DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT, SS. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the eleventh day of DecemL.S. ber, in the fifty-fourth year of the independence of the United States of America, SERENO E. DWIGHT, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a Book the right whereof, to the "Works" he claims as Proprietor, and to the "Memoir" as Author, in the words followto wit: The Works of President Edwards, with a Memoir of his life, in ten vol-umes." In conformity to the Act of Congress of the United States, entitled " an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and also to the act, entitled "an act, supplementary to an act, entitled, an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, charts, and books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving and etching, historical and other prints." CHARLES A. INGERSOLL, Clerk of the District of Connecticut. A true copy of Record, examined and sealed by me, Clerk of the District of Connecticut. NEW-HAVEN, PRINTED BY BALDWIN AND TREADWAY. Miab E196 7829 copyl ADVERTISEMENT. THE length of time, which has elapsed, since this edition of the Works of President Edwards was, in a sense, announced, needs a brief explanation. His manuscripts were so illegible, and left in such a state, that it was impossible to decide on the publication of any of them, until they were copied. The materials for his Life, were to be sought for in remote places, by consulting those advanced in life, by finding out family traditions, by copying records, by collecting letters, manuscripts and pamphlets, and the original editions of his works, in libraries of long standing, and in the collections of antiquaries. Many of the manuscripts, thus discovered, were so illegible, that no one could be found to undertake the task of copying them. According to the original plan, the negligences of language in the published works were to be corrected; and this plan was not relinquished, until the slow process of correcting them with the pen, on the printed page, was far advanced towards completion. The expense of copying the manuscripts of Mr. Edwards, was also heavy, and could not have been defrayed, but for the liberality of a friend. Without any farther detail of circumstances, it need only be stated, that the whole work, including the examination and copying of the manuscripts, the preparation of the unpublished manuscripts, and of the Life, has occupied several years of constant labour, and has been pursued unremittingly, and at the sacrifice of health, by a regular devotion to it, of all the time, that could be spared from professional duties. In preparing the Memoir, the Life by Dr. Hopkins, which is the testimony of an eye-witness, has been incorporated; and the quotations are marked in the usual way, except where the paragraphs are seriously altered by the insertion of new matter. In the last chapter, free use is made of a brief sketch of the Life and Character of Mr. Edwards, (also the testimony of an eye-witness,) by a gentleman connected with the college at Princeton, probably Dr. Finley, inserted in the first edition of the Treatise on Original Sin; as well as of a well written review of the Worcester Edition of his works, in the Christian Spectator. To a friend I am indebted, for the very brief account of the two Treatises on Original Sin, and the Freedom of the Will. The works, heretofore published, are taken from the English Edition, as far as it contained them, without alterations of the language. The notes of its editor, Dr. Williams, are marked with a W. at the end, and have been retained by request. CONTENTS. His Descent. Family of Edwards. Family of Stoddard. His Fa- Settlement in the ministry at Northampton. Situation of things at the time of his settlement. Attention to Religion in the Parish. Course of Study. Habits of Life. Marriage. Death and Cha- Remarkable Revival of Religion, in 1734, and '35. Power. Manner of treating Awakened Sinners. Decline. Religious Controversy in Hampshire. Narrative of Surprising Conversions. His views of Revivals of Re- ligion. Remarkable Providence at Northampton. "Five Dis- courses. Mr. Bellamy a resident of his family. History of Re- Commencement of a second Great Revival of Religion, in the Spring to his Daughter. Letter to a young Lady in Connecticut. Lay Preaching. Letter of Rev. G. Tennent. ven. Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God. Pre- Temporary Abatement of Religious Attention. Letter to Mr. Bel- lamy. Missionary Tour. Success at Leicester. Mr. Hopkins becomes a member of his family. Mr. Buell's successful labours at Northampton. Mr. Edwards' Narrative of the Revival at North- ampton, in 1740, '41, '42. Covenant entered into by the Church. 157 Mrs. Edwards. Her solemn self-dedication. Her uncommon disco- veries of the Divine Perfections and Glory; and of the Excellency Extent of the Revival of 1740, '41, '42. Auspicious opening. Op- posed by its enemies; and injured by its friends. Thoughts on the Revival in New-England." Attestations of numerous minis- ters. Causes of its decline. Influence of Mr. Whitefield, Mr. Tennent, and others. Inflence of Mr. Edwards' Publications in Scotland. Great Revival of Religion there. His correspondents First Interview with David Brainerd. Separations from Churches. Letter to Rev. Mr. Whitman. Correspondence with Mr. Clap. Character of that gentleman. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Abercrombie. Letter to Mr. M'Culloch. Views of the Prophe- cies, relative to the Church. Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. Mistakes extensively prevalent at this time, as to the nature and evi- dences of True Godliness. "Treatise on Religious Affections." Design and Character of the Work. Republished abroad. Letter from Mr. Gillespie concerning it. Letter from Mr. Edwards to Mr. M'Culloch. Reply to Mr. Gillespie. Proposal made in Scot- land, for United Extraordinary Prayer. Efforts of Mr. Edwards to Arrival of David Brainerd at Northampton. His sickness and death at the house of Mr. Edwards. His papers. Death of Jerusha, the second daughter of Mr. E. Her character. Correspondence of Mr. E. with Rev. John Erskine. Abstract of Mr. E.'s first Letter to Mr. Erskine. Plan conceived of the Freedom of the Will. Death of Col. Stoddard. Kindness of Mr. Erskine. Letter of Mr. E. to him. Second Letter from Mr. Gillespie. Letter to Mr. M'Culloch. Letter to Mr. Erskine. Letter from Mr. Willison. Life and Diary of Brainerd. Letters to Messrs. Erskine, M'Cul- loch, and Robe. Ordination of Rev. Job Strong. Anecdote of 191 203 220 247 |