ting your souls to him who once committed the pastoral care of them to me, nothing remains, but only (as I am now taking my leave of you) earnestly to beseech you, from love to yourselves, if you have none to me, not to despise and forget the warnings and counsels I have so often given you; remembering the day when you and I must meet again before the great Judge of quick and dead; when it will appear whether the things I have taught you were true, whether the counsels I have given you were good, and whether I truly sought your good, and whether you bave well improved my endeavours. I have, from time to time, earnestly warned you against frolicking (as it is called,) and some other liberties commonly taken by young people in the land. Aud whatever some may say, in justification of such liberties and customs, and may laugh at warnings against them, I now leave you my parting testimony against such things; not doubting but God will approve and confirm it, in that day when we shall meet before Him. V. I would apply myself to the children of the congregation, the lambs of this flock, who have been so long under my care. : I have just now said, that I have had a peculiar concern for the young people and in so saying, I did not intend to exclude you. You are in youth, and in the most early youth: and therefore I have been sensible, that if those that were young had a precious opportunity for their souls' good, you who are very young had, in many respects, a peculiarly precious opportunity. And accordingly I have not neglected you: I have endeavoured to do the part of a faithful shepherd, in feeding the lambs as well as the sheep. Christ did once commit the care of your souls to me as your minister; and you know, dear children, how I have instructed you, and warned you from time to time: you know how I have often called you together for that end and some of you, sometimes, have seemed to be affected with what I have said to you. But I am afraid it has had no saving effect, as to many of you; but that you remain still in an unconverted condition, without any real saving work wrought in your souls, convincing you thoroughly of your sin and misery, causing you to see the great evil of sin, and to mourn for it, and hate it above all things; and giving you a sense of the excellency of the Lord Jesus Christ, bringing you, with all your hearts, to cleave to Him as your Saviour; weaning your hearts from the world; and causing you to love God above all, and to delight in holiness more than in all the pleasant things of this earth and so that I now leave you in a miserable condition, having no interest in Christ, and so under the awful displeasure and anger of God, and in danger of going down to the pit of eternal misery. But now I must bid you farewell: I must leave you in the hands of God. I can do no more for you than to pray for you. Only I desire you not to forget, but often think of the counsels and warnings I have given you, and the endeavours I have used, that your souls might be saved from everlasting destruction. This Dear children, I leave you in an evil world, that is full of snares and temptations. God only knows what will become of you. the Scripture has told us, that there are but few saved: and we have abundant confirmation of it from what we see. This we see, that children die as well as others: multitudes die before they grow up; and of those that grow up, comparatively few ever give good evidence of saving conversion to God. I pray God to pity you, and take care of you, and provide for you the best means for the good of your souls; and that God himself would undertake for you, to be your heavenly Father, and the mighty Redeemer of your immortal souls. Do not neglect to pray for yourselves: take heed you be not of the number of those, who cast off fear, and restrain prayer before God. Constantly pray to God in secret; and often remember that great day, when you must appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, and meet your minister there, who has so often counselled and warned you. I conclude with a few words of advice to all in general, in some particulars, which are of great importance in order to the future welfare and prosperity of this church and congregation. 1. One thing that greatly concerns you, as you would be an happy people, is the maintaining of family order. We have had great disputes how the church ought to be regulated; and indeed the subject of these disputes was of great importance: but the due regulation of your families is of no less, and in some respects, of much greater importance. Every christian family ought to be, as it were, a little church, consecrated to Christ, and wholly influenced and governed by his rules. And family education and order are some of the chief of the means of grace. If these fail, all other means are like to prove ineffectual. If these are duly maintained, all the means grace will be like to prosper and be successful. of Let me now, therefore, once more, before I finally cease to speak to this congregation, repeat and earnestly press the counsel, which I have often urged on heads of families here, while I was their pastor, to great painfulness, in teaching, warning and directing their children; bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; beginning early, where there is yet opportunity; and maintaining a constant diligence in labours of this kind: remembering that, as you would not have all your instructions and counsels ineffectual, there must be vernment as well as instructions, which must be maintained with an even hand, and steady resolution; as a guard to the religion and morals of the family, and the support of its good order. Take heed that it be not with any of you, as it was with Eli of old, who reproved his children, but restrained them not; and that by this means you do not bring the like curse on your families, as he did on his. curse. go And let children obey their parents, and yield to their instructions, and submit to their orders, as they would inherit a blessing, and not a For we have reason to think, from many things in the word of God, that nothing has a greater tendency to bring a curse on persons, in this world, and on all their temporal concerns, than an undutiful, unsubmissive, disorderly behaviour in children towards their parents. 2. As you would seek the future prosperity of this society, it is of vast importance that you should avoid contention. A contentious people will be a miserable people. The contentions, which have been among you, since I first became your pastor, have been one of the greatest burdens I have laboured under, in the course of my ministry not only the contentions you have had with me, but those you have had one with another, about your lands, and other concerns: because I knew that contention, heat of spirit, evil speaking, and things of the like nature, were directly contrary to the spirit of christianity, and did, in a peculiar manner, tend to drive away God's spirit from a people, and to render all means of grace ineffectual, as well as to destroy a people's outward comfort and welfare. Let me, therefore, earnestly exhort you, as you would seek your own future good, hereafter to watch against a contentious spirit. If you would see good days, seek peace and ensue it, 1 Pet. iii. 10, 11. Let the contention, which has lately been about the terms of christian communion, as it has been the greatest of your contentions, so be the last of them. I would, now I am preaching my Farewell Sermon, say to you, as the apostle to the Corinthians, 2 Cor. xiii. 11, Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect be of one mind: live in peace: and the God of love and peace shall be with you. And here I would particularly advise those, that have adhered to me in the late controversy, to watch over their spirits, and avoid all bitterness towards others. Your temptations are, in some respects, the greatest: because what has been lately done is grievous to you. But, however wrong you may think others have done, maintain, with great diligence and watchfulness, a christian meekness and sedateness of spirit: and labour, in this respect, to excel others who are of the contrary part: and this will be the best victory: for he that rules his spirit, is better than he that takes a city. Therefore let nothing be done through strife or vainglory indulge no revengeful spirit in any wise; but watch and pray against it and by all means in your power, seek the prosperity of this town and never think you behave yourselves as becomes christians, but when you sincerely, sensibly and fervently, love all men, of whatever party or opinion, and whether friendly or unkind, just or injurious, te you, or your friends, or to the cause and kingdom of Christ. 