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Aberdeen, Lady, 438
Agricultural workers: right of
association, convention, 26, action
on convention by Canada, 43,
Nova Scotia, 43, Saskatchewan,
43; living-in-conditions, recom-
mendation, 27; maternity pro-
tection, recommendation, 27;
social insurance, recommendation,
27, no action on recommendation,
43; technical education, recom-
mendation, 27, legislation bearing
on, 44, action on recommenda-
tion by Canada, 44, Nova Scotia,
44, Saskatchewan, 44; unemploy-
ment, recommendation, 27, action
recommendation by Nova
Scotia, 44, Saskatchewan, 44
Alberta. See Alien workers, Child
labor, Enforcement labor laws,
Fair wages, Hours of work,
Minimum wage, Rest days
Alien Labor Act, 91
Alien languages, use of fourteen
prohibited, 151


Alien organizations, declared un-
lawful, 152

Alien workers, equitable treatment
of, 389-410, 475; Labor Section
on, 20; recommendation, 23, no
action on recommendation, 41
—, workmen's compensation for
accidents; convention, 32, 33;
recommendation, 32, 33-34; leg-
islation bearing on, 45

exclusion from employment
on public works: British
Columbia, 392-96

exclusion from employment
on railways: Hon. Alexander
Mackenzie on, 390; in British
Columbia, 396; Ontario, 396

exclusion from employment
in mines: British Columbia, 396-
400; Northwest Territories, 400-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Canada, Province of, law on con-
spiracy, 119-20

Canadian Bar Association, 63
Canadian Congress Journal, 72, 111
Canadian Federation of Labor, 99,

Canadian Labor Union, 68, 69, 70, 91
Canadian Manufacturer: on labor
legislation, 80-81; sweating, 87;
conviction bricklayers for con-
spiracy in 1889, 132; Dominion
factories act, 482; Knights of
Labor, 484-85

Canadian Manufacturers' Associa-

tion: on alien labor, 91; eight-
hour day, 96, 234-236, 239, 246;
opposes conventions, III; on
combines legislation, 184-85, 187;
minimum wage, 197-98; Alberta
factory act, 248; Lord's Day
Act, 271-72; factories inspection
in Ontario, 434
Cartwright, Sir Richard, 80
Catholic unions, National: begin-
nings of, 99; on incorporation of
trade unions, 178
Chauffeurs, hours of work, Ontario,

Child labor, 302-85, 474-75: Labor
Section on, 20; in agriculture,
convention, 25-26, action on con-
vention by Nova Scotia, 43,
Saskatchewan, 43; recommenda-
tion on night work in agriculture,

26, protection against lead poison-
ing, recommendation, 23, no
action on, 41; protection against
white lead in painting, conven-
tion, 26, no action on, 43; re-
ported on by commissions, 78,
79; committee of Ontario Legis-
lature on, 318, 435


industrial undertakings:
vention on age admission, 22;
action on, British Columbia, 38,
39; Manitoba, 39; Nova Scotia,
39; Saskatchewan, 39; convention
on night work in, 22; action on,
British Columbia, 355-56

at sea: convention on age ad-
mission, 24, 25; action on, 42;
convention on medical examina-
tion, 25; action on, Canada, 42,

mines, 303-12: Alberta, 311-
12; British Columbia, 305-7;
Northwest Territories, 310; Nova
Scotia, 303-5; Ontario, 308-9;
Quebec, 309-10; Saskatchewan,
312; Yukon, 310-11

factories, 312-38: Alberta,
337-38; British Columbia, 334-
35; Manitoba, 329-31; New
Brunswick, 333-34; Nova Scotia,
331-33; Ontario, 312-21; Quebec,
322-29; Saskatchewan, 336-37

shops, 338-43: Alberta, 343;
British Columbia, 342-43;
Manitoba, 340-41; Ontario, 338-
40; Nova Scotia, 342

street trades, 343-53: Alberta,
350-52; British Columbia, 353;
Manitoba, 345-48; New Bruns-
wick, 353; Nova Scotia, 353:
Ontario, 343-45; Quebec, 352;
Saskatchewan, 348-50

-, barrooms and breweries, 354-
55: Alberta, 354; Manitoba, 355;
New Brunswick, 355; Northwest
Territories, 354; Nova Scotia,
354; Quebec, 354; Saskatchewan,
355; Yukon, 354

school attendance regulations,
356-75: Alberta, 371-72; British
Columbia, 359-60; Manitoba, 373-
75; New Brunswick, 367-68;
Northwest Territories, 365-66;
Nova Scotia, 362-65; Ontario,
356-59; Prince Edward Island,

