LATIN. JESSE B. CARTER, Ph.D., Director of the American School for Classical Studies in Rome. LEON J. RICHARDSON, A.B., Associate Professor of Latin. 1. Course for Teachers. Associate Professor RICHARDSON. The scope and aim of secondary Latin; organization of the work, including questions of proportion and emphasis; methods and bibliography. Training is offered in Latin conversation and reading aloud. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. 11 North Hall. 2M. Virgil's Georgics. Associate Professor RICHARDSON. The primary aim of the course is to have the student read this poem with a just appreciation of its literary character and with a vivid realization of the phases of Roman life which it involves. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 10. 11 North Hall. 3. Latin Readings. Associate Professor RICHARDSON. The instructor will read aloud to the class a large amount of simple Latin. The course aims at cultivating the ability to comprehend the language through the medium of the ear, thus putting the student in the way of reading Latin in a natural manner. The work will be supplemented, if desired, by exercises in Latin conversation. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. 11 North Hall. Only two of the above three courses will be given, as determined by the number of persons electing them. 4м. Topography and Monuments of Ancient Rome. Dr. CARTER. Lectures on the founding and growth of the city, with especial reference to the monuments and to recent archaeological progress. Collateral reading and reports. Primarily for teachers of the classics. Illustrated with stereopticon. units. Tu Th, 3. 113 California Hall. 5. Roman Religion. Dr. CARTER. 2 Public lectures on the nature and expression of Roman religious beliefs. 2 units. MWF, 3. 113 California Hall. The announcements of Dr. Carter's courses are subject to change at the opening of the session. ENGLISH. RICHARD BURTON, Ph.D., Professor of English Literature, University of Minnesota. FREDERICK H. KOCH, M.A., Assistant Professor of Dramatic Literature and Oratory, University of North Dakota. THOMAS F. SANFORD, A.B., Assistant Professor of English Literature. BENJAMIN P. KURTZ, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English. BEVERLY S. ALLEN, M.A., Assistant in English in the Summer Session. GEORGE H. HUNTTING, A.B., Principal of the West Side Union High School, Los Baños, California. 1м. The English Novel. Professor BURTON. The development of this form of modern fiction from Richardson and Fielding to Stevenson and Kipling. Both principles and personalities will be kept in view. Recommended text-book: Masters of the English Novel, by Richard Burton. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. 109 California Hall. 2M. The Modern Drama. Professor BURTON. The nineteenth century play, in the light of the past; how modern technique has been attained. Recommended text-book: The Development of the Drama, by Brander Matthews. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 11. 109 California Hall. 3M. Shakespeare. Assistant Professor KOCH. Shakespeare, considered both as playwright and poet. Six plays will be studied: King Lear, Macbeth, Twelfth Night, and King Henry IV, Part I, representing Shakespeare's success in great tragedy, high comedy, and historical drama; Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and The Tempest, illustrating his earlier tragedy and comedy, and his late romance. The text of the first four plays critically considered; a dramatic rendering of selected scenes. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 1. 113 California Hall. 4. Argumentation and Public Address. Assistant Professor KOCH. A practical training in both argumentative and persuasive address; analysis, brief-drawing, and construction; the element of persuasion in the speaker and in the audience; the cultiva tion of effective delivery; much practice in extemporaneous FRENCH. GUSTAVE FAUCHEUX, B. ès L., B. ès Sc., Assistant Professor of French. ALFRED SOLOMON, M.A., Instructor in French. Mrs. JEANNE H. GREENLEAF, B.L., Instructor in French. 1. Elementary French. (Double course.) Mrs. GREENLEAF. Pronunciation, vocabulary, essentials of grammar, reading, conversation. Satisfactory completion of this course will give credit for matriculation subject 15a1 or for French A in the regular session. 4 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-3. 