High School. 1. Instrumental Drawing. Mr. MONGES and Miss BOONE. Instrumental drawing, solving of geometrical problems, construction of mathematical curves, lettering. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-4. 22 East Hall. This course is the equivalent of matriculation Subject 17, or Drawing B during the regular session. 2. Descriptive Geometry. Mr. MONGES. Fundamental problems on point, line, plane; sections, intersections. Prerequisite: Instrumental Drawing. This course is the equivalent of Course 2A of the regular session. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-4. 22 East Hall. 3. Shades and Shadows and Perspective. Mr. MONGES. An elementary course in this subject will be given provided there are a sufficient number of students to warrant it. It will cover the principles of casting shadows and the elements of perspective. It does not cover the work of Drawing 2B of regular session. Prerequisite: Descriptive Geometry. 1 unit. M Tu W Th F, 1-3 or 2-4. Lectures MWF. 22 East Hall. 4A. Free-hand Drawing. Miss GEARHARDT. Free-hand drawing, free-hand perspective, composition, design, and the application of design. Classes will work in line, dark and light, and color. Illustrative drawing, blackboard drawing, and methods in teaching. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-4. 11 East Hall. 4B. Free-hand Drawing and Painting. Mr. NEUHAUS. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays the class will meet for indoor work devoted to drawing in charcoal various objects, still-life, etc., and to painting simple objects, flowers, foliage, fruit, etc., in water colors. On Mondays and Fridays the class will meet for outdoor work in charcoal and watercolor. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9-12. 11 East Hall. Credit for matriculation subject 16 may be given, at the discretion of the instructors, to students who satisfactorily complete 4A and 4B. Students intending to offer these courses as a substitute for matriculation subject 16 should consult the instructors at the opening of the Summer Session. |