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Econ 8293.10

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Printing, publishing, and bookbinding, .

95, 96

Print works, dye works, and bleacheries, woollen goods, and worsted goods,

Summary by industries and cities,

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Immigration into Boston in 1902-Imports and Exports, Boston, in 1902- Chinese
Population of Massachusetts - Employers' Liability in Maryland - Free Public
Employment Bureau in Maryland - Tobacco Crop in the United States, 1902-
Relief Department, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. - New German Merchant
Shipping Acts - Pauperism in Great Britain - Changes in Wages in Great
Britain - Population of the Netherlands-Eight-hour Law in Spain - Eight-
hour day in Government Service in France-Saturday Afternoon Rest,

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The information contained in the following pages, relating to trade and technical education in Massachusetts, has been condensed from the Seventeenth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor, Washington, D. C., and has been brought up to date as far as possible. We have abbreviated the report considerably, and would refer the reader desiring more detailed information to the volume in question.

No schools of an industrial character, or even with instruction of an industrial tendency, other than the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, opened in 1865, and the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, opened in 1868, were in existence up to 1870. That year was notable as marking the introduction of industrial drawing into the schools of Massachusetts. The extension of drawing in the public schools has continued, so that now it is a required study. According to the law enacted in 1898, every town and city must give instruction in drawing in its public schools, and any town or city may, and every town or city of 10,000 or more inhabitants must, maintain evening schools for the instruction of persons over 14 years of age in industrial drawing, both free-hand and mechanical (among other studies).

Manual training followed close upon drawing in its extension in the public schools. As early as 1870 instruction in sewing was obligatory in every public girls' school in Boston. Massachusetts now requires that every town and city of 20,000 or more inhabitants shall maintain as part of both its elementary and its high-school system the teaching of manual training."


At the same time with the movement for industrial drawing and manual training in the public schools, a desire arose for more adequate provision for training in industrial design. The Lowell School of Practical Design, as a result, was established in 1872 for instruction in textile design. In 1895 the textile interests of the State secured the passage of an act authorizing the establishment of textile schools in cities having in operation 450,000 spindles or over.

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