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Vol. Part. No.


War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representa-
tives of December 11, transmitting report upon the con-
dition of the breakwater at Hyannis, Massachusetts.
Letter from the Secretary of..

War, transmitting report from the Quartermaster General
relative to a piece of land purchased for the burial of
officers and soldiers, and now desired by the "Beneficial
Society of the Laboring Sons of Cumberland." Letter
from the Secretary of

War, transmitting papers relating to the claim of the
estate of the late Commodore Thomas Ap C. Jones.
Letter from the Secretary of....

War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representa-
tives of December 20, 1869, transmitting report of Chief
of Engineers relative to the cost of cutting a channel
through Hallett's Point, at the head of Long Island.
Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting an estimate of appropriations required
for the service of the War Department for fiscal year
ending June 30, 1871. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, relative to survivors of the war of 1812. Letter from
the Secretary of....

War, transmitting estimates of appropriations required to
meet deficiencies for the service of that Department for
fiscal years ending June 30, 1869 and 1870. Letter from the
Secretary of...

War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Represent-
atives of January 17, transmitting report of Chief of
Engin ers upon the condition of the harbor of Black
Lake, Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, transmitting a copy of the report of the Judge Advo-
cate General upon the case of First Lieutenant W. J.
Keays, of Sixteenth New York cavalry. Letter from the
Secretary of..

War, transmitting communication from Chief of Ordnance
Department relative to the necessity of a larger clerical
force than is provided for in the pending appropriation
bill. Letter from the Secretary of..

War, transmitting copy of report of the Attorney General
on the case of James Belger. Letter from the Secretary


War, transmitting statement of contingent expenses of his
Department for the year 1869. Letter from the Secretary


War, in answer to resolution of the House of Representa-
tives of January 25 relative to the accounts of the Nash-
ville and Decatur Railroad Company. Letter from the
Secretary of..

War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Represent-
atives of February 17, 1869, transmitting report of Chief
of Engineers upon the proposed improvement of the
harbor of Chicago. Letter from the Secretary of
War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representa-
tives of February 2 in relation to report of the commis-
sion to prepare plans and estimates for a new War De-
partment building. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Represent-
atives of January 27, transmitting report of General
Warren relative to the improvement of Mississippi
River, at or near the Falls of St. Anthony. Letter from
the Secretary of .

War, in answer to resolution of the House of Representa-
tives of January 31, transmitting report of Chief of
Ordnance as to the quantity of copper, &c., now on hand
in the various arsenals. Letter from the Secretary of...

[blocks in formation]


War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Represent-
atives of January 17, transmitting report of Chief of
Engineers upon the improvement of the harbor of Mich-
igan City. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, in answer to the request of the Committee on Military
Affairs transmitting report relative to the Montana
territorial militia. Letter from the Secretary of
War, in answer to Committee on Military Affairs transmit-
ting report of the Adjutant General relative to Missouri
State militia. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, transmitting the report of the Adjutant General rela-
tive to the One hundred and eighty-sixth regiment Penn-
sylvania volunteers. Letter from the Secretary of
War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Represent-
atives of January 21, transmitting report of the survey
of the port of Sheboygan, Michigan. Letter from the
Secretary of.

War, transmitting communication from the governor of
Wyoming relative to the establishment of an ordnance
depot at Cheyenne. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, recommending an appropriation to pay a debt due to
S. E. Ward for goods furnished Indians at Fort Laramie.
Letter from the Secretary of..
War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representa-
tives of February 8, transmitting engineer's report upon
the navigable condition of the Savannah River. Letter
from the Secretary of

War, transmitting estimates of appropriation required to
carry into effect the law authorizing the Secretary of War
to provide for taking meteorological observations. Let-
ter from the Secretary of.

War, answer to a resolution of the House of Representa-
tives of January 13, relative to the wreck of the pilot-
boat A. T. Stewart. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, transmitting a proposed bill to facilitate the acquisi-
tion of sites for national works of defense, &c. Letter
from the Secretary of..

War, in answer to resolution of the House of Representa-
tives of February 2, 1870, transmitting copies of all pa-
pers on file in his Department relating to the jurisdiction
of the United States over Sandy Hook, New Jersey. Let-
ter from the Secretary of

[blocks in formation]

War, recommending an appropriation to continue the Army
recruiting service for remainder of the present fiscal
year. Letter from the Secretary of

[blocks in formation]

War, transmitting the report of Adjutant General of the
Army relative to the claim of James C. Strong. Letter
from the Secretary of

[blocks in formation]

War, transmitting a memorial from the cavalry and artil-
lery officers of the Army relative to the pay of black-
smiths. Letter from the Secretary of...

[blocks in formation]

War, recommending the passage of joint resolution relative
to the military reservation of Fort Wayne, Arkansas.
Letter from the Secretary of....

[blocks in formation]

War, transmits information relative to the United States
reservation at Fort Dakota, in Dakota Territory. Let-
ter from the Secretary of.

[blocks in formation]

War, transmitting memorial of soldiers of the regular
Army relative to bounties. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, informing House of Representatives that the United
States military reservation at Fort Kearny is no longer
required. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, in answer to resolution of the House of Representa-
tives transmitting the report of Brevet Colonel Baker rel-
ative to the late expedition against the Piegan Indians.
Letter from the Secretary of....

[blocks in formation]


War, in answer to resolution of the House of Representa-
tives transmitting reports of General T. J. Cram upon
the St. Mary's Falls ship-canal. Letter from the Secre-
tary of
War, in answer to resolution of the House of Representa-
tives transmitting papers pertaining to the claim of Ma-
ria Josefa Cavazos. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, communicates relative to the insufficiency of the ap-
propriation for pay of rent for Paymaster General's of
fice. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representa-
tives relative to the improvement of St. Mary's Falls
ship-canal. Letter from the Secretary of....
War, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representa-
tives transmitting reports concerning officers of the Army
on duty in Southern States. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, transmitting petition of officers of artillery and cav-
alry for increase of the pay of blacksmiths in the Army.
Letter from the Secretary of...

