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18s pub 6d Paris 6d pub Ancient Anecdotes ANGL DNS HYB atlas autograph beautiful engravings BEST EDITION Biographical Book bookplate bright calf British calf gilt calf neat celebrated Church cloth Coins collection coloured engravings coloured plates complete comprising containing copious curious Descriptions Edin eminent England English Essays etchings facsimiles fcap fine copy finely printed folio French gilt leaves gilt top half calf half morocco highly finished engravings illustrated India paper INDIA PROOFS interesting LARGE PAPER large type large vols Letters Library Lord maps Memoirs morocco extra morocco gilt neatly gilt numerous engravings Poems Poetical portraits and engravings post 8vo Presentation copy privately printed published rare red morocco Rogers royal 4to royal 8vo russia extra Samuel Rogers scarce Scotland thick 8vo thick vols tion translated uncut upwards valuable vellum Verse vignettes volume Waverley Novels woodcuts
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Stran 40 - And say besides, that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turban'd Turk Beat a Venetian and traduced the state, I took by the throat the circumcised dog And smote him, thus.
Stran 22 - Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London from the Roman Invasion to the year 1700...
Stran 9 - Syntax's (Dr.) Three Tours: In Search of the Picturesque, in Search of Consolation, and in Search of a Wife. With the whole of ROWLANDSON'S droll page Illustrations in Colours and a Life of the Author by JC HOTTEN.
Stran 4 - Poetry, without which that confused mass of curious matter could scarce be turned useful, since one might as well look for a needle in a bottle of hay, as for any particular passage. I mention the 12th of May, because I return then to the Court. I should be glad to have a copy of the Alnwick work upon Allan, whom I have often seen, and heard, particularly at the Kelso races.
Stran 12 - KNIGHT'S (H. Gaily) ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE OF ITALY, from the time of Constantino to the Fifteenth Century, with Introduction and descriptive Text.
Stran 3 - The Greek Testament : with a critically revised Text ; a Digest of Various Readings ; Marginal References to Verbal and Idiomatic Usage ; Prolegomena ;"and a Critical and Exegetical Commentary. For the Use of Theological Students and Ministers. By HENRY ALFORD, DD, Dean of Canterbury. Vol. I., containing the Four Gospels.
Stran 7 - Clinton's Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the CXXIVth Olympiad to the Death of Augustus.