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Agricultural Economy, soils, plants and
animals-consequences of exhausting
the soil, 245.

American Railroad Journal, 69.
Arrow Root, culture in Florida, 263.
Aspects of Nature: See steppes and
deserts, 285.

Banking, Free Banking, Banks the agents
of commerce; joint stock Banks, State
Banks, Banking system of New York;
Banking in Missouri a monopoly, and
Anti-Democratic, 111.

Banking in the United States; number of
Banks, amount of capital, resources,
specie, circulation, deposits, and cur-
rent credits, 341

Broadcloth, Manufacture and prices of
at the Hamilton Woolen Companies
establishment, Boston; from 1830 to
1849, 340.

Bureau of Statistics established in Lou-
isiana, 68.

California Land Titles; report of W. C.
Jones; mode of creating titles under
the Spanish and Mexican governments;
limitation of quantity granted, surveys,
perfecting titles, archives, boks,
&c. ; grants to missions; hi-tory of the
Catholic Missions in California; pu-
eblos, manner of establishing towns.
&c., 104; T. B. King's report on th
gold mines; commerce of California,

Catholic Missions in California, their
history, 38.

Charleston and Memphis Railroad; com-
mencement of survev, &c., 324.
Chili, its commerce, 132; vide commer-
cial statistics.

China and Queensware; manufacture in
Missouri, 272.

Coco River in Central America; its nav-
igation; the soil, climate and products
of the adjacent country, 339.
Canals in the United States; name and
length of all the canals in each State
of the Union, 407; Wabash and Erie
canal; number of miles completed;
progress of the work &c., 411.
Cannel coal near Columbia, Mo., 413.
Coal, Bituminous, in Wisconsin, 413.
Commerce of the Red Sea; description
of the towns and commerce of Arabia,

Commercial statistics; statement of the
goods, wares, &c., imported into the
United States for the year ending 30th
June 1849; value of imports and ex-

por's 52 to 56 ; quantity and value of
cotton exported during same period 56;
quantity and value of manufactured
cotton; iron, nails, specie, bullion,
&c., exported and imported, 56–7;
statement showing the amount of ex-
ports to all countries in said period,
57-8; number and class of vessels,
tounage &c., 128-9; number of entran-
ces of American and foreign vessels,
130; tea trade, 166; imports into the
United States from all nations during
the year ending 30th June 1849, 245;
s'atistical view of the commerce of the
United States, exhibiting the value of
exports and imports in 1849, 263; stocks
of tobacco in Europe for five years,
256; trade of the Wabash Company
for 6 months ending Ju e the 1st, 1850,
256; export of provisions from the U.
Sales from 1840 to 1849 inclusive,
344; product and consumption of sugar
throughout the world, 344; winds and
currents of the ocean, 346; quant ty
and value of wheat, flour, Indian corn,
con meal and rye meal, exported from
the United States to all countries du-
ring the year ending 30th June, 1849,
399, 400; number and class of vessels
but in ach State during the year
ei ding 30 h June, 1849, 402; compar-
ative view of registered and enrolled
tonnage of the United States from 18-
15 to 1849, 406; commerce of Cali-
fornia; amount of duties received
from Nov. 1849 to June 1850; number
of vessels and amount of tonnage in the
several ports, and the number of ves-
sels unemployed, 401; exports of cop-
per, copper cre, silver and gold, 130;
estimate of the annual exports of the
precious metals and other productions
to all parts of the world from Chili,
Bolivia, Peru, Equador, New Grana-
da, Central America, and Mexico, 132.
Commercial Regulations: regulations
for the delivery of produce and mer-
chandise in St. Louis, 133.

Act of the Legislature of Missouri rela-
ting to steam boats, 134; treaty be-
tween the United States and Great
Britain respecting Nicaragua, 257;
decree of the government of Nicara-
gua in favor of American steamers
touching at the port of Realejo, 261;
freedom of the coasting trade of India,

Corn (Indian ;) quantity and value ex-

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