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Discourse on PASTORAL.

Written in the Year MDCCIV.

Rura mihi & rigui placeant in vallibus amnes,
Flumina amem, sylvasque, inglorius!

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HERE are not, I believe, a greater number of any fort of verses than of those which are called Paftorals; nor a smaller, than of those which are truly fo. It therefore feems necessary to give fome account of this kind of Poem, and it is my design to comprize in this short paper the fubitan. ce of those numerous differtations the Critics have made on the subject, without omitting any of their rules in my own favour. You will also find some points reconciled, about which they feem to differ and a few remarks, which, I think, have escaped, their observation.

The original of Poetry is ascribed to that Age which fucceeded the creation of the World and as the keeping of flocks seems to have been the first employment of mankind, the most ancient fort of poetry was probably paftoral b), It is natural to imagine, that the leifure of those ancient shepherds adınitting and inviting some diverfion, none was fo 4) Written at fixteen years of age. b) Fontenelle's Disc. on Paftorals. A

proper to that folitary and fedentary life as finging; and that in their fongs they took occafion to celebrate their own felicity. From hence a Poem was invented, and afterwards improved to a perfect image of that happy time; which by giving us an esteem for the virtues of a former age, might recommend them to the present. And fince the life of shepherds was attended with more tranquillity than any other rural employment, the Poets chose to introduce their Perfons, from whom it received the name of Paftoral.

VOA Paftoral is an imitation of the action of a shepherd, or one confidered under that character. The form of this imitation is dramatic, or narrative, or mixed of both); the fable simple, the manners not too polite nor too ruftic the thoughts are plain, yet admit a little quickness and paffion, but that short and flowing: the expreffion humble, yet as pure as the language will afford; neat, but not florid; cafy, and yet lively. In short, the fable, manners, thoughts, and expressions are full of the greatest fimplicity in nature.

The complete character of this poem confitts in simplicity), brevity, and delicacy; the two first of which render an eclogue natural, and the last delightful.

4) Heinfius in Theocr.

d) Rapin. de Carm. Paft. p. 2.

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