William Edward Colby, LL.B., Lecturer Clarence Linus Cory, M.M.E., John W. Herbert Ellsworth Cory, Ph.D., Instructor 5234. Frederick Gardner Cottrell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry (resigned June 30, 1911)-B.S. University of California 1896, Ph.D. University of Leipzig 1902-2332 Fulton st: Bkly 6391. Russell Tracy Crawford, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Practical Astronomy (absent on leave, 1911-12)-B.S. UniPh.D. California 1897, versity of ibid. 1901-2740 Elmwood av: Bkly 471. Melvin Earl Cummings, Professor of Modeling (A), Instructor in Modeling3966 Clay st, S F: Pacific 1715. Heber Doust Curtis, Ph.D., Astronomer (LO)-A.B. University of Michigan 1892, M.A. ibid. 1893, Ph.D. University of Virginia 1902-Santiago, Chile. Stuart Daggett, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Railway Economics, on the Flood Foundation; and Secretary of the College of Commerce, first half-year, 191112-A.B. Harvard University 1903, M.A. ibid. 1904, Ph.D. ibid. 19062510 LeConte av: Bkly 5957. Antonio Menotti dal Piaz, M.D., Instruc- Arnold Abraham D'Ancona, A.B., M.D., John Franklin Daniel, Ph.D., 1880, Colleges. Assistant Professor of Zoology-S.B. University E. P. Dargan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Johns George Davidson, Ph.D., Sc.D., Professor of Geography, Emeritus-M.A. Santa Clara College 1850, Ph.D. ibid. 1876, Sc.D. University of Pennsylvania 1889-2221 Washington st, S F. Leon Milehane Davis, Instructor in Dairy B.S. KanIndustry, University Farmsas State Agricultural College 1909University Farm, Davis. Roscoe A. Day, Instructor in Orthodontia Technic (D)-Elkin Gunst bldg, corner Powell and Geary sts, S F: Douglas 4300. Ludwig Joseph Demeter, M.A., Assistant Professor of German-M.A., Harvard University 1907- Hotel Shattuck: Bkly 6783. Charles Derleth, Jr., B.S., C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering-B.S. College of the City of New York 1894, C.E. Columbia University 1896-2854 Webster st: Bkly 293. Monroe Emanuel Deutsch, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin-A.B. University of California 1902. M.A. ibid. 1903, Ph.D. ibid. 1911-2314 Haste st: Bkly 5250. Arthur Boquer Domonoske, M.S., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering (resigned August 9, 1910)-B.S. University of California 1907, M.S. ibid. 1909-1557 Eighth st., O. Edward Benjamin Durham, E.M., Associate Professor of Mining-E.M. Columbia University 1892-2227 Ward st: Bkly 6259. Arthur Starr Eakle, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mineralogy-B.S. Cornell University 1892, Ph.D. University of Munich 1896-1518 Euclid av: Bkly 1134. George Elliott Ebright, M.D., Instructor Adolphus James Eddy, B.S,. Instructor in George Cunningham Edwards, Ph.B., Professor of Mathematics-Ph. B. University of California 1873-2546 Dana st: Bkly 1613. Sturla Einarsson, A.B., Instructor in Practical Astronomy- -A.B. University of Minnesota 1905- - Faculty Club: Bkly 5234. Thomas Sidney Elston, Ph.D., Instructor #Elmer Ellsworth Evans, D.D.S., Assistant Instructor in Dentistry (D)-D.D.S. California 1904-210 University of Union Savings Bank bldg, O: Oakd 2016. *Roscoe Farrar, M.S., Instructor in Soils and Farm Corps, University Farm (resigned January 1, 1911)-B.S. University of Illinois 1907, M.S. University of California 1910-University Farm, Davis. Gustave Faucheux, B. ès L., B. ès Sc., Assistant Professor of French Literature B. ès L., Université de Paris 1869, B. ès Se. ibid. 1870-1213 E. Twentieth st, O. John G. Fitz-Gerald, M.B., Associate Professor of Bacteriology. Isaae Flagg, Ph.D., Professor of Greek, Emeritus - A.B. Harvard College, 1864, Ph.D. University of Göttingen 1871-Ukiah. Martin Charles Flaherty, Ph.B., Associate Professor of Forensics-Ph.B. University of California 1896-325 Twentyfourth st, 0: Oakd 6967. 