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5. The prodigal said, "How many hired servants of my father's house have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!"

6. He sells men's hats, boys' shoes, and ladies' dresses.

E. Letter Form - The correct punctuation and arrangement of a business letter are as follows:

121 Stanton Street
Newark, N. J.

September 7, 1922

Mr. Jackson Clark

Akron, Ohio

My dear Sir:

You will find inclosed my check for $6.25, for which kindly send me the following articles:

I dozen baseballs No. 162

I baseball bat No. 56 K

Yours truly,

Thomas K. Roberts

Thomas K. Roberts

121 Stanton Street

Newark, N. J.

Mr. Jackson Clark

416 Fifth Street

Akron, Ohio


The Topic Sentence

Paragraphs must be planned so that they tell about one topic. The topic or subject of the paragraph is expressed in a sentence that sums up the thought of the paragraph. What is the topic sentence of the following paragraph?

Abraham Lincoln's home was humble. It was not made of stone or brick, or even of smooth lumber, but it was built of rough logs. As a boy, Lincoln used to lie in his bed and watch the stars shining through cracks between the logs. In winter the snow sifted through the chinks. A rude fireplace made of stone filled one side of the cabin. At night Lincoln read by the light of the fire, for there was no other light in the room. From such a home, lacking all the comforts and conveniences of modern times, came the man who became one of our greatest presidents.

Find the topic sentence of each of the following paragraphs:


The Puritans, though they endured much hardship for the sake of religious liberty, did not extend the same freedom to others who had a different faith. No one was allowed to vote or hold office in Massachusetts Bay colony who did not belong to the Congregational Church. Every one was taxed to support this church, and no other



form of worship was allowed in the colony. As a result, many of the settlers grew dissatisfied. They did not wish to belong to the Congregational Church, but unless they did they had no share in the government of the colony. These dissatisfied people stirred up trouble, until at last the colony decided to expel all "contentious and heretical folk."

As the days grow colder and food grows scarcer, the tufted titmouse becomes more friendly with mankind. He and his companions come in flocks to the back door of the farmhouse, where they are likely to find crumbs and bits of meat. Especially on snowy days are the pert little heads to be seen bobbing up and down among the hens, as the titmice appropriate what they need from the supplies furnished to the poultry. When they are satisfied they perch in neighboring trees and cheerfully pipe "Peter, Peter, Peter," very fast and very clear. Perhaps that is their way of expressing thanks for their meal. At any rate, they seem to feel much more kindly toward the human race in winter than in summer, when they can find all the food they need without depending upon mankind.

Building a Paragraph

In studying the paragraphs in the preceding section you will notice that the topic sentence is used as the basis of the paragraph. The other sentences of the paragraph merely expand the topic sentence by supplying more details. If you build paragraphs in this way, you will stick to the point you are trying to make.

Select one of the topic sentences in the following list on which to build a paragraph to be spoken to the class:

1. I am very proud of our school because it is so clean.

2. I was surprised when I went home last night. 3. A carelessly dropped match caused all the trouble. 4. It is very interesting to watch a mowing machine at work.

5. When mother is tired we children help her with the work.

6. Every pupil can do something to make the school better.

7. Hurrah! To-morrow is Thanksgiving Day!

8. I shall never forget that automobile ride.

9. A queer thing happened on the playground to-day.
10. It was the most exciting ball game I ever saw.
II. Yesterday was my unlucky day.

12. One day when I was about four years old I was lost.

In planning your paragraph be careful that everything you tell grows out of the principal idea which is expressed in your topic sentence.

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Correct Usage - Very

Use very, not "awful" or "real," when you wish to make a strong statement. Say "It is very cold to-day," not "It is real cold to-day." Say "I was working very hard," not "I was working awful hard."


A Written Paragraph


Use one of the topic sentences on page 210 as the basis of a written paragraph. Think what you wish to say before you begin to write. Be careful in forming your sentences.

When you have finished writing your paragraph, read it carefully for mistakes. Then exchange with another pupil, so that each of you may see what the other has written. You may suggest to each other improvements that would make the paragraphs more interesting.

Selecting Paragraphs

From your readers, histories, geographies, or other books select a paragraph that is built upon a topic sentence. Read the paragraph to the class and point out the topic sentence.

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Watch your own pronunciation of these words.

Pronounce the following words, giving the long u

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