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jects the leader points out. Be careful to say are" if you mean more than one. Do not say "They are or "They is." When a pupil makes a mistake he must sit down. The side having the greater number of pupils standing at the end of the game wins. The game may last five or ten minutes.

The Fair

Tell when and where the county or state fair was held. Tell what you did at the fair. Tell what you liked best. Tell something funny about the fair. Tell what good the fair does.

If you did not attend the fair tell something about one of your pets or toys.

Think out two or three sentences on one of these topics before you begin to speak. Try not to connect your sentences with and or so.

Speak distinctly and look at the class while you are speaking.

A Paragraph to Copy



Always indent or set in the first word of a paragraph. Begin Begin each sentence with a capital letter. Place a period at the end of a sentence that tells something.

Copy the following paragraph as neatly and as carefully as you can:

I went to the fair last week with father and mother. The boys and girls of the county had their club work on exhibition. One boy had a calf worth one thousand dollars. He had taken good care of it and had made it very fat. There were many cans of fruit that the girls had put up. The fair showed what boys and girls can do.

The Farm

What necessary articles do people in cities get from the farm? What would become of our country if we had no farms? What must the farmer do in order to supply food to towns and cities?

After you have thought over the questions above, plan two or three sentences to speak before the class. Tell why farms and farmers are so important to our country. Tell what kinds of work the farmer does. Tell what kind of man a farmer must be in order to succeed. Tell the advantages of living on the farm. Tell what boys and girls can learn on a farm.

Speak distinctly, stand erect, and look at the class while speaking. Confine your sentences to one topic; do not try to speak about every topic suggested above.


Indent your paragraph. Begin every sentence with a capital letter. Place a period at the end of a sentence that tells something. Study the paragraph given below, and then write it from dictation.

I should like to be a farmer. A farmer can raise nearly everything that he eats. He does not have to buy much from stores. He helps people in cities by selling food to them. A good farmer is a help to our country.

Study of a Poem

Read the following poem, and see if it reminds you of some happy vacation which you may have spent on a farm:

[graphic][merged small][subsumed]


To house and garden, field and lawn,
The meadow gates we swang upon,
To pump and stable, tree and swing,
Good-by, good-by, to everything!

And fare you well for evermore,
O ladder at the hayloft door,

O hayloft where the cobwebs cling,
Good-by, good-by, to everything!

Crack goes the whip, and off we go;
The trees and houses smaller grow;
Last, round the woody turn we swing;
Good-by, good-by, to everything!



When you visit the farm you probably go in an automobile, a carriage, or a wagon. The children in the poem rode in a coach with four horses, like the one in the picture on page 4. How do How do you know that they had a happy time at the farm? Why were they eager to climb into the coach? What did these

children do while they were on the farm? Why did they like to climb into the hayloft? What other things do you like to do in the country?

When the children rode away how did the trees and the houses look? When did they lose sight of them altogether? What does the "woody turn"


Ask your teacher to read aloud to you the poem Farewell to the Farm.

A Blackboard Paragraph

A pupil who writes well may write on the blackboard a paragraph that the pupils dictate. Where should the first word of the paragraph be placed? How should each sentence begin? What should be placed after each after each sentence that tells something? Suppose you take one of these topics - club work, the fair, or the farm. Think of a good beginning sentence. Let each sentence tell one thing about your topic. Save a good sentence for the last.

When the paragraph on the blackboard has been finished, read it over to see if you cannot improve it. Every pupil may copy the completed paragraph. Be careful to leave a margin of one inch at the left of your paper, to indent the first word, and to begin each sentence with a capital letter.

Game I Saw

Each pupil has a card on which one of the following words is written:

[blocks in formation]

A leader calls on a pupil, who rises and tells what he saw, naming the word on his card. He tells also what he did; as, "I saw a horse on the farm. I rode it." "I saw a stable. I entered it." If the pupil does not answer promptly he must sit down.

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