Treaty Series, Volume 2466: Annexes A, BUnited Nations Publications, 2011 - 349 strani In accordance with Article 102 of the Charter and the relevant General Assembly Resolutions, every treaty and international agreement registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat since 1946 is published in the United Nations Treaty Series. At present, the collection includes about 30,000 treaties reproduced in their authentic languages, together with translations into English and French, as necessary. The Treaty Series, where treaties are published in the chronological order of registration, also provides details about their subsequent history (i.e., participation in a treaty, reservations, amendments, termination, etc.). Comprehensive Indices covering 50-volume-lots are published separately. A Standing Order service is available for the series and out-of-print volumes are available on microfiche. |
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Austria and | 104 |
i | 201 |
Armenia 205 | 230 |
Avtorske pravice | |
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2007 ACCEPTATION ACCEPTATION D'ADHÉSION ACCESSION African Union Agreement airline Annex approval August 2007 RATIFICATION conformément Conseil de l'Europe coopération Council of Europe Date de prise Date of effect declaration deployed to AMIS Deposit of instrument Dépôt de l'instrument Entrée en vigueur entreprises de transport Entry into force Equipment États-Unis d'Amérique General Assembly Général du Conseil Government Guam including instrument de ratification international du Travail Jakarta Jamaïque June Kingdom l'article l'Organisation des Nations l'Union africaine Lettonie Management Committee Member MINUS déployé Monténégro MUAS Multilatéral CONVENTION Nations Unies Netherlands Notification effected paragraphe Party personnel militaire Philippines présent Mémorandum d'accord présent Protocole prise d'effet provided provisions ratification or acceptance Recueil des Traités referred République de Corée République de Lettonie respect of ratification rights Saipan Secrétaire général Secretariat Secrétariat des Nations Secretary General Security services signature Soudan Strasbourg tary-General Télécommunauté Telecommunity transport aérien Treaty Series United Nations United States UNMIS Military Personnel