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Prosthetic Dentistry-Text, Turner; references: Richardson, Harris, Haskell.

Dental Porcelain-Text, Byram.

Crown and Bridge Work-References: Goslee, Evans.

Dental Anatomy-Text, Black; references: Kirk, Broomell.

Oral Surgery-References: Brophy, Marshall, Garretson, Grant, Nancrede; Practice of Surgery, Senn.

Orthodontia-Text, Angle; references: Case, Guilford, C. N. Johnson, latest edition, Lischer's.

Chemistry-Text, Simon; Laboratory guide, Kellas, Muter's Analytical Chemistry; references: Holland, Remsen.

Dental Metallurgy-Text, Hodgen.

Dental Pathology and Therapeutics-Burchard, Prinz, Buckley. General Pathology-Delafield and Prudden, McConnell, Adami.


Therapeutics-Wood, Biddle, Barthalow.

Materia Medica-Text, Prinz; references: Long, Butler, Buckley. Physiology-Text, Howell; references: Tigerstedt, tr. by Murlin, Kirks, 20th ed.

Anatomy-Gray, Cunningham, Morris.

Histology-Text, Bailey, 2nd ed.; references: Schafer, Hill's Organography, Bohm, Davidson & Huber.

Comparative Anatomy of the Teeth-Thompson.
Dictionary-Gould, Dorland; Harris, Dungleson.


The candidate for the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery must have attained the age of twenty-one years, and must be of good moral character.

He must complete all technic work prescribed throughout the course, perform all operations, treat all cases, insert the required number of artificial dentures, crowns, and pieces of bridgework required by the respective professors. All this must be done in the College building, and exclusively by the applicant for the degree. He must have conformed to all the rules of the College, and paid all fees. He must pass a satisfactory examination, oral, written, and practical. When these requirements have been complied with, he will be recommended to the Board of Regents for the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery.


SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the practice of dentistry in the State of California unless said person shall have obtained a license from a Board of Dental Examiners duly authorized and appointed under the provisions of this Act to issue licenses.

SEC. 8. Said board shall examine all applicants for examination, who shall furnish satisfactory evidence of having complied with the provisions of this Act relating to qualification for examination, together with the payment of the fee provided for in section twelve of this Act. The examination of applicants shall be sufficiently thorough to test the fitness of the candidate to practice dentistry. It shall include, written in the English language, questions on the following subjects: Anatomy, physiology, chemistry, materia medica, therapeutics, metallurgy, histology, pathology, operative and prosthetic dentistry, oral surgery and orthodontia; the answers to which shall be written in the English language. Said written examination may be supplemented by an oral examination. Demonstrations of the applicant's skill in operative and prosthetic dentistry must also be given. All persons successfully passing such examinations shall be registered as licensed dentists on the board register, as provided in section three, and shall be granted by the board a license to practice dentistry in the State of California, which license is subject to renewal, as hereinafter provided. In no case shall any applicant be examined or given a license who is not twenty-one years of age. [Amendment of 1909.]

SEC. 12. No person shall be eligible for examination by the State Board of Dental Examiners who shall not furnish satisfactory evidence of having graduated from a reputable dental college, which must have been indorsed by the Board of Dental Examiners of California, or who shall not furnish to said Board of Examiners a certificate from the State Board of Dental Examiners, or similar body, of some other state in the United States, showing that he or she has been a licensed practitioner of dentistry in that state for at least five (5) years. Provided, that every person actually engaged as an apprentice to a regularly licensed dentist in the State of

California at the time of the passing of this Act, shall be eligible for examination, if, within thirty (30) days after the passage of this Act, he shall file with the secretary of the board an affidavit stating his name, age, the length of time for which he has been actually apprenticed and with whom; and who, at the time of his application for examination, shall show to the satisfaction of the board that he has served an apprenticeship of at least four (4) years and is a graduate from a high school or similar institution of learning in this or some other state of the United States requiring a three (3) years' course of study, and provided that no examination shall be given to an applicant claiming the right to take the same as an apprentice later than June, 1913. [Amendment of 1909.]


The fees for the Session of 1911-12 will be $150, payable at the beginning of the year to the Dean.

All Special Fees, excepting breakage deposits, have been abolished.

All checks, money orders or drafts should be made payable to the College of Dentistry, University of California.



