Slike strani


Abel Drugger, ii. 24.
Abercrombie, James, i. 479-80.
Aberdeen, i. 437, 522, 543-4; ii.
185, 274, 493.
Abernethy, Dr., ii. 535 n.
Abingdon, fourth Earl of, ii.
328 n.1.

Abington, Mrs., the actress, i. 565,
568, 571, 584.
Abjuration, oath of, i. 566 n.
Abreu, Marquis of, i. 235.
Abuse, coarse and refined, ii. 554.
Abyssinia, A Voyage to, i. 58.
Academia della Crusca, i. 200, 296.
Account of an Attempt to ascertain

the Longitude, i. 182 n. 2, 202.
Account of Scotland in 1702, ii. 185.
Account-keeping, ii. 465-6.
-Acting, ii. 141.

Action in speaking, i. 221, 482.
Ad Lauram parituram Epigramma,
i. 108.

Ad Ricardum Savage, i. 111 n. 2.
Ad Urbanum, i. 77.

Adam, Robert, Works in Architec-
ture, ii. 123.
Adamites, i. 513.

Adams, George, Treatise on the
Globes, i. 365.

Adams, Rev. William, D.D. (Mas-
ter of Pembroke College), i. 5,
40, 41, 50, 52, 91, 127, 132, 175,
176, 190, 323, 370, 655-7; ii.
544-64, 614, 637, 645 n.
Adams, Mrs., ii. 544, 555.
Adams, Miss, ii. 544, 550, 562.
Adams, William, founder of New-
port School, i. 89 n.
Adams, the brothers, architects, i.

Addison, Joseph, i. 137, 517; ii.
31-2, 118, 176, 214, 351, 390, 400,

401; Johnson's criticisms on,
i. 284, 483, 582; ii. 23, 256; his
style compared with Johnson's,
i. 150-1; Johnson's Life of, ii.
370-2, 633.

Address of the Painters to George III,
i. 235.

Address to the Throne, i. 213.
Adelphi, Boswell and Johnson at
the rails, ii. 406; Garrick's house,
ii. 404.

Adey, Miss, i. 27, 673; ii. 309, 439,

Adey, Mrs., i. 612; ii. 393.
Admiration, i. 591.

-Adoption, ancient mode of, i. 169.
Adultery, i. 372; ii. 305.

Adventurer, Hawkesworth's, i. 139,
156; Johnson's contributions, i.
139, 167-9.

Adversaria, Johnson's, i. 137.
Egri Ephemeris, ii. 618.
Esop at Play, ii. 146.

Affectation, i. 314; ii. 114, 616;
of distress, ii. 386; of bursts of
admiration, ii. 352; of familiarity
with the great, ii. 378.

Affection, i. 399; ii. 293, 488-9.
Agar, Welbore Ellis, ii. 88 n.
Agutter, Rev. William, ii. 546 n. 2,
554 n., 650.

Aikin, Miss. See Barbauld, Mrs.
Akenside, Mark, M.D., i. 239, 448 ;

ii. 22; Johnson's Life of, ii. 374.
Akerman, -, Keeper of Newgate,
ii. 111; courage at the Gordon
riots, ii. 324-6.
Alberti, Leandro, i. 582.
Alchemy, i. 603.
Aldrich, Rev. S., i. 272.
Aleppo, ii. 279, 348.
Alfred, Life of, i. 121.

[blocks in formation]

Allen, Edmund, the printer, i. 314,
581; ii. 107, 111, 204, 236, 286,
401, 500, 606 seq., 616.
Almsgiving, i. 483; ii. 37-8.
Althorp, Lord (second Earl Spen-
cer), ii. 320.
Ambition, ii. 27.

America and Americans, i. 544,
546, 560-2; ii. 156-7, 169, 219,
237, 328 n. 1, 394, 492, 543, 568.
Amyat, Dr., i. 251 n.
Ana, ii. 243.
Ancestry, i. 440, 520.
Anderson, Professor, of Glasgow,
ii. 89.