360-61; Quebec, 375; Saskatche-
wan, 369-71; Yukon, 366
Chinese: taxation of, British
Columbia, 390-91; immigration to
British Columbia, 391-92; other
laws against, British Columbia,
392. See also Alien workers
Clayton Act, 113, 114-15, 165, 191
Coal-miners, minimum wage for, in
British Columbia, 223
Coats, R. H., 66, 139, 483
Combination Act, of Nova Scotia :
1816, 116-17; 1864, 118
Combinations, trade, select com-
mittee on, 83. See also Combines
Combines and Fair Prices Act:
186, repealed, 188

Combines Investigation Act: of
1910, 185; repealed, 186; 1923,

Combines legislation: of 1889, 133,

182; amendments, 183; clause in
customs tariff, 183-84; exclusion
of unions from, 472

Commission on Chinese and
Japanese immigration, 94

eight-hour day, Nova Scotia,
235-36, 238


Industrial Relations, 1919:
on principles Labor Section, II;
recommends National Industrial
Conference, 63, report of, 108; on
employers' organizations, 181;
favors minimum wage, 196-7; on
eight-hour day, 231

-, Labor, British Columbia: on
Asiatics, 408; enforcement fac-
tory act, 444; scaffolding inspec-
tors, 455; government regulation
of camps, 463; electrical inspec-
tion, 464

Relations of Labor and
Capital in Canada, 1889: favors
Dominion factory act, 48-49, 50;
on child labor, 79-80, 303; causes
amendment Quebec factory act,
323; on inspection and overload-
ing vessels, 458-60

to enquire into mills and
factories, on child labor, 78, 357

to enquire into sweating
system: favors Dominion factory
act, 50; on home work, 87; on
Ontario and Quebec factory acts,

Commodity, labor as: Labor Sec-
tion on, 20

Commons and Andrews: conspiracy
in United Staes, 190-91; Clayton
Act, 191; minimum wage in
United States, 230
Conciliation, 86, 95

Conspiracy, 70, 116-65, 189-94
Conspiracy and Protection of Pro-
perty Act (British), 126, 127,
129, 192

Contract, breach of: law of 1877,

See International

Labor Conference
Criminal Code, amendments pro-
posed by Trades and Labor Con-
gress, 141, 157-58

Criminal Law Amendment Act,
1872: terms of, 124; report of
House of Commons committee
on, 126; amendments of 1875 and
1876, 127-28

Crothers, Hon. T. W., 94

Damage suits, 116-65, 139, 140,

Eight-hour day. See Hours of

Emigration. See Immigration and

Employers' Association: Toronto,
179-80, Manitoba, 180
Employers' associations: Industrial
Relations Commission on, 181;
restrictions on, 181-82
Employment agencies: private for-
bidden, 100; public established,

[blocks in formation]

factories, 430-47, 467-69:
recommendations on, 23-24, 27-
32; action on, 45, 471: Alberta,
446-47; British Columbia, 443-45;
Manitoba, 439-41; New Bruns-
wick, 442-43; Nova Scotia, 441-
42; Ontario, 430-36; Quebec,
436-39; Saskatchewan, 445-46

-, stores, workshops and bake-
shops, 447-52, 469: Alberta, 452;
British Columbia, 450-51; Mani-
tɔba, 449-50; New Brunswick,
452; Nova Scotia, 451; Ontario,
447-49; Quebec, 450; Saskatche-
wan, 452

building construction, 452-55,
469: Alberta, 455; British
Columbia, 455; Manitoba, 452-
53; Ontario, 454-55; Quebec,
453-54; Saskatchewan, 455

-, shipping: Canada, 456-60, 470

construction works, 460-63,
470; Canada, 460-61; British
Columbia, 462-63; Manitoba, 463:
New Brunswick, 463; Nova
Scotia, 463; Ontario, 461;
Quebec, 462; Saskatchewan, 462

electrical construction, 463-
66, 470: Alberta, 465; British
Columbia, 463-64; Manitoba, 466;
Nova Scotia, 466; Ontario, 465;
Saskatchewan, 465

explosives, 466-67: Canada,
466; Alberta, 466; British
Columbia, 466; Manitoba, 467;
New Brunswick, 467; Nova
Scotia, 467; Ontario, 467;
Quebec, 467; Saskatchewan, 467;
Yukon, 467

Equal pay, 386-88; Labor Section

on, 20; no legal recognition, 475;
War Labor policy on, 387

Factories. See Child Labor, En-
forcement labor laws, Hours of
Work, Rest days

Factory legislation: proposed Do-
minion acts, 48-49, 50, 81; pro-
posed Ontario act, 48
Fair wage on government con-
tracts, 195-215, 229, 472-73;
Labor Section on, 20; origin in
Great Britain, 195; Trades and
Labor Congress on 196, 199, 201,
202, 203; Dominion legislation,

