The Works of President EdwardsCambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012 - 360 strani Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: ADVERTISEMENT, I on THE TREATISE OK ORIGINAL SIN. When the page it referred to in this manner, p 40, p. 50. without men. iioning the book, thereby it to .be understood uch a page in Or Taylor' Scripture Doctritt of original '1's. S intends the Supplement When the word, Key, is uted to tigniFy the book refened to, thereby is to be under- (tood Dr Taylor'i Kiv to the Apostolic Writings. This mark [ ] with fig- urei or a number annexed, signifies uch a section or paragraph in hia Key. When after mentioning Preface to Pit. m Epist. to Romans, there is subjoined p. 145. 47. or in lit..-, thereby is intended r., and Paragr'ph pigr 145, Paragraph 47. The reference tuit the London editions of Or. Taylor'i book1, printed about the ycaj 1760. DISSERTATION CONCERNING THE END FOR WHICH GOD CREATED THE WORLD. . . chapter{Section 4Concerning The End For Which God Created'The World. INTRODUCTION: Containing Explanations of Terms, and general Petitions. 1 O avoid all confusion in our inquiries and reasonings, concerning the end for which God created the world, a distinction . V, ' v.!-1 be observed between the chief end for which an agent or efficient exerts any act and performs any work, and the ultimate end. These two phrases are not al- M, i precisely of the same signification: And though the chitf'end be always an tdiimate end, yet every ultimate end, is not always a chief end. A chief end is opposite to an inferior end: An ultimate end is opposite to a subordinate end. A subordinate end is something that an agent seeks and aims at in wnat he does; but yet does not seek it, or regard it at all upon its own account, but wholly on the account of a further end, or in order to some other thing, which it is consideied as a means of. Thus, when a man ... |