2429 Robert Howe Fletcher, Assistant Professor of the History of Art (A) Channing way. Friedrich Carl Hermann Flossfeder, Instructor in Viticulture. John Nivison Force, M.D., M.S., Lecturer in Hygiene-B.S. University of California 1898, M.D. ibid. 1901, M.S. 1910-2952 College av: Bkly 5309. Lucien Foulet, Lic. ès L., Professor of the French Language and LiteratureLicencié ès Lettres University of Paris 1896. Licencié d'Anglais ibid. 18982246 College av: Bkly 1850. Walter Scott Franklin, M.D., Instructor in Ophthalmology (M)-M.D. Cooper Medical College 1898-135 Stockton st, S F: Douglas 2051. John Fryer, LL.D., Agassiz Professor of Oriental Languages and LiteraturesLL.D. Alfred University 1889-2620 Durant av: Bkly 36. Frederick Parker Gay, A.B., M.D., Pro- George Inness Gay, B.S., Instructor in av: +Charles Mills Gayley, Litt.D., LL.D., Professor of the English Language and Literature-A.B. University of Michigan 1878, Litt.D. Kenyon College 1900, LL.D. University of Glasgow 1901, University of Michigan 19042328 Piedmont av: Bkly 2950. Charles Fletcher Gilcrest, B.S., Instructor in Electrical Engineering-B.S. University of California 1903-4175 Montgomery st, O: Pied 4299. Malcolm Goddard, B.S., DD.S., Instruc tor in Comparative Anatomy (D)— Butler bldg, S F: Sutter 73. Franklin Theodore Green, Ph.G., Professor of Chemistry, Director of the Chemical Laboratories, and Dean of the Faculty of the College of Pharmacy (Ph)-Ph.G. University of California 1882-500 Devisadero st, S F: Park 478. Charles Ravenscroft Greenleaf, M.D., Honorary Professor of Military and Public Hygiene-M.D. Ohio Medical College 1860-2340 Piedmont av: Bkly 514. Jeanne Harouel Greenleaf, B.L., Instructor in French B.L. University of California 1908-1437 LeRoy av: Bkly 5044. in +Emil Henry Hagemann, Instructor Dairying-University Farm, Davis. George E. Hale, Ph.D., Hitchcock Lecturer for 1910-11 (to June 30, 1911). Elmer Edgar Hall, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics (absent on leave, Unifirst half-year, 1911-12)-B.S. versity of Southern California 1893, M.S. University of California 1896, Ph.D. Cornell University 1902-Care of Paris Bank, 4 Bartholomew Lane, London, England. Hall, Harvey Monroe Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economic Botany and Assistant Botanist to Agricultural Experiment Station-B.S. University of California 1901, M.S. ibid. 1902, Ph.D. ibid. 1906-1615 La Loma av: Bkly 4188. Sherrell Woodworth Hall, D.D.S., Instructor in Extracting (D)-D.D.S. Chicago College of Dental Surgery 1904 -2419 Bancroft way: Bkly 1286. Clarence Melvin Haring, D.V.M., Assistant Professor of Veterinary ScienceD.V.M. New York State Veterinary College 1904-2826 Garber st: Bkly 3058. Robert Almer Harper, Professor of Botany (to June 30, 1911) Faculty Club: Local 28. Maurice Edward Harrison, J.D., Lecturer in Commercial Law-A.B. University of California 1908, J.D. ibid. 19103329 Washington st, S F: West 295. Richard Calhoun Harrison, A.B., LL.B., Instructor in Law (H)-A.B. Harvard Collège 1890, LL.B. ibid. 1893Mills bldg, S F. Robert Waite Harrison, A.B., LL.B., Assistant Professor of Law (H)-A.B. Harvard University 1895, LL.B. ibid. 1898-Mills bldg, S F: Douglas 799. Walter Morris