The Electrical Review, Količina 28

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IPC Electrical-Electronic Press,., 1891

Iz vsebine knjige


Druge izdaje - Prikaži vse

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Stran 213 - As a unit of resistance, the international ohm, which is based upon the ohm equal to 10" units of resistance of the CGS system of electromagnetic units, and is represented by the resistance offered to an unvarying electric current by a column of mercury at the temperature of melting ice, 14.4521 grams in mass, of a constant cross-sectional area and of the length of 106.3 centimetres.
Stran 214 - ... the electromotive force that, steadily applied to a conductor whose resistance is one international ohm, will produce a current of...
Stran 68 - Trade may, on a certificate by the liquidator that the person claiming is entitled, make an order for the payment to that person of the sum due.
Stran 213 - As a unit of current, the international ampere, which is onetenth of the unit of current of the cgs system of electromagnetic units, and which is represented sufficiently well for practical use by the unvarying current which, when passed through a solution of nitrate of silver in water, and in accordance with accompanying specifications, deposits silver at the rate of 0.001118 of a gramme per second.
Stran 93 - Success attend Admiral Nelson ! God bless Captain Miller ! We thank them for the officers they have placed over us. We are happy and comfortable, and will shed every drop of blood in our veins to support them ; and the name of the Theseus shall be immortalised as high as the Captain's.
Stran 67 - ... has in his hands or under his control any money representing unclaimed or undistributed assets of the company which have remained unclaimed or undistributed for six months after the date of their receipt, the liquidator shall forthwith pay the same to the Companies Liquidation Account at the Bank of England.
Stran 213 - That the magnitudes of these standards should be determined on the electromagnetic system of measurement with reference to the centimetre as unit of length, the gramme as unit of mass, and the second as unit of time, and that by the terms centimetre and gramme are meant the standards of those denominations deposited with the Board of Trade. (3) " That the standard of electrical resistance should be denominated the ohm, and should have the value 1,000,000,000 in terms of the centimetre and second.
Stran 89 - Dublin, at such time as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before such debts are proved.
Stran 168 - Closer study of the two paths of discharge showed that the oblique arc left the very apex of the point, swinging out laterally into its path ; also that the normal arc, on approaching the point, avoided the apex and entered the wire from the side, never passing in at the point itself. From these observations it appears : — 1. That the discharge from the ball (positive) leaves the latter in a direction normal to the surface, but that it enters the other terminal at some distance from the apex. 2....
Stran 67 - Each receipt and payment must be entered in the account in such a manner as sufficiently to explain its nature. The receipts and payments must severally be added up at the foot of each sheet, and the totals carried forward...

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