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These lectures will be illustrated by crude drugs, pharmaceutical preparations, and special attention will be given to those drugs and prepara tions used in dental practice.

Special attention will be given to the subject of Anaesthesia. The student will be given practical instruction in this important subject. As an aid in this work several lectures and practical work will be given in physical diagnosis to enable the student to detect the more important signs which contraindicate anaesthesia. Heart lesions will receive special attention and the student will be taught the use of the stethoscope.


HENRY B. CAREY, B.S., M.D., Instructor in Anatomy and Histology.

The courses will consist largely of laboratory work and will be attended by the members of the first-year and second-year classes.

The student is required to provide himself with a gown and apparatus of approved type.

The dissecting rooms are spacious, well ventilated, and contain all the modern conveniences. They will be open to the student during the hours allotted to this subject and at such other times with permission of the instructor in charge as may appear necessary or desirable. An abund ance of material is always on hand. The material is kept in first-class condition and at no time is the air in the room filled with unpleasant odors.

The histological laboratory is located in the college building proper. It is very well lighted and has all of the necessary apparatus for the giving of a thorough course in Histology.

The first-year course is divided as follows:

A. General Gross Anatomy, subdivided as follows:

(a) Osteology-This subject will consist of the study of all the bones save those of the skull. The work will consist of modeling in clay, drawing and recitations. At the completion of the course examinations both oral and written will be given.

(b) Dissection of two parts, upper and lower-The student will be furnished a guide for this work. When the student has satisfactorily dissected and demonstrated a part of the work, it is checked off on the guide by the demonstrator. At the completion of the dissection of each part, the student is required to pass a satisfactory examination both oral and written, when credit for the same will be recorded. In addition to the above, the instructor in charge may require such other recitations, quizzes or exercises as may be deemed advisable.

B. Histology-This course is given during the second semester, and as far as possible is concentrated. The students receive for study sections of the tissues and organs of the body. The sections are as a rule prepared by competent assistants, stained and cleared, ready for mounting. The student is instructed as to the different methods by which the preparations are made, but beyond the technique of mounting and the methods of making and staining teased preparations, smears and fresh mounts, his time is devoted as much as possible to the actual study of the structures under consideration.

Careful notes have to be taken and drawings made of each of the sections studied. As each subject is completed, the drawings made in the study of the structures involved are arranged in sequence, labeled and explanatory references attached, and then handed to the instructor for examination and correction. For the structures of the mouth cavity the student is especially required to prepare a concisely written paper illustrated by his drawings and incorporating his observations in the laboratory, his lecture notes and reading. The laboratory periods are supplemented by an informal talk or lecture bearing on the histology of the tissues which are being studied.

A deposit of $10 is required to cover breakage and repairs of microscopes and apparatus.

A second-year course is divided as follows:

Special Anatomy, divided as follows:


(a) Osteology of the Skull-Bones will be studied with care. majority of the bones will be modeled in clay, paper or other materials. The rest of the work will consist of recitations, demonstrations and quizzes.

(b) Gross Anatomy of the Nervous System-This consists of the dissection of the spinal cord and brain, with drawings, demonstrations and recitations.

(c) Dissection of the Head and Neck-Students will be furnished a guide for this important dissection and the same pedagogical scheme will be followed for this dissection as in the first-year course. The applied and surgical anatomy will be incidentally discussed and emphasized during the course of dissection.

At the close of the above course, examinations both oral and written will be given. The student is encouraged to do daily work of a high class quality and he is given to understand that such work is an important factor in the final record.


Instructor in Bacteriology and Pathology.

The study of Bacteriology is inseparably connected with that of Dentistry, and its relation to hygiene and preventive medicine is of fundamental importance. The instruction in this department consists of a didactic lecture course and quizzes, supplemented by illustrations to elucidate the practical work during the laboratory periods. Students are required to prepare the various media upon which to grow cultures. Each student is required to isolate the various form in pure cultures; then mount, stain and examine them under the microscope and keep a careful record of his observations. The object of the course is to familiarize the student with the methods of detection, isolation and identification of the micro-organisms that act as factors in diseases of the mouth and teeth.

Advanced students will find ample material and apparatus at hand for carrying on original work.

The course in Pathology is along general lines; the students are shown the gross specimens, and are then required to stain sections of these specimens, examine them with the microscope, and make notes and drawings.

Circulatory disturbances, the various phases of degeneration and in flammation, and the character of tumors form the basis of the work. The best results in these studies being attained by frequent periods in the laboratories, the courses will be concentrated into one and one-half hour periods from 8 to 9:30 a.m. alternate days during the entire year. A deposit of $10 is required to cover breakage and repairs to mieroscopes and apparatus.


