in my power to be informed of my errors by my friends and my enemies. And that I expect no favour on account of my youth, business, want of health, or any fuch idle excuses. But the true reason they are not yet more correct is owing to the confideration how short a time they, and I have to live. A man that can expect but fixty years may be afhamed to employ thirty in meafuring fyllables and bringing sense and rhyme together. We spend our youth in pursuit of riches or fame, in hopes to enjoy them when we are old; and when we are old, we find it is too late to enjoy any thing. I therefore hope the Wits will pardon me; if I referve some of my time to save my foul; and that some wife men will be of my opinion, even if I should think a part of it better spent in the enjoyments of life than in pleasing the critics. Caring for nothing but what Ease requir'd; And yet so wonderful, fublime a thing, 5 10 15 Except I justly could at once commend 'Tis great delight to laugh at some mens ways, But a much greater to give Merit praife. 20 To Mr. POPE, on his Paftorals. I N these more dull, as more censorious days, When few dare give, and fewer merit praise, A Muse fincere, that never Flatt'ry knew, Young, yet judicious; in your verse are found 10 Laborioufly enervate they appear, 15 Your strains are regularly bold, and please 20 25 30 35 40 And needs will envy what they must esteem. 45 Live and enjoy their spite! nor mourn that fate, Which would, if Virgil liv'd, on Virgil wait; Whose Muse did once, like thine, in plains delight; Thine shall, like his, foon take a higher flight; So Larks, which first from lowly fields arife, 50 W. WYCHERLEY. To Mr. POPE, on his Windfor-Forest. H 5 AIL, facred Bard! a Muse unkoown before Salutes thee from the bleak Atlantic fhore. To our dark world thy fhining page is shown, And Windfor's gay retreat becomes our own. The Eaftern pomp had just bespoke our care, And India pour'd her gaudy treasures here: A various fpoil adorn'd our naked land, The pride of Perfia glitter'd on our strand, And China's Earth was caft on common fand: Toss'd up and down the glossy fragments lay, And dress'd the rocky shelves, and pav'd the painted bay. Thy treasures next arriv'd and now we boaft More lafting glories than the East can give. Where-e'er we dip in thy delightful page, What pompous scenes our bufy thoughts engage! The pompous scenes in all their pride appear, Fresh in the page, as in the grove they were. Nor half so true the fair Lodona shows The sylyan ftate that on her border grows, } 10 15 20 |