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PAUL ZIERTMANN, Oberlehrer at the Oberrealschule, Berlin-Steglitz, Germany.

RICHARD G. BOONE, Ph.D., Lecturer in Education.

CHARLES E. RUGH, M.L., Associate Professor of Education.

ARTHUR H. CHAMBERLAIN, M.A., Instructor in Education in the Sum mer Session.

1. Education through the Institutions.


The school as a social institution; education and the notion of evolution; vicarious experience as a factor; the family as a social institution; education through family life; the individual and society; society vs. the family; intellectual commerce, the great teacher; imitation; the individual and economic relations; industrial interests as shaping culture; woman's contributions to economic interests; the culture significance of modern economic conditions; man and the church; the educational meanings of the church and religious ideals; the individual and the state; civic life and interests; civilization and education; the state as formulating standards; the school as a social institution. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 2. 103 California Hall.

2. Industrial Education.


(a) The development and significance of the industrial education movement; early manifestations; Swedish sloyd; the socalled Danish, Russian, and French systems; the German and English plans; the trend in America from the secondary to the elementary school; the Land Grants and the agricultural and mechanical college movement; women in home economics and household arts. (b) The cultural and economic phases of industrial education; its relation to moral welfare and social conditions; its place in city, town and country schools; outlining of suggested courses in shop work, agriculture, domestic science and home economics; the relation of industrial education to the other school subjects. (c) The place of the vocational, trade, technical, and continuation schools. (d) Plans, equipments, and cost of shops and laboratories. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 8. 107 California Hall.

3. The Educational System in Germany.

Professor ZIERTMANN.

A short survey of the history of the educational system in Germany; its legal foundation; the school-system and the public authorities; the position of the teachers; the elementary school system; the higher school system; a brief description of the university. If desired, one hour will be set aside for discussions. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 103 California Hall.

104. Moral Education.

Associate Professor RUGH.

Moral life as personal response to the social order; complexity of present social situation; the necessity of instruction; the necessity of training; the child's stock of instincts and impulses; suggestion; imitation; imagination; development of volition; development of control,-physical, prudential, and moral; development of notions and standards of conduct; elements of character; power and development of power; development of systems of desires; value of right thinking; the school as an instrument of moral education; authority and obedience; moral motives; school subjects and school activities, social and athletic; rewards and punishments; ethical freedom in school; coöperation of home and school in character building. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 103 California Hall.

105. Fundamental Problems of the Modern School.


Organization and classification; grading and promotion; tests, reviews, and examinations; treatment of "bright" and "left over" pupils; defectives and delinquents; discipline and incorrigibles; student government and control; class teaching and the various plans of group or individual instruction; the ungraded room and departmental teaching; physical education, gymnastics and medical examination; athletics, individual and corrective, inter-class, interschool, inter-scholastic; playgrounds and open-air schools; student activities-literary, social, musical; fraternities, sororities and secret societies; training and professional growth of teachers while in service; salaries and annuities; review of current literature. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 1. 107 California Hall.

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206. The Psychology and Training of Adolescence. Dr. BOONE. Pre-adolescent characteristics; the adolescent boy; the adoles cent girl; the migratory instinct; intellectual traits and ideals; adolescent ambitions; conduct and the conventional life; adjustment to the institutions; the secondary school; school studies and interests; aims of the secondary school; school methods and control. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 3. 103 California Hall.

207. Moral Education.

Associate Professor RUGH.

This will include, in addition to the work of 104 above, the application of the principles of moral education to the periods of development; conferences, and a thesis upon the periods of development of the moral life. 3 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 103 California Hall.

208. School Supervision.

Associate Professor RUGH.

Education as a social process; the school as the institution for making this process effective; differentiation of functions; superintendent, principals, supervisors; rights and duties of each in the system; supervising the material conditions of the school; supervising instruction; discipline; school activities; social and athletic; personal coöperation of school officials; relation of officials to community; means and opportunities for growth in a system. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 103 California Hall.


ALBERT M. KALES, LL.B., Associate Professor of Law, Northwestern University.

HENRY W. BALLANTINE, A.B., LL.B., Lecturer in Law in the Summer Session.

CARLOS G. WHITE, J.D., Lecturer in Law.

The courses in law are offered both to the student preparing for the legal profession and the general student desiring some knowledge of the common law, or a specific phase of the law. The work is given with practically the same method and thoroughness as is that of the law courses of the regular University session. Where open to the general student, the courses do not require any previous legal training. The double course in Contracts now offered will meet the needs of one desiring a knowledge of the subject for purposes of business, of the teacher or general student wishing to obtain a cross-section view of a phase of the common law, or of the law student looking toward his law degree. The case method of work is used, although certain portions will be covered by lecture to give a complete view of the subject in the limited time.

1. Elementary Law and Jurisprudence.


The general principles of the law. This course will cover the first two books of Blackstone's Commentaries. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 8. 106 Boalt Hall of Law.


102. The Law of Contracts. (Double course.) Discussion and criticism of leading cases involving the fundamental principles of the American Law of Contracts, with a special view to the development of precision in legal reasoning and independent power in the solution of legal problems generally. The course will cover the same ground as the regular first year course in contracts. Text books: Williston's Cases on Contracts, 2 vols. 4 units.

M Tu W Th F, 8-12. 104 Boalt Hall of Law.

203. Persons.

Professor KALES This course will include Parent and Child; Infants, Husband and Wife, and if time permits, Marriage and Divorce. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 106 Boalt Hall of Law.

204. Future Interests.

Professor KALES.

An introduction to the Law of Real Property covering the subject of the Feudal System of Land Laws, Tenure, Feudal Estates, Seizin and Conveyance, and the Statute of Uses, all with reference to the Feudal Law respecting the validity of Future Interests. This will be followed by a study of Estates upon Condition, Reversions, Remainders, the Rule in Shelley's Case, Future Uses, Executory Devises, Future Interests in Personal Property, various Rules of Construction, such as the Implication of Cross Remainders, "Survivor" construed as "Other," Gifts over on Failure of Issue, Vesting of Legacies, and Determination of Classes; then the Rule against Perpetuities, Illegal Conditions and Restraints on Alienation. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 106 Boalt Hall of Law.

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