Andrews, Francis, i. 326.

Angell, John, Stenography, i. 492.
Anne, Queen, 'touches' Johnson,
i. 30.

Annihilation, ii. 117, 224.
Anson, Lord, ii. 282.
Ant, The, i. 351.

Antagonists, how they should be
treated, i. 655–6.

Anthologia, Johnson's translations,
ii. 621.

Antiquarian researches, ii. 251, 311.
Antiquarians, ii. 211.

Apostolical Ordination i. 401.
Apparitions. See Spirits.
Applause, ii. 355.

Appleby School, i. 89 n.
Arbuthnot, Dr. John, i. 284, 600.
Argyle, Archibald, third Duke of,
i. 128; ii. 52.

Argyle, John, fifth Duke of, ii. 73.
Ariosto, i. 185; ii. 338.

Armstrong, Dr., i. 232 n. 4; ii. 87.
Arnauld, Antoine, ii. 262.

Arnold, Thomas, M.D., Observa-
tions on Insanity, ii. 135.

Arran, Earl of, i. 187.
Art of Living in London, i. 71.
Ascham, Roger, Life by Johnson,
i. 310.

Ash, Dr., ii. 629 n.1.

Ashbourne, Johnson and Boswell

visit it in 1776, i. 679-80; in
1777, ii. 103-58; mentioned, ii.
593, 599, 603.
Astle, Rev. Mr., ii. 564.

Atle, Thomas, i. 105; ii. 432, 564.
Astleyestrian, ii. 307.
Aston, Catherine Hon. Mrs. Henry
Hervey), i. 55 n. 2.

Aston, Margaret (Mrs. Walmsley),
i. 55 n. 2, 673.

Aston, Miss (Mrs.), i. 673, 676; ii.
101, 160, 310, 311.

Aston, 'Molly' (Mrs. Brodie), i.
55, 673; ii. 257, 374.
Aston, Sir Thomas, i. 55.
Athol, Earl of, i. 336.
'Athol porridge,' ii. 392.
Atterbury, Bishop, i. 107; Funeral
Sermon on Lady Cutts, ii. 174;
Sermons, ii. 188.

Attorneys, ii. 565.

Auchinleck, i. 309, 526, 606, 631
seq.; ii. 136, 161; under Bos-
well's management, ii. 456.
Auchinleck, Lord, i. 479; ii. 61,
67, 69, 80, 164, 281, 298, 510; his
death, ii. 449.

Authors, attacks on, i. 209, 576;
ii. 283, 319, 650; the right of
abridging, ii. 620 n.; uncertainty
of their profits, ii. 422.

Avarice, ii. 51; not inherent, ii.

Ayrshire petition, ii. 388.

Bacon, Francis, i. 148, 443, 639;
ii. 148, 506, 539.

Bacon, John, R.A., ii. 651 n.
Badcock, Rev. Samuel, ii. 640 n.
Bagshaw, Rev. Thomas, i. 518,

Baily, Hetty, ii. 440.

Baker, Sir George, ii. 596.


an engraver, ii. 650 n.
Baker, Mrs., i. 356.

Baldwin, Henry, the printer, i. 6,
9 ; ii. 570.

Ballads, modern imitations ridi-
culed, i. 483.

Balloon, account of a, ii. 598, 600,
608, 615.

Ballow, Henry, a lawyer, ii. 15.
Balmerino, Lord, i. 123.

Baltic, Johnson's projected tour, i.
541 n. 2; ii. 102.


Banks, Sir Joseph, i. 320, 432, 430-

6; ii. 276, 278, 648.

Bannatyne, George, i. 240.
Barbauld, Mrs., i. 628 ií. 132.
Barber, Francis, Jonson's negro
servant, i. 157, 158, 160, 161,
232-3, 348-9, 375, 434, 591; ii.
170, 281, 543, 544, 610, 615, 634
seq., 646.

