SCHEDULE OF EXERCISES FOR THE SUMMER SESSION, 1909. All classes meet Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, unless otherwise specified. Recitations and lectures last fifty-three minutes, with intervals of seven minutes. The periods begin at seven minutes past the hour, and end on the even hour. The University reserves the right to withdraw any course. 8 a.m. Education 1, Prof. Thorndike, 1 Philosophy Building. Law 2 (F, 2 hrs., and M Tu W Th, 2-4), Prof. Boke, 19 North Hall. German 1, Dr. Pinger (continued at 1 o'clock), 7 North Hall. Mathematics 2, Prof. Putnam, 4 North Hall. Chemistry 3, Prof. Morgan, 217 Chemistry Building. Botany 1 (2 hrs.), Prof. Osterhout and Dr. Gardner, 2 Botany Bldg. Zoology 1, Mr. Grinnell, Mus. of Vert. Zool. Physiology 1 (2 hrs.), Prof. Maxwell, Physiological Laboratory. Horticulture 1 (MWF), Prof. Babcock, 2 Agricultural Building. Horticulture 2 (Tu Th, 2 hrs.), Prof. Babcock, 2 Agricultural Bldg. 9 a.m. Philosophy 4, Mr. Adams, 3 Philosophy Building. Education 2, Prof. Thorndike, 1 Philosophy Building. History 1 (MWF), Prof. Merriman, 109 California Hall. Economics 1, Prof. Young, 102 California Hall. Latin 1, Prof. Richardson, 11 North Hall. German 2, Dr. Pinger (continued at 2 o'clock), 7 North Hall. French 2, Prof. Nitze, 16 North Hall. Spanish 1, Prof. Clark, 17 North Hall. Mathematics 1, Prof. Haskell, 18B North Hall. Physics 1, Mr. Coleman (and at 1 o'clock), 13 South Hall. Physics 3, (3 hrs. and 1-4), Prof. Raymond, 7 South Hall. Botany Building. Hygiene 3 (3 hrs.), Miss Henderson, Bacteriological Laboratory. Hygiene 4 (3 hrs.), Miss Henderson, Bacteriological Laboratory. Drawing 4B (3 hrs.), Mr. Neuhaus, 11 East Hall. Entomology 1 (Tu Th), Prof. Woodworth, Entomological Lab. Entomology 3 (W), Prof. Woodworth, Entomological Laboratory. 10 a.m. Philosophy 2, Mr. Adams, 3 Philosophy Building. Physiology 1, Prof. Maxwell, Physiological Laboratory. Laboratory. 11 a.m. Accounting 2 (MWF), Prof. Hatfield, 114 California Hall. Mathematics 3 (Tu Th), Prof. Haskell, 18B North Hall. Astronomy 2 (M Th), Dr. Aitken, 1 Observatory. 1 p.m. Music 3, Mrs. Sweesy, 1 Observatory. German 1, Dr. Pinger (continued), 7 North Hall. Physics 1 (and at 9 o'clock), Mr. Coleman, 13 South Hall. Physics 3 (3 hrs., and 9-12), Prof. Raymond, 7 South Hall. Drawing 3 (2 hrs.), Mr. Monges, 22 East Hall. Drawing 4A (3 hrs.), Miss Gearhardt, 11 East Hall. Manual Training 1 (2 hrs.), Mr. Leonard, McKinley School. Entomology 2 (Tu Th, 3 hrs.), Prof. Woodworth, Entomological Laboratory. Entomology 3 (MWF, 3 hrs.), Prof. Woodworth, Formicary, East Oakland (and W, 9, in the Entomological Laboratory). 2 p.m. Philosophy 1, Prof. Horne, 1 Philosophy Building. Law 2 (M Tu W Th, 2 hrs., and F, 8-10), Prof. Boke, 19 North Hall. History 4, Prof. Bowman, 109 California Hall. Greek 2 (Tu Th), Dr. Linforth, 8 North Hall. German 2, Dr. Pinger (continued), 7 North Hall. Hygiene 1, Dr. Hoag, 103 California Hall. Household Economies 1, Mrs. Richards, 110 California Hall. 3 p.m. Education 3, Prof. Horne, 1 Philosophy Building. Political Science 2 (MWF), Mr. Reed, 102 California Hall. Music 5, Mrs. Blanchard, 1 Observatory. Greek 1, Dr. Linforth, 8 North Hall. German 3, Prof. Schilling, 18 North Hall. Physics 5 (Tu Th), Mr. Coleman, 13 South Hall. Manual Training 2, Mr. Leonard, McKinley School. Household Economics 2, Mrs. Richards, 110 California Hall. Physical Culture 2 (MW F), Prof. Ligda, Harmon Gymnasium. Physical Culture 3 (Tu Th), Prof. Ligda, Harmon Gymnasium. 4 p.m. Botany 2 (M, and M Tu, 9), Prof. Osterhout and Dr. Gardner, 2 Botany Building. Forestry 1, 110 California Hall. Physical Culture 1, Prof. Ligda, Harmon Gymnasium. Physical Culture 4 (MWF), Miss Place, Hearst Gymnasium. DIRECTIONS. 1. On or before Wednesday, June 9th, if possible, file application with the Recorder of the Faculties. 2. Before Monday, June 21st, if possible, select lodgings in Berkeley. { Registration. 3. Saturday, June 19th (a) Register your college Monday, June 21st address with the Recorder, California Hall, north end of corridor, second floor; (b) obtain from the Recorder a Studycard; (c) show this card to the Secretary of the Regents (south end of corridor); (d) pay necessary fees, and (e) receive a Certificate of Registration; (f) this Certificate is to be shown on demand, to the officers in charge of the classes, at the first meetings of the classes, or at any time during the Session. Students who can conveniently do so are advised to register with the Recorder and pay their fees to the Secretary on Saturday, June 19th, in order to gain time for consultation with their instructor and for other preliminaries on Monday. On Saturday and on Monday fees may be paid from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The regular class exercises will begin on Monday, June 21st. 4. Monday, June 21st, 3 p.m., University Meeting. A general assembly of the Faculty and students of the Summer Session. Announcements by the Dean; addresses by members of the Faculty. 5. Within one week after registration, your Study-card, duly filled out, and signed by some member of the Committee on Admissions, should be returned to the Recorder. 6. To obtain a certificate of record, showing the courses elected during the Session and the grade attained in each, deposit a self-addressed stamped envelope with the Recorder at the close of the Session, and a certificate will be mailed to you. OFFICE HOURS OF THE DEAN. The Dean of the Summer Session will keep office hours daily, except Saturday, 11-12, Room 209, California Hall. and colleges or universities attended, with periods and dates of attendance; also dates of graduation, and degrees received, if any. (Answer fully): Business or profession, and present position: References: (Names and addresses of school officers or others from whom information about you may be obtained) Specify the summer courses in which you desire to enroll: (It is understood that this list is subject to change) Place and date of writing this application: Applications should, if possible, be filed with the Recorder of the Faculties, Berkeley, California, on or before June 10th. They may be sent by mail. In case of adverse action by the Faculty upon an application for admission to the Summer Session, the applicant is notified immediately, by mail; in other cases no acknowledgment or other notice is sent. Additional application forms may be obtained by addressing the Recorder of the Faculties. |