Hart, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English Philology-A.B. Haverford College 1892, M.A. ibid. 1893, M.A. Harvard University 1901, Ph.D. ibid. 1903-2255 Piedmont av: Bkly 2078. Richard Warren Harvey, M.S., Instructor in Anatomy-B.S. University of California 1901, M.S. 1910. Mellen Woodman Haskell, Ph.D., Profes sor of Mathematics--A.B. Harvard University 1883, M.A. ibid. 1885, M.A. and Ph.D. Göttingen 18892019 Durant av: Bkly 1211. Henry Rand Hatfield, Ph.D., Professor of Accounting on the Flood Foundation; Secretary of the College of Commerce (absent on leave, first half-year. 1911. 12)-A.B. Northwestern University 1892, Ph.D. University of Chicago 1898-1505 R st, Washington, D. C. F. D. Hawk, B.S.A., Instructor in Animal Industries (to June 30. 1911). B.S.A. Iowa Agricultural College 1908 University Farm, Davis. Fred Montreville Hayes, Instructor in Veterinary Science-University Farm -D.V.M. Kansas State Agricultural College 1908-University Farm, Davis. William Charles Hays, B.S., Assistant Professor of Architecture-B.S. University of Pennsylvania 1893-Cloyne Court: Bkly 4617. Margaret Henderson, B.S., Instructor in (to June 30, 1911)B.S. University of California 19032816 Derby st: Bkly 1716. Bacteriology Louis Theodore Hengstler, Ph.D., Professor of Law (H)-M.A. University of California 1892, Ph.D. ibid. 1894Kohl bldg, S F: Kearny 2442. William Brodbeck Herms, M.A.. Assistant Professor of Entomology-B.S. German Wallace College 1902, M.A. Ohio State University 1906-1424 LeRoy av: Bkly 3302. Paul Llewellyn Hibbard, B.Sc., Instructor in Agricultural Chemistry-B.Sc. University of Nebraska 1892. Eugene Woldemar Hilgard, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Agriculture, EmeritusPh.D. Heidelberg University 1853, LL.D. University of Mississippi 1884, University of Michigan 1887, Columbia University 1887-2728 Bancroft way: Bkly 1392. Ernest Bryant Hoag, M.A., M.D., Lecturer in Public Hygiene-B.S. Northwestern University 1892, M.A. Stanford University 1894, M.D. Northwestern University 1902-2715 Woolsey st: Bkly 5908. Joseph Dupuy Hodgen, D.D.S., Professor of Operative Dentistry (D)-D.D.S. University of California 1887-240 Stockton st, S F: Douglas 3400. Ruliff Stephen Holway, A.B., M.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Geography-A.B. Stanford University 1903, M.S. University of California 19042577 Buena Vista way: Bkly 3163. Herbert Andrew Hopper, M.S., Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry (resigned January 1, 1911)-M.S. Cornell University 1903- University Farm, Davis. William T. Horne, B.Sc., Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology-B.Sc. University of Nebraska 1898-2701 Virginia st. Charles Harold Howard, M.A., Instructor in Spanish-A.B. University of California 1895, M.A. ibid. 1899-Laurel st, near Eunice: Bkly 1823. John Galen Howard, Professor of Architecture-2421 Ridge rd: Bkly 72. George Holmes Howison, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Philosophy, EmeritusA.B. Marietta College 1852, M.A. honoris causa ibid. 1855, LL.D. ibid. 1883-2631 Piedmont av. W. G. Hummel, B.S.. Instructor in Agricultural Education. Samuel Johns Hunkin, M.D., Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery (M)-M.D. University of California 1890-2161 Sutter st, S F: West 4612. Thomas Waterman Huntington, A.B., M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery (M)-A.B. University of Vermont 1871, M.D. Harvard University 1876 -350 Post st, S F: Douglas 2222. Lincoln Hutchinson, M.A., Assistant Professor