Barber, Mrs. Francis, i. 158.
Barclay, Alexander, i. 184.
Barclay, James, an Oxford student,
i. 332.

Barclay, Robert, of Ury, ii. 419 n.
1; Apology for the Quakers, i. 666.
Barclay, Robert, the brewer, ii.
419 n. 1, 603.

Baretti, Joseph, i. 202, 223, 235,
240, 373, 479, 542, 609, 660; ii.
4, 69, 124, 282, 356, 588; his
trial for murder, i. 394-6; ii. 572;
Dialogues, i. 660; Easy Lessons
in Italian and English, i. 542;
Frusta Letteraria, ii. 132; Ita-
lian and English Dictionary, i.

Barnard, Rev. Dr., Dean of Derry,
afterwards Bishop of Killaloe,
i. 69 n. 1, 556; ii. 60, 405, 412
n. 1, 417, 476.
Barnard, Dr. (Provost of Eton),
ii. 321.

Barnard, Francis, King's librarian,
i. 358, 362.

Barnes, Joshua, ii. 215, 346.
Barnet, ii. 3.

Barnewall, Nicholas, ii. 173 n.
Barnston, Miss Letitia, ii. 311.
Barret, William, the Bristol sur-
geon, ii. 34.

Barretier, Philip, Life by John-
son, i. 101; Additions to the Life,
i. 104, 110.

Barrington, Hon. Daines, i. 510;
ii. 415, 521; Observations on
the Statutes, ii. 237.
Barrowby, Dr., ii. 550.
Barry, Sir Edward, M.D., System
of Physic, ii. 23.
Barry, James, the painter, ii. 482,
497, 520.


Barter, -
a miller, i. 448.
Bartolozzi, Francis, ii. 82, 649 n.
Baskerville, John, Barclay's Apo-
logy, edition of, i. 666; Virgil, i.

Bate, Rev. Henry (Sir H. Dudley),
ii. 553.

Bateman, Edmund, tutor of Christ
Church, i. 51.

Bath, ii. 4; Johnson visits it in
1776, ii. 30-3.

Bath, William Pulteney, Earl of,
i. 103; ii. 182.


Bathurst, Dr., i. 129, 156, 160 n.,
161 n., 167, 168, 353, 356.
Bathurst, first Earl, i. 102;
262, 301 n., 302, 369.
Bathurst, second Earl, Lord Chan-
cellor, ii. 108.

Baxter, Rev. Richard, i. 137, 514;
ii. 471, 498, 499; Call to the Un-
converted, ii. 523; Reasons of
the Christian Religion, ii. 507.
Baxter, William, Anacreon, ii. 510,
511, 529; Horace, edition of, ii.

54 n.

Bayle, i. 190; ii. 655 n.; his Dic-
tionary, i. 284.

Beattie, Dr. James, i. 430-1, 434,

436, 476-7, 519; ii. 326, 407,
408, 576, 578; his Hermit, ii.

Beattie, Mrs., i. 434, 436.
Beauclerk, Hon. Topham, i. 164-6,

495, 582, 626; ii. 267, 314, 339,
352, 390, 404, 409, 478; death,
ii. 317, 320; dinners and suppers
at his house, i. 499, 568; ii. 268,
290-3; his first acquaintance
with Johnson, i. 164; John-
son's affection for him, ii. 340,
406, 468; Johnson's alterca-
tions with, ii. 213, 288-9.
Beauclerk, Lady Diana, wife of

Topham Beauclerk, i. 502, 571.
Beaufort, Duchess of (in 1780), ii.

Beauties of Johnson, ii. 444–6, 649 n.
Beauties of the Rambler, i. 144.
Beauty, independent of utility, i.

449; ii. 459; of women, ii. 430.


Beckenham, ii. 565.


Becket, T., the bookseller, i. 546.
Beckford, Alderman, ii. 55, 154.
Bedford, ii. 431.

