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ALVA W. STAMPER, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics, State Normal School,

DERRICK N. LEHMER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics.
JOHN H. McDONALD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics.
BENJAMIN A. BERNSTEIN, A.B., Instructor in Mathematics.
THOMAS BUCK, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics.

1. Graphic Algebra.

Professor STAMPER.

The graphic and algebraic treatment of equations of the first and second degree, both single and simultaneous, the remainder and factor theorems, graphic solution of equations of higher degree, ratio, proportion and variation. This course is equivalent to course A or to matriculation subject 4a1. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 11. 18 North Hall.

2. Plane Trigonometry.


The development of the general formulae of plane trigonometry, with application to the solution of triangles and practice in the use of logarithmic tables. This course is equivalent to course C or to matriculation subject 12a2. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 21 North Hall.

3. Plane Analytic Geometry.


Introduction to the methods of plane analytic geometry. The straight line and circle, elementary properties of the conic sections, problems in loci, application of graphical methods in the solution of equations. This course is equivalent to matriculation subject 12a3. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 8. 18B North Hall.

4. Differential Calculus.

Assistant Professor McDONALD.

The fundamental principles and formulae of the differential calculus, with applications to various problems of geometry, analysis and mechanics. 2 units, or (through additional outside work) 3 units. M Tu W Th F, 10. 21 North Hall.

5. Integral Calculus.

Associate Professor LEHMER.

The fundamental principles and formulae of the integral calculus, with applications to geometry. 2 units, or (through additional outside work) 3 units.

M Tu W Th F, 8. 18 North Hall.

6. Introduction to Projective Geometry.

Associate Professor LEHMER.

The operations of projection and intersection, the principle of duality, construction of projective figures in the plane and in space, projective properties of the conic sections, the relation between metric and projective geometry. This course is equivalent to matriculation subject 12a1. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 18 North Hall.

107. Analytic Geometry of Three Dimensions.

Assistant Professor MCDONALD.

The elementary analytic geometry of the straight line in space, the plane, the sphere, and the conicoids, with a discussion of the theory of higher curves and surfaces. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. 18B North Hall.

108. Differential Equations.


Methods of integrating some of the simple types of ordinary and partial differential equations, with special attention to the linear equation. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. 18в North Hall.

209. The Logic of Mathematics.


A study of the development of geometry, the algebra of number and the algebra of logic, from the assumptions underlying them. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 11. 21 North Hall.

210. The Teaching of Elementary Mathematics.

Professor STAMPER.

A brief consideration of the historical development of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, especially the aspects that relate to present teaching. Illustrations through lantern slides. The logical foundations of the subjects of elementary mathematics, followed by a study of the technique of teaching the several subjects. Comparison of European and American methods. 2 units. M Tu W Th F, 10. 18 North Hall.


THOMAS W. SURETTE, Staff Lecturer on Music, Oxford University. FREDERICK E. CHAPMAN, Supervisor of Music in the Public Schools, Portland, Oregon.

LETHA L. MCCLURE, Lecturer in Music in the Summer Session.

Mrs. LAURETTA V. SWEESY, Special Lecturer in Music.

ESTHER L. HOUK, Instructor in Music in the Summer Session.

A. CYRIL GRAHAM, Director of Theory, Columbia School of Music, Chicago.

1. Tone Thinking and Notation.

Miss HOUK. Recognition of familiar folk-songs and national airs leading up to the recognition of melodies from the great masters. The aim is to quicken the appreciation of music, to supply the basis for musical thought and structural work. Daily written work; dictation in both major and minor scales and their arpeggios; note values and rests, given in rhythmic groupings. For this course no technical knowledge of music is prerequisite. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 2. Hearst Mining Building.

2. Sight Singing.

Miss HOUK.

Sight singing, beginning with the elementary facts gradually leading up to part singing. Open to students who have no previous knowledge of music, as well as to those seeking greater skill in sightsinging. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 3. Hearst Mining Building.