15B North Hall. 2. Advanced Elementary French. (Double course). Mr. SOLOMON. Grammar, composition, reading, and conversation. Review of elementary grammatical principles; elementary composition; practice in reading aloud in French; much drill in conversation; intensive study of some of Daudet's sketches: Tartarin, Lettres de Mon Moulin, etc. Francois' Introductory French Prose Composition; Churchman's Introduction to the Pronunciation of French. Satisfactory completion of this course will give credit for matriculation subject 15a2 or for French B in the regular session. 4 units. M Tu W Th F, 8-10. 16 North Hall. 3M. Victor Hugo. Assistant Professor FAUCHEUX. Victor Hugo as an epic poet. Informal lectures in French, with collateral reading of the most characteristic poems of "La Légende des Siècles." 1 unit. MWF, 10. 16B North Hall. 4M. Studies in Composition and Style. Assistant Professor FAUCHEUX. Students will be required to translate every week a passage from some standard English author; one hour will be devoted to the correction of this translation; the other hour to original composition. 1 unit. Tu Th, 10. 16B North Hall, GERMAN. HUGO K. SCHILLING, Ph.D., Professor of the German Language and Literature. FRIEDRICH A. WYNEKEN, M.L., Assistant in German. 1. The Elements of German. (Double course.) Mr. WYNEKEN. A rapid survey of the essentials of grammar, with reading of easy prose and practice in translating into German, and in conversation. Spanhoofd's "Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache." Satisfactory completion of this course will give credit for matriculation subject 1561 or for German A in the regular session. 4 units. No credit will be given to those who have had a university course in German. M Tu W Th F, 8 and 1. 7 North Hall. 2. Advanced Elementary German. (Double course). Mr. WYNEKEN. Grammar, composition, conversation. Reading of stories and plays. Spanhoofd's "Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache"; Bierwirth's "Elements of German"; Bernard's "Der Weg zum Glück"; Wildenbruch's "Das edle Blut"; Moser's "Der Bibliothekar"; Groller's "Inkognito"; selections from Klenze's "Deutsche Gedichte." Open to students who have completed Course 1 or its equivalent. Satisfactory completion of this course will give credit for matriculation subject 1562 or for German B in the regular session. 4 units. M Tu W Th F, 9 and 2. 7 North Hall. 3. Intermediate German. Professor SCHILLING. Reading, composition, and conversation. The exact nature of the course, whether emphasis shall be laid mainly upon reading from the point of view of literary appreciation, or upon composition and systematic conversational exercises, will be determined at the beginning of the session in accordance with the needs and wishes of the class. In any case the course will be conducted in German. Prerequisite: Course 2 or its equivalent. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 3. 18 North Hall. FRENCH. GUSTAVE FAUCHEUX, B. ès L., B. ès Sc., Assistant Professor of French. ALFRED SOLOMON, M.A., Instructor in French. Mrs. JEANNE H. GREENLEAF, B.L., Instructor in French. 1. Elementary French. (Double course.) Mrs. GREENLEAF. Pronunciation, vocabulary, essentials of grammar, reading, conversation. Satisfactory completion of this course will give credit for matriculation subject 15a1 or for French A in the regular session. 4 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-3. 15B North Hall. 2. Advanced Elementary French. (Double course). Mr. SOLOMON. Grammar, composition, reading, and conversation. Review of elementary grammatical principles; elementary composition; practice in reading aloud in French; much drill in conversation; intensive study of some of Daudet's sketches: Tartarin, Lettres de Mon Moulin, etc. Francois' Introductory French Prose Composition; Churchman's Introduction to the Pronunciation of French. Satisfactory completion of this course will give credit for matriculation subject 15a2 or for French B in the regular session. 4 units. M Tu W Th F, 8-10. 16 North Hall. 3M. Victor Hugo. Assistant Professor FAUCHEUX. Victor Hugo as an epic poet. Informal lectures in French, with collateral reading of the most characteristic poems of "La Légende des Siècles." 1 unit. MWF, 10. 16B North Hall. 4M. Studies in Composition and Style. Assistant Professor FAUCHEUX. Students will be required to translate every week a passage from some standard English author; one hour will be devoted to the correction of this translation; the other hour to original composition. 1 unit. Tu Th, 10. 16B North Hall, |