Bedford, fourth Duke of, ii. 567.
Bedford, fifth Duke of, ii, 215, 426.
Bedfordshire Militia, ii. 299.
Bedlam, Johnson visits it, i. 602.
Behmen, Jacob, i. 417.

Belchier, John, the surgeon, ii. 38.
Bell, Rev. Mr., of Strathaven, ii.

Bell, John, Travels, i. 372.
Bell, John, the bookseller, Lives of
the Poets, ii. 82.

Bellamy, Mrs., the actress, i. 217;
ii. 512 n.

Belsham, William, Essay on Dra-
matic Poetry, i. 259.

Bennet, James, editor of Ascham's
Works, i. 310.

Bensley, Robert, the actor, i. 366.
Bentham, Dr. E., i. 657.

Bentley, Dr., i. 48, 657; ii. 347,
349, 494.

Beresford, Mrs. and Miss, ii. 543.
Beresford, Rev. Mr., ii. 215.
Berkeley, Bishop, i. 315, 424; ii.
126, 352.

Berrenger, Richard, ii. 398, 400.
Berwick, Duke of, Memoirs, ii. 216.
Betty Broom, ii. 514.

Bewley, William, the Philosopher
of Massingham, ii. 433.
Bible, the, should be read with a
commentary, ii. 39; subscrib-
ing it instead of the Articles, i.

Bibliopole, i. 582.

Bibliotheca Harleiana, i. 104.
Bibliothèque, Johnson's scheme of
i. 189-90.

Bickerstaff, Isaac, i. 389.
Bicknell, J. L., i. 210.

Bindley, James, i. 9.

Birch, Rev. Thomas, D.D., i. 19,
91 95, 102, 104 n. 2, 109, 126,

Birds, migration of, i. 510; nidifi-
cation, i. il.
Birmingham, i. 25, 57, 61; Johnson
visits it in 1776, i. 456–61; in
1781, ii. 135; in 1784, ii. 613.
Bishops, in the House of Lords, i.
453; how made, i. 587; their
learning, ii. 342. See Hierarchy.
Black-letter books, i. 415.
Blacklock, Dr., i. 311.
Blackmore, Sir Richard, Creation,
his, i. 405; Johnson adds him
to the Lives, ii. 280, 372-3.
Blackstone, Sir William, i. 51, 632
n. 2, 647; ii. 288, 400.
Blackwall, Anthony, i. 56; ii. 564,
640 n.

Blackwell, Thomas, Memoirs of
the Court of Augustus, i. 205–7.
Blagden, Dr., ii. 354.
Blainville, H., i. 582.
Blair, Rev. Dr. Hugh, i. 240, 264,
530, 533; ii. 301-3; Lectures
on Rhetoric, ii. 132; Sermons, ii.
70, 75, 80, 128, 160, 255, 405.
Blair, Rev. Dr. John, ii. 302.
Blair, Rev. Robert, ii. 32 n.
Blair, Robert, Solicitor-General of
Scotland, ii. 32 n.
Blakeway, Rev. J., i. 9.
Blanchetti, Marquis, i. 613.
Blaney, Mrs. Elizabeth, i. 26; ii.

Blank verse, i. 286, 418; ii. 347,
363, 377.

Blenheim Park, Johnson visits it,
i. 660.

a,,Bloxam, Rev. Matthew, ii. 229.
Blue-stocking Clubs, ii. 412.
Boccage, Mme. du, i. 624-5; her
Columbiade, ii. 577.

[ocr errors]

Binning, Lord, i. 464; ii. 249.
Biographia Britannica, i. 659; ii.
133, 134 n., 370, 535 n.
Biography, i. 17, 21-3, 170, 284,
362, 449, 658; ii, 51, 118, 208 n.,
357, 614.

Boerhaave, Herman, Life by John-
son, i. 96, 600.

Boethius (Hector Boece), i. 95,
420; ii. 529.

Boileau, i. 80; ii. 262.

Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, first
Viscount, ii. 179 n., 259, 260,


262, 301 n., 302 seq., 369; John-
son's criticisms on, i. 178, 219.
Bolingbroke, Lady, ii. 244.
Bolton, Mr., of Birmingham, i. 667.
Bonaventura, i. 333.
Bon-mots, ii. 243.

Books, abundance of modern, ii.
251; death, leaving one's books
at, ii. 235; early printed ones, i.
621; getting boys to have en-
tertainment from them, ii. 290;
Johnson's letter on the book-
trade, i. 642; knowledge of the
world through books, i. 71; look-
ing over their backs in a library, i.
595; not read willingly, ii. 494;
seldom read when given away,
i. 495; variety of them to be
kept about a man, ii. 148.
Booksellers, i. 203, 292, 642; ii.
81 216 n., 422.

Boothby, Sir Brook, i. 55.

Boothby, Miss Hill, i. 55; ii. 375.
See Johnson, Letters.
.Borlase, William, History of the
Isles of Scilly, i. 206.
Boscawen, Hon. Mrs., ii. 249, 321,

Boscovich, Père, i. 419, 626.
Bosville, Squire Godfrey, ii. 271,

Bosville, Mrs., i. 451.

Boswell, Sir Alexander, Baronet,
Boswell's eldest son, i. 609, 640;
ii. 8, 62, 92.

Boswell, David (Boswell's younger
brother), ii. 326, 330, 334.
Boswell, David (Boswell's third
son), ii. 68-9; death, ii. 78, 80.
Boswell, Dr., i. 292; ii. 5, 86.
Boswell, Euphemia (Boswell's

second daughter), i. 640.
BOSWELL, JAMES. Chief events
and Works: 1760, first visit
to London, i. 256-7; 1762,
second visit to London, i. 256-7;
1763, gets to know Johnson, i.
261; goes to study at Utrecht,
i. 315; 1765, visits Corsica, i.
334; 1766, visits Paris, ib. ;
visits London, i. 335-42; ad-

BOSWELL, JAMES (continued).


mitted as an Advocate, i. 346;
1767, Essence of the Douglas
Cause, i. 496 n.; 1768, visits
London and Oxford, i. 366-78;
Account of Corsica, i. 339, 348,
366, 381; ii. 74; 1769, visits
London, i. 379-408; first visit
to Streatham, i. 385; attends
the Stratford Jubilee, i. 380;
married, i. 429; 1772, visits
London, i. 434-70; 1773, visits
London, i. 481-521; elected a
member of the Literary Club,
i. 502; tour to the Hebrides with
Johnson, i. 524; 1775, visits
London, i. 559-604; visits Wil-
ton and Mamhead in Devon-
shire, i. 599; birth of his eldest
son, Alexander, i. 609; 1776,
disagrees with his father about
the settlement of his estate, i.
631; visits London, i. 645-52;
ii. 3-57; becomes Paoli's con-
stant guest when in London, ii.
24; visits Oxford, Birming-
ham, Lichfield, and Ashbourne
with Johnson, i. 652-80; ii. 1–
3; visits Bath, ii. 31-4; intro-
duces Wilkes to Johnson, ii. 46;
1777, meets Johnson at Ash-
bourne, ii. 103-58; 1778, visits
London, ii. 170-271; attacked
violently by Johnson, ii. 254;
1779, visits London (in the
spring), ii. 281-95; tries John-
son's friendship by a fit of
silence, ii. 296; visits London (in
the autumn), ii. 300-8; visits
Lichfield and Chester, ii. 309-12;
1781, visits London, ii. 386-419;
visits Southill with Johnson, ii.
419-31; 1782, death of his
father, ii. 449; 1783, visits Lon-
don, ii. 456-99; Letter to the
People of Scotland on the Present
State of the Nation, ii. 524; 1784,
stops at York on his way to Lon-
don, ii. 529; hurries back to
Ayrshire with the intention of
becoming a candidate for Par-

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