GEORGE RUCIAN HUBBELL, M.D., Instructor in Radiography.

The course on Radiography will consist of lectures and practical work in the X-ray laboratory. The lecture course will be divided as follows: Electricity and its relation to the production of the X-ray.

X-ray apparatus and its manipulation.

Selection and installation of X-ray apparatus.

Tubes: their types, construction and principles.

Selection and care of tubes.

Comparative studies of the Cathode and Röntgen ray.
The principles of technic.

The preparation and protection of plates.

Developers and development.

Negatives and their interpretation.

The clinical application of the X-ray.

Legal status of the X-ray.


MALCOLM GODDARD, D.D.S., Instructor in Comparative Anatomy.

This course comprises a study of the origin, kinds and attachment of teeth to be found in the various mammalian and reptilian types; the theories as to the origin of the mammalian teeth tracing the evolution from the ancestral type; comparisons of the phylogenetic and ontogenetic series as to molar evolution; and the peculiarities, with their etiology, of the common types of mammals. Close study is made of a number of specimens in the museum.


A special course of lectures on Dental Jurisprudence will be given to the third-year class by Louis Bartlett, Ph.B., LL.B., at a specially appointed time during the session.


ROBERT E. KEYS, D.D.S., Librarian.

The Library, situated on the third floor of the College building, contains eight hundred volumes. In addition to the latest text books on all dental and allied subjects there are several complete files of many of the dental journals, some of them back to 1853, thus giving a more comprehensive review and history of the progress of dentistry than can be found anywhere else on this coast.

Through the courtesy and generosity of the publishers, the library receives monthly copies of all the principal dental journals of this country, England, Canada, Australia, Japan, France, Germany, Spain, Mexico, and Chile.

During the year several hundred numbers of dental journals were contributed by members of the profession and by publishers, some of them from England, Japan, and Manila. These are used to complete volumes in preparation for binding.

The Library is open from 9 a.m. to 12 m. on Monday and Friday and from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.



Chemistry of India Rubber, 3rd ed., Weber.

American Text Book of Prosthetic Dentistry, 3rd ed., Turner.

Trans. of N. A. D. Association and Southern Branch of Dental Cosmos. Illustrated Dict. of Med., Gould.

Motion Study, Gilbreth.

Van Nostrand's Chemical Annual, Olsen.

The Age of Mammals, Osborn.

Pric. and Practice of Crown and Bridge Work, Goslee.

Elementary Crystallography, Bayley.

Business Problems of a Profession, Brush.

Guide to Anaesthetics, Luke.

Electrotherapeutics and Rontgen Rays, Gassabian.
History of Medicine in the United States, Packard.
A Treatise on Electrometallurgy, Cooper.

Haskell's Manual of Plate Work, Haskell.

Cleft Palate and Hare Lip, 2nd ed., Lane.

Atlas of Dentistry in Stereoscopical Photos, Witzel.
Das Metallienlage-Verfahren, Bodecker.

General Anaesthetic in Dentistry, De Ford.

Morris' Human Anatomy, McMurrich.

Gray's Anatomy, Spitka.

Descriptive Anatomy of the Human Teeth, Black.

American System of Prosthetic Dentistry, Turner.

Practical Dental Metallurgy, Hodgen-Millberry.

Applied Anatomy and Oral Surgery, Ivy.

Dental Prosthetics (2 vols.), Wilson.

Microscopical Examination of Foods and Drugs, Greenish.

Metallurgy of the Common Metals, Austin.

American Text Book of Operative Dentistry, Kirk.

Chemistry (History to 1850), Thorpe.

Chemistry (History to 1910), Thorpe.

Chemistry, a Concise History, Hildrich.

Practical Medical Chemistry, Platt.

The Rubber Country of the Amazon, Pearson.

Storage Batteries, Niblett.

Hardening and Tempering Steel, Jones.

Principles of Metallurgy, Fulton.

How to Enamel, Chapin.

Health Hints, Pritchard.

Public Health Movement.

Chemical and Microscopical Diagnosis, Wood.

The Practical Orthodontist, Meier.

Essentials of Operative Dentistry (2 vols), Davis.

Operative Dentistry (2 vols.), Black.

The Age of Mammals, Osborn.

Experimental Chemistry, Lee.

Toxicology, 3rd ed., Riley.

Food Analysis, Leffman & Bean.

Detection of Poisons, Autenrieth & Warren.

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