JOSEPH DUPUY HODGEN, D.D.S., Professor of Operative Dentistry. LOUIS GRAHAM, D.D.S., Assistant in Operative Dentistry.

EDWIN H. MAUK, D.D.S., Instructor in Operative Technics.

ELMER ELLSWORTH EVANS, D.D.S., Demonstrator of Operative Technics.

SAMUEL W. HUSSEY, D.D.S., Demonstrator of Clinical Dentistry.
M. THAYER RHODES, D.D.S., Demonstrator in Clinical Dentistry.
HENRY E. RUDEE, D.D.S., Assistant Demonstrator of Clinical

The course of instruction in this department will consist of lectures, recitations, operative technics and clinics. The work has been thoroughly systematized, and graded to meet the needs of the

various classes of students, beginning with the fundamental principles in the first year and systematically advancing to the practical details of the most elaborate and complicated operations upon the teeth in the third year.

The course in Operative Technics is designed to ground the student thoroughly in the principles of operative dentistry and prepare him to prosecute intelligently the practical work of the infirmary. This course is completed in the first year, and embraces a study of the forms of the teeth and training in the discrimination of the individual characteristics of the different classes of teeth. This is done by examination and dissection of the natural teeth, a study of typal forms by drawing and modeling, a series of lantern slides, lectures, and quizzes. Special attention is given to the study of the pulp chambers and root canals, their number, size, form, their relation to the outer surfaces of the teeth. This course also includes an interesting study in instrument making; the use and care of instruments; the manner of their manipulation, and their adaptation to the various classes of operations by systematic practice on teeth out of the mouth. Instruction is also given in the manipulation and physical characteristics of filling materials, and the application of the rubber dam; the methods employed in gaining space; the use of the matrix and clamp; and the preparation of the cavity and insertion of specimen fillings in tooth forms.

In the early part of the second year special attention will be given to the filling of teeth with the various materials employed for that purpose, and laboratory tests of such fillings made out of the mouth. By such tests only can the student learn how to overcome his faults in manipulating the filling materials. The clinical instructions in the infirmary will begin with the more simple oper ations, the student being advanced to the more difficult ones as rapidly as his capabilities are demonstrated to the satisfaction of the instructors in this department. Surgical cleanliness as applied to dental operations will receive especial attention from the lecture platform and in the infirmary.

Prominent features of the clinical instruction to the third-year class will be inlay work of gold and porcelain and the introduction of large contour gold fillings.

A Deposit Fee of $10 is required to cover breakage in infirmary and laboratories.


WM. FULLER SHARP, D.D.S., D.M.D., Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry.

EDWIN H. MAUK, D.D.S., Instructor of Prosthetic Technics.

ELMER ELLSWORTH EVANS, D.D.S., Demonstrator of Prosthetic Technics.

SAMUEL W. HUSSEY, D.D.S., Demonstrator of Clinical Dentistry.
M. THAYER RHODES, D.D.S., Demonstrator in Clinical Dentistry.
HENRY E. RUDEE, D.D.S., Assistant Demonstrator of Clinical Dentistry.

The instruction in this highly important department embraces every thing necessary to enable the dentist successfully to apply substitutes for lost organs or parts of the oral cavity.

Special reference is made to the principles involved in the restoration of the natural functions of the teeth, namely, mastication, enunciation, and facial expression, keeping in view always the health and future usefulness of the living parts.

The instruction is both didactic and practical, is divided into consecutive courses intended for all the classes, and includes the following subjects:

First year includes lectures on the history of prosthetic dentistry; the fixtures, materials, and appliances of the laboratory; the manufacture of artificial teeth, their selection and arrangement for special cases and temperaments; the principles involved, together with the methods in constructing dentures on vulcanite, celluloid, cast, and swaged metallic bases.

In addition to the didactic teaching, there are requirements in prosthetic technic which are of the greatest value, giving the students a familiarity with and knowledge of the working properties of all the materials employed, embracing the use of wax and plaster, the construction, use, and care of instruments and appliances, and experience in the use of vulcanite, making dies and counters, swaging and soldering processes, and in constructing dentures.

Subsequent courses include lectures upon metals and alloys employed in the dental laboratory operations; treatment of the mouth preparatory to the insertion of artificial dentures; the construction of the more advanced styles of dentures, including a thorough study of continuous gum cases, crown, bridge, and porcelain work, and the hygienic and physiological relations of the denture to the parts with which it is in contact.

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