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EPHRAIM D. ADAMS, Ph.D., Professor of History, Leland Stanford Junior University.

EDWARD PORRITT, Special Lecturer in History and Political Science, in the Summer Session.

JACOB N. BOWMAN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Medieval History.

1M. United States History, 1815 to 1850.

Professor ADAMS.

The industrial, social, literary, and diplomatic features of the period, with only such attention given to political conditions as is necessary to connect and explain the other topics. Lectures and required readings. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 113 California Hall.

2M. England from the Revolt of the American Colonies to the Constitutional Crisis of 1909-10. A Study of Organic and Social Changes. Mr. PORRITT.

The aim of this course is to survey the feudal organization of England in 1776-83; to show how the representative system of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries had been so warped as to come under the control of the landed aristocracy; how these feudal conditions in the eighteenth century adversely affected the common people; to what extent the people were touched by laws in the enactment of which they had no part; and then to follow the developments from 1832 to the end of the nineteenth century which have given the English people three-fifths of the control of the central government and made them dominant in municipal life; also to trace the changes in the House of Commons-in its personnel and its procedure-which have resulted from the reform of the representative system in 1832, from the extensions of the Parliamentary franchise then and in 1867 and 1884-5, from the Ballot Act of 1871 and the Corrupt Practices Act of 1883, from the extension of popular political education since 1832, and from the fact that the English working classes now value the Parliamentary franchise, and since the Reform Act of 1867 have been tending increasingly to independent thought and action in political life. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 2. 110 California Hall.

3м. The European Background of American History.

Assistant Professor BowMAN. For the pre-Columbian period, a consideration of the economic, political, religious, and cultural conditions of Europe as a preparation for the discovery and colonization of America. For the post-Columbian period, a consideration of the political European background of the Inter-Colonial Wars and the Revolution. A general knowledge of European and American History will be presupposed. Lectures, a paper, and conferences. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 102 California Hall.

4M. The Teaching of History.

Assistant Professor Bow MAN.

A course designed for teachers and prospective teachers. A general view of the subject matter of history taught in the schools; a consideration of the norms for the evaluation of facts and text-books; methods of studying and teaching history. Lectures, a paper, and conferences. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 109 California Hall.

5G. British Official and Parliamentary Opinion on the American Civil War. Professor ADAMS.

A study of selected documents drawn from the British Sessional Papers, and of debates in Parliament. Daily reports in class, with occasional lectures by the instructor. A graduate course open to not more than fifteen students who have had experience in teaching history; qualified upper division students may be admitted, with the consent of the instructor. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. RR, Library.


EDWARD PORRITT, Special Lecturer in History and Political Science, in the Summer Session.

THOMAS H. REED, A.B., LL.B., Assistant Professor of Political Science.

1. Government of the United States. Assistant Professor REED. A general survey of our governmental institutions and their operation. The opening lectures will be devoted to those features of the English government which are essential to an

understanding of our own. Especially designed for teachers of civil government. Lectures, reading, and discussion. Open to all students of the Summer Session. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 3. 109 California Hall.

2M. Government of Cities.

Assistant Professor REED.

Structure of city populations; historical development of municipal institutions; forms of city government in England, France, Germany, and the United States; municipal functions and activities. Lectures, reading, and discussion. Open to all students of the Summer Session. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 2. 103 California Hall.

3M. The British Colonial System from the Loss of the American Colonies to the Union of the South African Colonies in 1910.


This course covers the change from the old to the new system of colonial government as illustrated by the constitutional and fiscal history of Canada from the first Quebec Act of 1774 to the British preferential tariffs of 1897 and 1906. The attitude of British statesmen and of English political parties towards colonial possessions from 1783 to 1887, when the quickening of interest began in oversea dominions with responsible governments; an examination of the links of Empire the constitutional and statutory links and the extraconstitutional and extra-Parliamentary links which bind oversea dominions, such as Canada, Australia, and South Africa, to the British Empire; an examination of the several methods of colonial government now in service, distinguishing between Dominions such as Canada and Australia, with complete local autonomy, and those other oversea areas of Great Britain which are (1) governed as Protectorates, (2) under chartered company rule, as in the case of Rhodesia, or (3) administered under one or other of the two present-day types of Crown Colony Government; the financial arrangements between Great Britain and her oversea possessions, and the common misconception that these outlying possessions are a source of revenue to the British Government. The extent of the gain to British export trade will also be considered, in the lectures which will be concerned with the Canadian preferential tariffs of 1897 and 1906 and with the tariff preferences which, since Canada led the way in 1897, have

been enacted by the Dominions of Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. 1 unit.

M W F, 3. 110 California Hall.

4M. British Political Parties from the Tory Regime of 1784-1829, to the Incoming of the Labor and Socialist Parties in the House of Commons, 1874-1910. Mr. PORRITT. From the Revolution of 1688 to the American Revolution of 1776-83, there were only two political parties-Whig and Tory. To-day there are in the House of Commons nine parties or groups (1) Tories or Conservatives, (2) Liberal Unionists, (3) Liberals, (4) Radicals, (5) Liberal Labor, (6) Labor Socialists, (7) Irish Nationalists, (8) Protectionists, and (9) Conservative Free Traders. Seven of these present-day parties are developments since 1784; most of them, developments since 1867, when working men in the towns and cities were enfranchised. Since 1815 there have been, in addition to the parties now in existence, six groups or parties which have disappeared: (1) The Philosophical Radicals, (2) the party led by O'Connell, which was organized to bring about the repeal of the Union of Great Britain and Ireland, (3) the Manchester School of Liberals, (4) the Peelites, (5) the Chartists, and (6) the Tory Democracy. The aim of this course will be: (1) to survey the political and social conditions of the last half of the eighteenth century which have given rise to all this development of parties between 1784 and 1910, and which still account for the existence of all the modern parties except the Liberal Unionists and the Irish Nationalists; (2) to examine the principles and the mission of the groups or parties which have come into being since 1784, (3) to note the more important legislation which has resulted from this party development as well as its effect on the organization and procedure of the House of Commons, (4) to make understood the extent and nature of the headquarters and local organization of modern parties, (5) to realize the connection between the newspaper press and political parties, and (6) to consider the effect of party activity on English political life and in particular on popular political education. 1 unit.

Tu Th, 3. 110 California Hall.


ROCKWELL D. HUNT, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Sociology, University of Southern California.

Mrs. L. L. HARFORD, Instructor in Stenography and Typewriting in the Summer Session.

1. Principles of Economics.

Professor HUNT.

A comprehensive introduction to economic study, including a survey of the elements of economic life, the nature of value and its relation to the problem of distribution; the social ordering of wealth. As far as time and circumstances will permit, concrete problems will be studied in connection with the theoretical view of the subject. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 102 California Hall.

2M. Labor Problems.

Professor HUNT.

A systematic treatment of the important labor problems of the day, with special reference to American conditions. Growth of labor organizations; strikes and lock-outs; industrial conciliation and arbitration; profit-sharing; work of women and children; immigration; standard of living, etc. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 10. 102 California Hall.

3. Stenography and Typewriting.


A practical course, with a final examination test, the satisfactory completion of which will be accepted as fulfilling the requirements for matriculation subject 20d. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9-11. 10 North Hall.

4. Course for Teachers.


Designed for teachers and prospective teachers in commercial schools. The commercial subjects; their relation to the high school and college; the demand for a broader commercial education; business English; methods of presenting the principles of shorthand; suggested re-arrangement of the subject-matter of text-books and supplementary books; correlation of commercial subjects. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 10 North Hall.

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