3. Ear Training and Advanced Sight Singing.


The development of power to recognize and write groups of tones as given in musical phrases and in chords both in major and minor modes, and in simple modulations. Sight singing from blackboard, octavo music and books, will follow the the above work each day. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 8. Hearst Mining Building.

4. Song Material and the Interpretation of Songs.


This course is designed for the study and interpretation of carefully selected songs to be used in all grades. Attention will be given

to material for glee clubs and for special occasions, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and graduation. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 9. Hearst Mining Building.

5. Public School Music Methods. (Double course.)


The attitude of the supervisor, the class-room teacher, and the pupils toward music; lesson plans and outlines; selection, teaching and leadership of songs; children's voices in singing; ear-training the foundation of all instruction in music; specific ear-training in public school work; written work, its relation to technical work and ear-training; individual singing, how much and how conducted; a first lesson to a first grade; accent in music, developed through bodily expression; elimination of monotones; tonality and phrasing established in simple song, leading to rote-singing; two, three-, and four-part measure; major scale the basis of melody; tone relation established through song and scale; notation, including staff, measure-signature, bars, measure, quarter- and half-notes; beginning of sight-singing; problems in sight-singing; phrases and melodies in the nine common keys; the one-, two-, three-, and fourbeat note and rest in the common measure-signatures; first use of a book in the hands of children; intermediate tones, beginning with sharp-four and flat-seven; two-part singing, preceded by oral dictation and rounds; further problems in rhythm, two, three and four sounds to the beat in various kinds of measure; three-part singing, triads and inversions; the minor mode, contrasted with the major; four-part singing, introducing the bass or "F" clef; presentation of above outline to classes without previous experience in music. 4 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10-12. Hearst Mining Building.

6. High School Course.


An outline of courses of study and methods of presenting music in the high school; the classification and use of the voices in singing; the balance of voice parts; seating; enunciation; diction; the art of conducting unisons, duets, trios, quartettes, part songs, choruses and cantatas; the selection of material and interpretation. M Tu W Th F, 9. Hearst Mining Building.

7. Art of Conducting.

2 units.


The correct use of the baton; technic of beating the part measure; tone color, how secured; seating of chorus or orchestra; how to detect errors; directing general ensemble, vocal and instrumental;

use of orchestral instruments; study of orchestral works; making of programmes. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 10. Hearst Mining Building.

8. Chorus.


Study and rendering of music suitable for high school assemblies, glee clubs, concerts, graduations; programme making. One evening during the session will be devoted to a concert to be given by the chorus, and all men and women not especially members of the classes in music, are cordially invited to attend chorus practice and participate in the concert if practicable. "Galia," a cantata for chorus and solo soprano, selections from the "Barber of Bagdad," by Cornelius, the march from "Tannhauser," Wagner, and other choruses from standard oratorios will be given. 1 unit.

M Tu W Th F, 5. 200 Hearst Mining Building.

9. Elementary Harmony.


The study of tones and combinations of tones; thorough drill in the formation of scales, intervals and triads; writing of simple melodies based upon a major triad, the study of phrase, period and cadence, also the analysis of melodies. Simple chord combinations will be played, recognized and written. Melodies will be harmonized, using the triads upon the first fourth and fifth degrees of the scale and dominant seventh. Meister Chorale by Schumann (Peter's edition), will be used. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 1. Hearst Mining Building.

10. Advanced Harmony.


The analysis of musical composition; cadences, chords, of the dominant seventh and dominant ninth; use of the minor subdominant and related chords in a major key, passing tones, suspensions, altered chords, the augmented triad, etc. Practical demonstration in part writing will be expected from all students. 2 units.

M Tu W Th F, 4. Hearst Mining Building.

11. The Appreciation of Music.


In this course the lecturer will discuss music as one of the phases of artistic and human expression; i.e., not so much music itself as an independent art, as music in its relation to other arts and to human life. Just as neither painting, sculpture nor literature can be discussed divorced from life in its totality-since they are expressions of life-so it is with music. Beethoven's symphonies do not stand

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