ENGLISH STOCKTON AXSON, Litt.D., Professor of English, Princeton University. EDWIN W. BOWEN, Ph.D., Professor of English, Randolph-Macon College. GERTRUDE PAYNE, Instructor in Reading and Expression, San Jose State Normal School. FREDERIC T. BLANCHARD, M.A. Instructor in English. HERBERT E. CORY, Ph.D., Instructor in English. HAROLD L. BRUCE, B.L., Reader in English. JA. Narration. Mr. BLANCHARD. Practice in narrative writing, supplemented by the analysis of masterpieces. Lectures, reading, and writing; appointments for criticism. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 8. 19 North Hall. 1B. Exposition. Dr. CORY. Lectures, oral reports, themes, and the study of masterpieces. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 1. 19 North Hall. 3A. Reading and Public Speaking. Miss PAYNE. Exercises for improving the speaking voice by carrying over into it the music of the singing voice; the essentials of good articulation, enunciation, pronunciation, and drills for the improvement of these essential elements; and the value of poise in appearing before an audience; the relation between pronunciation, spelling, and reading; and the great importance of correct English in speaking; the personality of the speaker as a factor in public speaking. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 9. 24 North Hall. 3B. Reading and Public Speaking. Miss PAYNE. Practical application of the rules of public speaking in platform work; reading of ordinary prose and poetry, both with and without the text; extemporaneous and impromptu speaking; the value of impersonation in the interpretation of every-day reading and in speaking. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 10. 24 North Hall. 4. History of American Literature. Professor BOWEN. A general introduction to the history of American literature, with a critical study of American prose and poetry based on representative authors. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 8 p.m. 109 California Hall. 105. Restoration and Eighteenth Century English Literature. Professor AxSON. A course in literary history from Dryden to Burns, in which the individual characteristics of each author will be noted, but especial emphasis laid on the relationship of each to the literary tendencies of his age; the relation of these tendencies to the political, social, and philosophic history of the nation. Some of the topics which will arise for discussion are, the nature of so-called "Classicism," the Restoration Drama, Satiric Literature in Prose and Verse, the Romantic Revolt, the Return to Nature Idea, Democracy in Literature, the Rise of the Novel. The ideal library for the course consists of the original works of each important author from John Dryden to Robert Burns, but as this is beyond expectation, it is suggested that much of the representative verse of the period can be read in Walter C. Bronson's "English Poems of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century" (University of Chicago Press). The plays, essays, and novels are to be had only in separate volumes. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 10. 101 California Hall. 107. The Predecessors of Shakespeare in the English Drama. Professor BOWEN. A general survey of the works of Greene, Peele, Nash and Lodge, followed by a special study of Marlowe as the immediate predecessor of Shakespeare. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 2. 107 California Hall. Professor AXSON. Poetry and prose from Wordsworth to Kipling. In this course there will be some regard for literary history, but everything will be subordinate to the interpretive and critical study of the authors as individual writers; authors included will be Wordsworth, Scott, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Browning, Tennyson, Dickens, Thackeray, Hawthorne, George Eliot, Carlyle, Emerson, Ruskin, Matthew Arnold, Longfellow, Poe, Stevenson, and Kipling. The works of the authors themselves are the basis of study. 2 units. 108. Nineteenth Century Literature. M Tu W Th F, 11. 101 California Hall, 209. The Older English Novel. Mr. BLANCHARD. Although the main outline of the course will endeavor to show the development of English fiction from Defoe to Scott, neither the assigned reading nor the lectures will be limited to novels of the eighteenth century. Where possible the bearing of the eighteenth century upon the later development of the novel will be shown, both in respect to kind and technique. 1 unit. MWF, 9. 19 North Hall. 210. Tennyson's Idylls of the King and the Arthurian Saga. Dr. CORY. The lectures will center in an elaborate examination of Tennyson's poem. Its right to be considered as the representative epic of the nineteenth century; comparison with typical epics of other ages. Fundamental conception of the epic; discussion of the theory that the novel has supplanted the epic. While the origins of the Arthurian story, its florescence in the twelfth century, and the prose epic of Malory will receive incidental treatment it will be solely for the purpose of understanding more clearly how Tennyson and his age moulded the material and made it expressive of our times. Similarly a few of Tennyson's contemporaries, Wagner, Arnold, Swinburne, and others will be discussed for comparative purposes. Any complete and reliable edition of The Idylls of the King will serve as a text. Supplementary reading in the older versions will be assigned from time to time. Malory's Morte D'Arthur in the Everyman's Library edition, the Globe edition or the Temple Classics edition is recommended. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 2. 19 North Hall. ENTOMOLOGY WILLIAM B. HERMS, M.A., Assistant Professor of Entomology. 1. Nature-study in Entomology. Assistant Professor HERMS. By reason of their varied life and form, and because they are readily obtainable, insects are particularly useful for the teacher in naturestudy. This course will not deal with insect classification (except where necessary) but will deal mainly with the biology of the insects as referred to aesthetics, superstition and error, mimicry and resemblance, adaptation (both structural and functional), economics, public health and personal hygiene. Lectures, laboratory exercises and field excursions. 3 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-3. Entomology Laboratory. 102. Medical Parasitology. Assistant Professor HERMS. A general survey of the animal parasites of man and of the domesticated animals, including the role of insects in the transmission of disease. Special emphasis will be placed on biology and control. A treatment of the subject designed for students in medicine, public health, veterinary science, animal industry, and domestic science. Prerequisite: a laboratory course of college grade in biology in which the usual instruments of study are applied, especially the compound microscope. Lectures and laboratory exercises. 3 units. M Tu W Th F, 3-5. Entomology Laboratory. FRENCH FRIEDRICH WILMSEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of French. JEANNE H. GREENLEAF, B.L., Instructor in French. 1. Elementary French. (Double course.) Professor WILMSEN. Pronunciation, vocabulary, essentials of grammar, reading, conversation; method of many German schools will be used. Satisfactory completion of this course will give credit for matriculation subject 15a1 or for French A in the regular session. 4 units. M Tu W Th F, 1-3. 15B North Hall. 2. Advanced Elementary French. (Double course.) Mrs. GREENLEAF. Grammar, composition, reading, and conversation; review of elementary grammatical principles; practice in reading in French; drill in conversation; rapid reading and sight translation. Satisfactory completion of this course will give credit for matriculation subject 15a2 or for French B in the regular session. 4 units. Open to students who have completed course 1 or its equivalent. M Tu W Th F, 9-11. 17 North Hall. Mr. SOLOMON. 3. Advanced French. (Double course.) Review of the essentials of grammar, composition, and pronunciation; practice in reading French, and in rapid reading and sight translation; conversation. Open to students who have completed course 2 or its equivalent, or course B in the regular session. Satisfactory completion of this course will give credit for matriculation subject 15a, or for French C in the regular session. 4 units. M Tu W Th F, 8-10. 16 North Hall. 103. Course for Teachers. Mrs. GREENLEAF. The elements of phonetics in their application to French; phonetic transcription of ordinary texts and transcription from dictation; study of French pronunciation, with much practice. 1 unit. MWF, 11. 17 North Hall. |