of Commerce, on the Flood Foundation, Dean of the Lower Division-Ph. B. University of California 1889, A.B. Harvard University 1893, M.A. ibid. 1898-9 Canyon rd: Bkly 2893. Charles Gilman Hyde, B.S., Professor of Sanitary Engineering-B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1896 -2579 Buena Vista way: Bkly 870. Charles Frank Ingerson, Assistant Professor of Decorative Design (A) (ab sent on leave 1911-12).. Frank Irwin, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics-2632 Haste st: Bkly 4048. Lester Henry Jacobs, Ph.B., LL.B., LecUniversity of turer in Law-Ph.B. California 1891, LL.B. ibid. 18941616 Leroy av: Bkly 2991. Meyer Edward Jaffa, M.S., Professor of Nutrition, in charge of the Poultry Station-Ph.B. University of California 1877, M.S. ibid. 1896-2637 Virginia st: Bkly 949. Willis Linn Jepson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Dendrology-Ph.B. University of California 1889, Ph.D. ibid. 1898-2704 Hillegass av. Frank Edward Johnson, M.S., Instructor in Soils-B.L. University of Califor nia 1908. B.S. ibid. 1909, M.S. ibid. 1910-2417 Bancroft way: Bkly 3720. William Carey Jones, M.A., Professor of Jurisprudence-A.B. University of 1879California 1875, M.A. ibid. 2625 Benvenue av: Bkly 1582. +Charles Chapel Judson, Assistant Professor of Drawing (A), Assistant Professor of Drawing-1590 Leroy av: Bkly 4633. +William Watt Kerr, M.A., M.B., C.M., Professor of Clinical Medicine (M)M.A. Edinburgh 1877, M.B. and C.M. ibid. 1881-2605 California st, S F: West 2190. Drawing C.E. Hermann Kower, C.E., Associate Professor of Technische Hochschule, Stuttgart, 1884-601 E Thirty-seventh st, O: Mer 3803. Alfred Louis Kroeber, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology, Secretary of the Department of Anthropology, Curator of the Anthropological MuColumbia University seum-A.B. 1896, M.A. ibid. 1897, Ph.D. ibid. 1901-Affiliated Colleges, S F. Henry Behrend Albert Kugeler, M.D., Instructor in Surgery (M)-M.D. University of California 1890-3636 Washington st, S F: West 1348. Yoshi Saburo Kuno, M.S., Instructor in Japanese-B.S. University of California 1897, M.S. ibid. 1900-1184 Arch st. Benjamin Putnam Kurtz, Ph.D., Assistant M.A.. Instructor in Mathematics-Graduate in Mechanical Technikum Engineering, Mittweide 1906, M.A. Columbia University 1908 -2217 Fulton st: Bkly 3810. Emmanuel Benjamin Lamare, Instructor in French-2213 Union st. Alexis Frederick Lange, Ph.D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Education and Dean of the FacultiesA.B. University of Michigan, M.A. ibid. 1885. Ph.D. ibid. 18922629 Haste st: Bkly 424. 1885, August Jerome Lartigau, M.D., Assistant Professor of Gynecology (M)-M.D. University of California 1896-15021⁄2 Golden Gate av, S F: West 2638. Ph.D., Andrew Cowper Lawson, M.A., Professor of Mineralogy and Geology (absent on leave, first half-year, 191112) A.B. Toronto University 1883, M.A. ibid. 1885, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University 1888-1515 La Loma av: Bkly 3812. Erwin J. Lea, M.