3. Another thing, that vastly concerns the future prosperity of the town, is, that you should watch against the encroachments of Error; and particularly Arminianism, and doctrines of like tendency. You were many of you, as I well remember, much alarmed, with the apprehension of the danger of the prevailing of these corrupt principles, near sixteen years ago. But the danger then was small, in comparison of what appears now: these doctrines, at this day, are much more prevalent, than they were then the progress they have made in the land, within this seven years, seems to have been vastly greater, than at any time in the like space before: and they are still prevailing, and creeping into almost all parts of the land, threatening the utter ruin of the credit of those doctrines, which are the peculiar glory of the gospel, and the interests of vital piety. And I have of late perceived some things among yourselves, that show that you are far from being out of danger, but on the contrary remarkably exposed. The elder people may perhaps think themselves sufficiently fortified against infection but it is fit that all should beware of self-confidence and carnal security, and should remember those needful warnings of sacred writ, Be not high minded but fear, and let him that stands, VOL. I. 82 take heed lest he fall. But let the case of the elder people be as it will, the rising generations are doubtless greatly exposed. These principles are exceedingly taking with corrupt nature, and are what young people, at least such as have not their hearts established with grace, are easily led away with. And if these principles should greatly prevail in this town, as they very lately have done in another large town I could name, formerly greatly noted for religion, and so for a long time, it will threaten the spiritual and eternal ruin of this people, in the present and future generations. Therefore you have need of the greatest and most diligent care and watchfulness with respect to this matter. 4. Another thing which I would advise to, that you may hereafter be a prosperous people, is, that you would give yourselves much to prayer. God is the fountain of all blessing and prosperity, and he will be sought to for his blessing. I would therefore advise you, not only to be constant in secret and family prayer, and in the public worship of God in his house, but also often to assemble yourselves in private praying societies. I would advise all such, as are grieved for the afflictions of Joseph, and sensibly affected with the calamities of this town, of whatever opinion they be, with relation to the subject of our late controversy, often to meet together for prayer, and cry to God for his mercy to themselves, and mercy to this town, and mercy to Zion, and to the people of God in general through the world. 5. The last article of advice, I would give, (which doubtless does greatly concern your prosperity,) is, that you would take great care with regard to the settlement of a minister, to see to it who or what manner of person he is, whom you settle: and particularly in these two respects. (1.) That he be a man of thoroughly sound principles, in the scheme of doctrine which he maintains. This you will stand in the greatest need of, especially at such a day of corruption as this is. And, in order to obtain such an one, you had need to exercise extraordinary care and prudence. I know the danger. I know the manner of many young gentlemen of corrupt principles, their ways of concealing themselves, the fair specious disguises they are wont to put on, by which they deceive others, to maintain their own credit, and get themselves into others' confidence and improvement, and secure and establish their own interest, until they see a convenient opportunity to begin, more openly, to broach and propagate their corrupt tenets. (2.) Labour to obtain a man, who has an established character, as a person of serious religion and fervent piety. It is of vast importance that those, who are settled in this work, should be men of true piety, at all times, and in all places; but more especially at some times and in some towns and churches. And this present time, which is a time wherein religion is in danger, by so many corruptions in doctrine and practice, is in a peculiar manner, a day wherein such ministers are necessary. Nothing else but sincere piety of heart is at all to be depended on, at such a time as this, as a security to a young man, just coming into the world, from the prevailing infection, to thoroughly to engage him, in proper and successful endeavours, to withstand and oppose the torrent of error and prejudice, against the high, mysterious, evangelical doctrines of the religion of Jesus Christ, and their genuine effects in true experimental religion. And this place is a place, that does peculiarly need such a minister, for reasons obvious to all. If you should happen to settle a minister, who knows nothing, truly, of Christ, and the way of salvation by him, nothing experimentally of the nature of vital religion; alas, how will you be exposed as sheep without a shepherd. Here is need of one in this place, who shall be eminently fit to stand in the gap, and make up the hedge, and who shall be as,the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof. You need one, that shall stand as a champion, in the cause of truth andgodliness. Having briefly mentioned these important articles of advice, nothing remains, but that I take my leave of you, and bid you all farewell, wishing and praying for your prosperity. I would now cominend your immortal souls to HIM, who formerly committed them to me; expecting the day, when I must meet you again before him, who is the Judge of quick and dead. I desire that I u ay never forget this people, who have been so long my special charge, and that I may never cease fervently to pray for your prosperity. May God bless you with a faithful pastor, one that is well acquainted with his mind and will, thoroughly warning sinners, wisely and skilfully searching professors, and conducting you in the way to eternal blessedness. May you have truly a burning and shining light set up in this candlestick; and may you not only for a season, but during his life, and that a long life, be willing to rejoice in his light. And let me be remembered, in the prayers of all God's people, that are of a calm spirit, and are peaceable and faithful in Israel, of whatever opinion they may be, with respect to terms of Church Communion. And let us all remember, and never forget, our future, solemn meeting, on that Great day of the Lord; the day of infallible and of the unalterable sentence. AMEN. |