War, transmitting copy of a letter from Commissioner of
Indian Affairs relative to removal of stray bands of Pot-
tawatomie and Winnebago Indians. Letter from the Sec-
retary of

War, relative to the unexpectedly large demands upon the
appropriation for pay to discharged soldiers for clothing
not drawn. Letter from the Secretary of
War, in answer to a resolution of the House transmitting
report of examination and survey of the harbor of Chris-
tiana River at Wilmington, Delaware. Letter from the
Secretary of

[blocks in formation]

War, transmitting reports setting forth the propriety and
economy of acquiring permanent military posts in the
State of Texas. Letter from the Secretary of
War, transmitting a report of the Quartermaster General
of the Army relative to expenses of the various head-
quarters. Letter from the Secretary of...

[blocks in formation]

War, in answer to a resolution of the House relative to col-
lection and payment of bounty to colored soldiers. Letter
from the Secretary of...

[blocks in formation]

War, in answer to a resolution of the House transmitting
report of engineer upon the Louisville and Portland
Canal. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, in answer to Committee on Military Affairs transmit-
ting statement of the amount of money appropriated up
to the present time for fortifications and other works of
defense. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, in answer to a resolution of the House transmitting
copy of proceedings and findings of a military commis-
sion held at Little Rock, Arkansas. Letter from the
Secretary of.....

War, asking an appropriation to satisfy a judgment obtained
against Grenville M. Dodge, late an officer of the United
States. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, complies with request of Committee on Military Affairs,
transmitting statement of Quartermaster General of
amount paid during last year for rental and other ex-
penses. Letter from the Secretary of...
War, transmitting copy of deed executed by Levi C. Guptill
of Iowa, conveying certain lands to the United States.
Letter from the Secretary of...

[blocks in formation]

War, relative to sales to enlisted men by post traders.
Letter from the Secretary of..

[blocks in formation]

War, relative to the presentation of a gold watch and chain
to Surgeon George E. Cooper of the Army of the United
States, by the government of France. Letter from the
Secretary of....

[blocks in formation]


War, relative to the bounty decision of the Supreme Court.
Letter from the Secretary of...

War, relative to the improvement of the grounds owned by
the United States in the city of Buffalo, known as Fort
Porter. Letter from the Secretary of..

[blocks in formation]

War, relative to a suit brought against Grenville M. Dodge
in the State courts of Kansas. Letter from the Secre-
tary of..

[blocks in formation]

War, transmitting statement of headquarter expenses of
generals of the Army. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, in answer to a resolution of the House transmitting
report of engineer upon the improvements of the harbor
at Oswego, New York. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, in answer to a resolution of the House relative to ex-
penditures on Boston and New York harbors, &c. Letter
from the Secretary of....
War, in answer to a resolution of the House transmitting
copy of returns of the election held in the second con-
gressional district of Texas. Letter from the Secretary of.
War, relative to the transfer of the United States steamer
Illinois to New York for quarantine purposes. Letter
from the Secretary of....

War, in answer to resolution of the House relative to the
late expedition against Piegan Indians. Letter from the
Secretary of.....

War, transmitting report of the board of engineers of ex-
periments connected with an efficient system of sea-coast
defenses. Letter from the Secretary of.

[blocks in formation]

War, transmitting petition of Benjamin F. Reynolds for
relief. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, transmitting report of Chief of Engineers relative to
the continuation of explorations of the Colorado River.
Letter from the Secretary of...

[blocks in formation]

War, in answer to a resolution of the House relative to the
improvement of the Upper Mississippi River. Letter
from the Secretary of..

War, relative to the claim of Thomas W. Fry, jr. Letter
from the Secretary of..

War, in answer to a resolution of the House transmitting
copies of General Terry's report on Georgia. Letter from
the Secretary of..

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

War, relative to the claim of Black Beaver, a Delaware
Indian. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, in answer to a resolution of the House transmitting
copy of a report by S. T. Abert on the condition of the
Arkansas River. Letter from the Secretary of..
War, relative to the claim of Alexander Dunbar. Letter
from the Secretary of..





[blocks in formation]

War, transmitting report of Chief of Engineers relative to
Point San José military reservation in California. Letter
from the Secretary of...

[blocks in formation]

Whiskies, Commissioner of Internal Revenue answers the
House relative to the quantity of fine, distilled during
September to December 1868, &c....
Wisconsin. Secretary of War answers the House relative
to survey of the harbor at Port Washington, in....
Wyoming. Secretary of the Interior submits estimates of
appropriations for expenses of surveyor's office in the
Territory of...

Wyoming. Secretary of the Interior transmits letter from
the governor of the Territory of, relative to a penitentiary
building in..


Yards and Docks, of the operations of his Bureau during
the year 1869. Report of the Chief of the Bureau of..

[blocks in formation]


Papers accompanying the above.

Improvements and repairs, navy yard, Portsmouth, New

Improvements and repairs, navy yard, Boston, Massa-

Improvements and repairs, navy yard, Brooklyn, New

Improvements and repairs, navy yard, Philadelphia,

Improvements and repairs, navy yard, Washington, Dis-
trict of Columbia....

Improvements and repairs, navy yard, Norfolk, Virginia..
Report of Board of Naval Officers on the subject of Navy

Capture of New Orleans. Correspondence relative to the.

[blocks in formation]
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