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Magnetic Telegraph.-Communication beetween St. Louis and the Eastern Cities.

We are pleased to be able, in the first number of our Journal, to announce the Telegraphic connection between St. Louis and the Eastern Cities.

The first communication, from Illinois Town, on the opposite side of the river, was made, on the 20th ultimo. Captain H. M. SHREEVE sent the first message.

Great flood in the Ohio river, about the 15th ultimo. the river at Cincinnati was reported to have risen about 60 fet above low water mark-lacking but a few feet of being as high es the great flood of 1832.

No. 1.

Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Wood, &c.Amount of Lumber Sawed at St. Louis.

By reference to the following statistics, it will be seen, that the lumber and wood trade at St. Louis are becoming matters of much impor. tance-branches of business that may well receive some attention.

The reports of the Lumber and Wood Master, for the last three years, show the following receipts at the wharf:

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From the best information we can get, the amount of Lumber sawed at the different Mills at St. Louis, is about 15,000,000 feet per annum, which added to that measured at the wharf, shows the amount of lumber, consumed per year, at St. Louis, to be over 30,000,000 of feet; this will give some idea of the growth of St. Louis.

No. 2.

Specie and Bullion in the United States.

The New York Journal of Commerce gives a table showing the amount of specie and bullion imported into the United States, (through the Custom House,) and exported from the United States, 1821 to 1846, inclusive; the sum total being as follows:







"The returns (says the Journal) for the year ending June 30, 1847, are not yet made up, but it is known that the imports of specie were very heavy, and the exports very light. There must have been a considerable exportation of coin from New Orleans for the use of our army in Mexico. From the returns at New York, Boston and New Orleans, and other datas, we should judge that from the 30th June, 1846, to the 1st of the present month, the imports of specie into the United States, through the Custom House, were at least twenty millions over and above the exports. Since the first inst., and for a short time previous, the current has been running the other way, though not very strongly.


It has been estimated that the amount of specie in the country on the

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Estimated net addition from 30th June, 1846, to 1st instant 20,000,000

Leaving on hand 1st instant

$99,558,799 Or say in round numbers, $100,000,000. That the amount exceeds this, rather than falls below it, we fully believe. For if large numbers are constantly melted up for plate and jewelry, so on the other hand a

vast aggregate is imported by emigrants, which does not pass through the Custom House, and of course is not included in the returns. The amount so imported is believed to exceed $5,000,000 per annum on an average of the last ten years; and this year, owing to the vast imcrease of emigration, and the further fact that a larger portion of the emigrants than usual possess some property, we estimate the amount of specie which they bring at $10,000,00. This would be about $40 each, on an average.

The amount of specie in the country on the 30th of September, 1841, according to a calculation made by the then Register of the Treasury, was $63,503,898. The increase since is $40,000,000 or upwards.

The following shows the amount of Gold and Silver Coinage of the United States Mints:

Charlotte, N. C. Dahlonega, Ga. N. Orleans. Philadelphia. Total. 72,085,530 72,085,530

1793 to 1837

1838" 1841 507,025 517,990 1,850 693 10,429,664 72,085,530

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

2,426,851 4,190,764 6,530,043 11,940,187

184,508 309,647 1,295,750
272,064 670,000 4,568,000
146,210 488,600 4,208,500 2,843,457 7,687,767
501,795 1,750,000 3,416,800 5,667,595
76,665 449,727 2,483,800 3,623,443 6,633,965

1,177,772 2,057,839 16,165,743 101,355,288 120,931,170

No. 3.

The Manufacture of Flour at St. Louis.

The following table will show what St. Louis is doing in the business of Flour Manufacturing.

We have made up our table from the facts obtained from the several establishments. The amonnt was not, perhaps, in any case, given with perfect accuracy, but were nevertheless designed to approximate as near to the truth as practicable without a minute investigation into the Books of the several concerns.

The commendable enterprise, and good judgement of the St. Louis Millers have established a reputation for the flour manufactured here which gives it an advantage of from 10 to 15 per cent. over the brands of any other part of the Mississippi Valley.

The number of Mills and the enterprise of their owners not only create competition, but are calculated to give a steadiness to the wheat market, which could not exist were the producers entirely dependent upon those who are purchasers for foreign markets.

If there existed competition here from the like cause for all our great staples it would place the prosperity of the West upon a more permanent basis, and thus protect the producers from the revulsions which frequently occur in prices.

A Table showing the number of Mills-Number and size of Stones, and quantity of Flour produced in St. Louis, in the year 1847.

Name of Mill. No. of Run of Stone. Size of Stone. No. of bls. of Flour.

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There are now being built two other mills in the city calculated for two run of stone each.

We give the above facts as we get them from either the owners or agents, on the premises, and doubt not that the information approximates. sufficiently near to the truth for all the purposes designed by our table.

No. 4.

Number of Steamboat arrivals each month at St. Louis,—Amount of Tonnage,-Also, the number of Keels and Flats.

In order to give some idea, of the number of Steamboat arrivals and amount of tonnage, at different seasons of the year at the port of St. Louis, we give the following table, showing the number of arrivals each month, which will enable our readers to form an opinion as to what period of the year the heaviest portion of the commerce of St. Louis is carried on.

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193 46.554

68 August,

211 37.553 75 September,
171 28.331| 72 October,

237 37.558 162 November, November, 185 31.346 171 December,

238 42.408| 74 242 41.229| 20 341 56.038 35

297 46.731 60


190 32.393 120

2412 577.824 881

2995 558.186' 558

The month of December of course is not included in 1847.

No. 5.

To Prevent Wood Decaying.

Take 12 ounces of rosin, and eight ounces of brimstone, each coarsely powdered, and three gallons of train oil.-Heat them slowly, gradually adding four ounces of Bees. wax, cut in small bits. Frequently stir the liquor, which as soon as the solid ingredients are dissolved, will be fit for use. What remains unused will become hard on cooling, and may be remelted on subsequent occasions. When it is fit for use, add as much Spanish brown, or red or yellow

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