[blocks in formation]

shops and bakeshops, 249-61:
Alberta, 259-61; British Colum-
bia, 256-57; Manitoba, 251-52;
New Brunswick, 258-59; North-
west Territories, 253-54; Nova
Scotia, 254-55; Ontario, 249–51;
Quebec, 252-53; Saskatchewan,

railways and street railways:
Canada, 261; Nova Scotia, 262-
63; Ontario, 261-62

public works: Manitoba, 263
hotels: Quebec, 263-64

fire departments: Alberta,
264; British Columbia, 264:
Ontario, 264

chauffeurs: Ontario, 264
Hours of work, eight-hour day:
Labor Section on, 20; jurisdiction
in legislation, 56, 57-58; on Do-
minion work, 96, 233; considered
in Parliament, 233-39; proposed
in Ontario, 236, 237

inland navigation: recommen-
dation, 24, no action, 42

fishing industry: recommen-
dation, 24-25, no action, 42

industrial undertakings: con-
vention, 21-22; British Columbia,
36, 239-40; Ontario, 36-37

mines and smelters; Alberta,
245: British Columbia, 240-44;
Northwest Territories, 244-45;
Nova Scotia, 247; Ontario, 245-
47; Yukon, 247

public works: Yukon, 263

Immigration: Trades and Labor
Congress on Oriental, 85, 89;
Italian to Montreal, 92. Sec
also Chinese immigration
Immigration and emigration:
recommendation on, 27; legisla-
tion bearing on, 45

Industrial Canada. See Canadian
Manufacturers' Association
Industrial Conditions Act, Mani-
toba, 109, 151

Industrial disputes, arbitration and
conciliation in, 86, 95
Industrial Disputes Investigation
Act: enactment, 95; restriction of
right to strike, 168, 171; amend-
ment of 1918, 168; amendment of
1920, 169; legal decision, 51, 52,
53-55, 59, 171; amendment of
1925, 55-56, 171; Trades and
Labor Congress on, 170-71
Industrial undertakings. See Child
labor, Hours of work
Industrial Workers of the World,

Injunctions in labor disputes after

Taff Vale decision, 139-40, 143,
144, 145; during the war, 106,
147; labor opposes, 148, 150;
after the war, 160-61, 163-64;
failure Manitoba anti-injunction
bill, 161; Middleton on, 164; use
of summarized, 485-86
Inland navigation: recommendation

on hours, 24, 42; Dominion juris-
diction over, 47, 58
Inspection. See Enforcement labor

International Labor Conference:

provision for in Peace Treaty,
13, 15; first conference, 21-24;
second, 24-25; third, 25-27;

fourth, 27; fifth, 27-32; sixth,
32-33; seventh, 33-34

conventions and recommenda-
tions: provision for in Peace
Treaty, 15-17; members' respon-
sibility, 16-17, 34-35; Canada's
responsibility, 35, 61; action on
in Canada, 34-46, 476-77; diffi-
culties of action, 477-79. See
also Agricultural workers, Alien
workers, Anthrax, Association,
freedom of, Bakeshops, Berne
Convention, Child labor, Enforce-
ment labor laws, Hours of work,
Rest days, Seamen, Unemploy-
ment, Workmen's compensation,
Women workers

International Labor Office, 13
International Labor Organization:
governing body, 14; Canada's
representation, 46

Intimidation: law enacted, 1869,
120-21; amended, 1887, 132-33;
Senate on, 139

Japanese: laws against, British
Columbia, 392. See also Alien
workers, Immigration
Japanese Treaty Act, 395
Jurisdiction, Dominion and pro-
vincial, 47-65, 478

King, W. L. Mackenzie: quoted,
66; investigates fraudulent prac-
tices in immigration, 92; investi-
gates government clothing con-
tracts, 94; on Combines Investi-
gation Act, 188; interest in fair-
wage principle, 204; chairman
committee on eight-hour bill, 235
Knights of Labor: appear in
Canada, 72; constitution, 72-74;
relations with Trades and Labor
Congress, 74; relations with Pro-
vincial Workmen's Association,
97; reorganized, 99

Labor legislation: interprovincial
conferences, 35, 64; Dominion
and provincial powers in, 47-65,
478; approach to American prac-
tice, 486; uniformity in Dominion
and provincial laws, 63; due
mainly to certain organizations,
479; development summarized,

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