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certain conditions, receive advanced credit in the University amounting to forty-eight units of the sixty-four units required for the Junior Certificate. The credit so granted may, at the discretion of any University department concerned, be accepted as satisfying prerequisites for advanced or major work. A form of recommendation for admission to the University from the state normal schools will be furnished by the Recorder of the Faculties upon application.


Holders of Teachers' Life Diplomas or of State Educational Diplomas of this State, or holders of similar diplomas recognized by the State Board of Education of California, may be admitted provisionally to the University as regular students, with the privilege of satisfying matriculation requirements by examination or by work in the University.


Certificates from a high school, or academy, or preparatory department of a college in the State of California are not accepted in lieu of entrance examination, unless the school in question has been duly examined and accredited by the University, in accordance with the order of the Regents of the University governing accrediting.

Certificates from a high school or other secondary school in another state or country may be accepted, provided the school has been accredited by some college or university of good standing, by the New England College Entrance Certificate Board, or by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Certificates are accepted only for the graduates of approved four-year secondary schools. Evidence of thoroughly satisfactory scholarship is required. The Committee on Credentials, acting on behalf of the Faculties, is empowered to reject credentials, in whole or in part, and to require the matriculation examinations in any or all subjects.

To avoid delay the applicant may forward an unofficial copy of his statement to the University, for provisional consideration, retaining the original for the purpose of procuring the necessary endorsement.

Notification of action taken by the Committee is in every case sent by mail to the applicant.

Importance of early application.-Official credentials should always be sent to the University in ample time for action and notification before the entrance examinations; these are held in January and in August of each year. For details, consult the Registration Circular, which may be obtained

from the Recorder. Applicants whose papers are received too late for full consideration before the examinations may be seriously inconvenienced in beginning their work and, in addition, will be subject to a fee for late registration.


Applicants may be given advanced standing in the University of California on the basis of certificates from other colleges and universities, upon the approval of the certificates by the proper committee. A form of statement of university work, which may be used for such certificates will be furnished on application to the Recorder of the Faculties. It may be filled out by the applicant himself, but should be duly certified by the proper officer of the institution in which the work was done. There should also be submitted some credential showing in detail the basis upon which the applicant was matriculated in the institution from which he comes; if matriculation took place by certificate, the form provided for a statement of preparatory work should be used. These documents should be filed with the Recorder of the Faculties, in order that they may be placed before the Committee on Credentials, for an estimate of their value in terms of the requirements of the University of California. The Committee, acting on behalf of the Faculties, is empowered to reject the certificates, in whole or in part, and to require examination in any or all of the subjects offered.


Graduates of approved schools and colleges in China, Japan, India and other Oriental countries, are allowed to substitute a satisfactory course in the history of their own country for United States History (subject 5), and also to substitute satisfactory courses in Oriental law, language, and literature for the matriculation requirements in foreign languages (subjects 6, 7, 8, 9, 15) and advanced English (subject 14). Such concessions will be granted only to those who furnish properly endorsed official records of their work in other countries, and whose work in other departments of study satisfies the requirements for admission. This work will not be accepted as a substitute for foreign languages specifically required for matriculation, for the Junior Certificate, or for the bachelor's degree. For example, these languages are not to take the place of the minimum requirements in Greek, Latin, French or German in the colleges of general culture or in other colleges in which students may work according to the Junior Certificate plan.


Persous holding the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Letters, Philosophy, or Science, from a reputable institution authorized by law to confer these degrees, or holding any other degree or certificate which the Academic Council may accept as equivalent, may be admitted as graduate students in the University of California, upon presenting proper credentials. The grade of work to which graduate students are assigned, and their standing as candidates for a degree, will depend upon the extent and character of their undergraduate courses. if in any department the preliminary training of applicants has not been sufficient to qualify them for strictly graduate work, they may be admitted to such undergraduate courses as may be suited to their needs. The status of all graduate students will lapse at the close of each academic year, unless they have been admitted to candidacy for degrees; but on application it may be renewed at the discretion of the Academic Council. For the conditions under which the advanced degrees may be obtained, see later pages of this bulletin.


Residence at the University is residence in its vicinity and attendance upon such of its exercises as are appointed for the student. In this sense, residence at Mount Hamilton is residence at the University for such students as have been appointed to work at the Lick Observatory, and residence at La Jolla is residence at the University for such students as have been appointed to work in the Marine Biological Laboratory. In the graduate school, residence at any place, or in any field, which may be designated by the proper faculty as suitable for the work of a candidate for one of the advanced degrees, is regarded as residence at the University.


Tuition during regular sessions, in the colleges at Berkeley, except in the College of Medicine, is free. Non-residents are charged a fee of ten dollars each half-year. Tuition in the College of Medicine is $150 a year.


The Junior Certificate marks the division between the Lower Division and the Upper Division of the undergraduate course. The work of the Lower Division comprises the studies of the freshman and sophomore years. Concerning Upper Division requirements see page 92.

All candidates for the bachelor's degree in the Colleges of Letters, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, and Commerce must qualify for the Junior Certificate before proceeding to the Upper Division.

Amount of credit required.-For the Junior Certificate, 64 units of University work are required, in addition to Subject A and in addition to the 45 units required for matriculation, making a total of 109 units. Concerning surplus matriculation credit see page 53. These 64 units of Lower Division credit may normally be completed in two years, but students are required to remain in the Lower Division only until they are able to complete the requirements for the Junior Certificate. Students in the Lower Division may take as high as 19 units of University work per half-year, in addition to the prescribed courses in Military Science, Physical Culture, and Hygiene.

But the number of units which the student must average term by term, in order to complete in two years the work of the Lower Division, is sixteen. Regular students, then, ought not to take much less than sixteen units, and beginners should not attempt more without official advice.

Students in the five-year courses in Mechanics, Mining, Civil Engineering, and Chemistry may choose their electives so as to obtain the Junior Certificate, or they may, if they prefer, proceed to the degree without the certificate.

Subject A. In addition to the requirements tabulated below, all candidates for the Junior Certificate must pass an examination in Subject A. An examination in this subject will be given sometime after the beginning of each half-year. Every intrant admitted to regular first-year or second-year standing is required to take an examination in Subject A before the close of his first half-year's work; failure to take the examination in Subject A at the time required, or failure to pass, has the same effect upon the student's standing as a failure to pass in an ordinary


French, German.-All students who are candidates for degrees according to the Junior Certificate plan must give evidence, before graduation, that they have a reading knowledge of French or German. This require ment in French or German may be satisfied either by the completion of college or high school courses to the extent of 6 units or by passing an examination set by a University committee. The requirement in Foreign Languages for the Junior Certificate may or may not include this work.

All matriculation deficiencies must be removed before the student leaves the Lower Division. Students who do not take Military Science, Physical Culture, or Hygiene must make up the deficiency in hours in other departments of study.

The requirements for the Junior Certificate for students in all colleges, and for students at large, may be summarized as follows:


Units of Credit. In this table the normal amount of work represented both by preparatory or high school subjects, and by the University courses, is specified quantitatively. In the University a unit signifies one hour per week of recitation or lecture, with preparation therefor, during one half-year. A course of study taken in the preparatory school for one year at five periods per week is valued at 3 units. Work in laboratory or field, or other work not requiring out-of-class preparation, is estimated at a lower rate than recitations and lectures.

[The requirements are stated in "units;" see above for explanation.]

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