And Boileau still in right of Horace sways. 715 Yet some there were, among the founder few 720 Who durst assert the juster ancient cause, And here restor'd Wit's fundamental laws. Such was the Muse, whose rules and practice tell, „Nature's chief Master-piece is writing well.,, 725 COMMENTARY. VER. 724. Such was the Muse -) Essay on Poetry by the Duke of Buckingham. Our Poet is not the only one of his time who complimented this Effay, and its noble Author. Mr. Dryden had done it very largely in the Dedication to his tranflation of the Æneid; and Dr. Garth in the first Edition of his Dispensary fays, The Tyber now no courtly Gallus sees, Tho' afterwards omitted, when parties were carried so high in the reign of Queen Anne, as to allow no commendation to an opposite in Politics. The Duke was all his life a steady adherent to the Church of England-Party, yet an Enemy to the extravagant measures of the Court in the reign of Charles II. On which account, after having strongly patronized Mr. Dryden, za coolness fucceeded between them on that poet's absolute attachment to the Court, which carried him fome lengths beyond what the Duke could approve of. This nobleman's true character had been very well marked by Mr. Dryden before, The Muse's friend, Himfelf a Mufe. In Sanadrin's debate True to his prince, but not a flave of state. Abf. and Achit. Our Author was more happy, he was honoured very young with his friendship, and it continued till his death in all the circumftances of a familiar esteem. 731 Such was Roscommon, not more learn'd than good, Not free from faults, nor yet too vain to mend. 745 1 |