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Chemistry-B.S. Oregon State Agricultural College, 1898, M.S. st: Parker Bkly ibid. 1900-2840 3901. Joseph Nisbet LeConte, B.S., M.M.E., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engi neering-B.S. University of California 1891, M.M.E. Cornell University 1892 -19 Hillside court: Bkly 2283. Instructor in Adelbert W. Lee, M.D.. st. Pathology Stanyan (M)-1007 SF. Robert Alexander Leet, Ph.G., Lecturer in Pharmacy (Ph)-Ph.G. University of California 1891-31 Athol av, 0: Mer 3618. Derrick Norman Lehmer, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics (absent on leave, first half-year 1911-12)-A.B. University of Nebraska 1893, M.A. ibid. 1896, Ph.D. University of Chicago 1900-2736 Regent st. Harold Lewis Leupp, A.B., Associate Li brarian-A.B. Cornell University 1902 -2700 Piedmont av: Bkly 4639. Armin Otto Leuschner, Ph.D., Sc.D., Pro fessor of Astronomy and Director of the Students' Observatory-A.B. University of Michigan 1888, Ph.D. University of Berlin 1897, Sc.D. (Honorary) Western University of Pennsyl vania 1900-1816 Scenic av: Bkly Clarence Irving Lewis, Ph.D., Instructor in Philosophy. 2182. Victor Vladimir Ligda, B.S., Assistant Culture-B.S. 1904-675 Professor of Physical University of California Thirty-third st, 0: Pied 2277. Curtis Holbrook Lindley, Honorary Professor of the Law of Mines and Water -2015 Pacific av, S F: West 7104. Ivan Mortimer Linforth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Greek-A.B. University of California 1900, M.A. ibid. 1901, Ph.D. ibid. 1905-2742 Derby st: Bkly 3451. Earl Garfield Linsley, M.S., Instructor in Geography (to June 30, 1911)-A.B. Colgate University 1904, M.S. Univer sity of California 1908-71 Emerson st, O: Mer 260. Charles Bernard Lipman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Soils-B.S. 1904 and M.S. 1909 Rutgers College, M.S. University of Wisconsin 1909, Ph.D. University of California 1910-Faculty Club: Local 28 or Bkly 5234. Joseph Abraham Long, Ph.D., Instructor in Zoology-S.B. Harvard University 1904, A.M. ibid. 1905, Ph.D. ibid. 1908-2735 Bancroft way. George Davis Louderback, Ph.D., Associ ate Professor of Geology-A.B. University of California 1896, Ph.D., ibid. 1899-2713 Derby st: Bkly 3260. Matthew Christopher Lynch, J.D., Instructor in Law-B.L. University of California 1906, J.D. ibid. 1908-2611 Durant av: Bkly 4525. Carl Howard McCharles, M.S., Instructor in Agricultural Chemistry-B.S. University of California, 1908, M.S. ibid. 1911-64 Panoramic way: Bkly 3138. Eugene Irving McCormac, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of American HistoryB.S. Upper Iowa University 1896, Ph.D. Yale University 1901-15 Panoramic way. John Hector McDonald, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics-A.B. University of Toronto 1895, Ph.D. University of Chicago-3136 Lewiston av. Robert Armistead McLean, M.D., Professor of Clinical and Operative Surgery, Emeritus (M)—M.D. University of California 1874-111 Ellis st, S F: Kearny 1544. George Rupert MacMinn, A.B., Instructor Brown in English-A.B. University 1905-2334 Durant av: Bkly 3485. Orrin Kip McMurray, Ph.B., LL.B., Professor of Law-Ph.B. University of California 1890, LL.B. ibid. 18932327 LeConte av: Bkly 3273. Bennie Adolph Madson, B.S.A., Instructor in Experimental AgronomyB.S.A. Iowa State College 1907. Walter Edmund Magee, Professor of Phys ical Culture-84 Plaza drive: Bkly 6109. Ernest William Major, B.Agr., Associate Professor of Animal Industries and Manager of the University Farm (absent on leave, 1911-12)-B.Agr. University of Minnesota 1899-University Farm, Davis. Robert Edwin Mansell, Instructor in Horticulture, in charge of the Agricul tural Grounds-University Cottage No. 2: Bkly 6340. Allan P. Matthew, A.B., LL.B., Lecturer on the Law of Interstate Transportation-A.B. University of California 1903-1638 Oxford st: Bkly 4496. Edwin Henry Mauk, D.D.S., Instructor in Dental Technics (D) (to June 30, 1911)-D.D.S. University of Califor nia 1901-135 Stockton st, S F: Douglas 4271. |