And fits in measures such as Virgil's Muse 35 Rapt with the thought, my fancy seeks the plains, And turns me shepherd while I hear the strains. Indulgent nurse of ev'ry tender gale, 40 Here in the cool my limbs at ease I fpread, 45 In English lays, and all fublimely great, Himfelf unknown, his nighty name admir'd; 54 So wealthy Mines, that ages long before 1 Here clear the caves, there ope the leading vein; How vast, how copious, are thy new designs! 65 How ev'ry Music varies in thy lines! 70 Thus in the wood, when fummer dress'd the days, The shades resound with song - O foftly tread, This to my Friend--and when a friend inspires, 85 Shew my own love, tho' not increase his fame. 90 T. PARNELL. LE To Mr. POPE. ET vulgar fouls triumphal arches raise, 'Tis thine, on ev'ry heart to grave thy praise, Nor 'till the volumes of th' expanded sky 5 10 If aught on earth, when once this breath is fled, With human transport touch the mighty dead, 20 Thus when thy draughts, O Raphael! time in vades, And the bold figure from the canvass fades, Some latent grace, and equals art with arti Transported we survey the dubious strife, How long, untun'd, had Homer's facred lyre Jarr'd grating difcord, all extinct his fire? 30 This you beheld; and, taught by heav'n to fing, Call'd the loud music from the founding string. Now wak'd from flumbers of three thousand years, Once more Achilles in dread pomp appears, Tours o'er the field of death; as fierce he turns, 35 Keen flash his arms, and all the Hero burns; With martial stalk, and more than mortal might, He ftrides along, and meets the Gods in fight: Then the pale Titans, chain'd on burning floors, Start at the din that rends th' infernal shores, 40 Tremble the tow'rs of Heav'n, earth rocks her coafts, And gloomy Pluto shakes with all his ghosts. 45 Toss the wild waves, and thunder in the skies; Or fofter than a yielding virgin's figh, The gentle breezes breathe away and die. Thus, like the radiant God who sheds the day, You paint the vale, or gild the azure way; SO And while with ev'ry theme the verse complies, Sink without groveling; without rafhness rife. Proceed, great Bard! awake th' harmonious string. Be ours all Homer! still Ulyffes fing, How long that Hero a), by unskilful hands, 55 Strip'd of his robes, a beggar trod our lands? Such as he wander'd o'er his native coaft, O'er his fmooth skin a bark of wrinkles spread; Old age disgrac'd the honours of his head; 60 Nor longer in his heavy eye ball shin'd The glance divine, forth beaming from the mind. But you, like Pallas, ev'ry limb infold With royal robes, and bid him shine in gold; Touch'd by your hand, his manly frame improves With grace divine, and like a God he moves. Ev'n I, the meanest of the Muse's train, Inflam'd by thee, attempt a nobler strain; 1 Advent'rous waken the Mæonian iyre, Tun'd by your hand, and fing as you inspire: Like theirs, our Friendship! and I boaft my naine This labour past, of heav'nly fubjects fing, 70 75 Or nobly rifing in fair Virtue's cause, From thy own life transcribe th' unerring laws: 80 And men more fierce: when Orpheus tunes the lay, Ev'n fiends relenting hear their rage away. |