Slike strani

Goldschmidt, Julius, arrest of, in Germany for non-performance of military

Gonaïves declared blockaded.

Good Hope, discrimination in Canada against products of countries east of
the Cape of......


American, medical, refused entry into Russia
Imitations of American, in the Argentine Republic
Internal taxation of, imported in China....



.928, 988, 899

823, 824

1400, 1402



Goutier, Stanislaus, rebuked for interfering in Haytian affairs.
Grace, seizure of the, for illicit seal-fishing..


1788, 1795, 1797, 1805, 1807-1818

Grace-Aranibar contract


Claims against Chili

172, 174

Christmas, Fanning, and Penrhyn Islands, claim to
International Maritime Congress

Great Britain:

Sugar-bounties conference....685, 686, 688, 706, 707, 70s, 710, 71, 715, 716, 717,721,
726, 732, 733, 737, 745, 771, 772, 775, 789, 792, 793, 794, 796

Mails, transmission of across the Atlantic..
Fish, refusal of permission to two American vessels, at Halifax for repairs,
to sell cargo of fresh

Boundary of British Guiana and Venezuela
Samoa, affairs in....

Gurr vs. Marquardt..

.695, 696, 697, 779, 780

698, 702

704, 714, 725, 728, 738, 743, 752, 780, 790, 794

[blocks in formation]

American naval cadets at the Royal Naval College
Protectorate over Mosquito Reservation.......



British territory traversed by Lieutenant Schwatka


Seizure of property of Davis & Co. for illegal fishing in Canadian waters.
Discriminatory dues on American vessels in Canada.....770, 775, 794, 813, 814, 824
The Golden Hind refused permission to get fresh water in Canada
Immigration to the United States of the family of A. Gallagher
Guaranty of the independence of Hawaii..

[blocks in formation]

Resistance of the captain of the North Erin to a United States marshal. 787,804
Pearl Harbor concession to the United States.

Lights in the Red Sea...

790,796, 812

Aid to wrecked vessels in waters between Canada and the United

Articles from the United States placed on the Canadian free list..
Right of access by Great Britain to all Hawaiian harbors....

.808, 809, 810, 814

Seizure of the Adams and the Doughty for illegal fishing in Canada.
Sale of bait to United States vessels in Canada..
Immigrations of Indians into Alaska from British Columbia
License, form of, for United States fishing vessels in Canada
Illegal sale of bait in Canada by American fishing vessels
Claim for the illegal seizure of the Bridgewater in Canada...
Discrimination against United States vessels in Welland Canal
Discrimination in Canada against products of countries east of the Cape
of Good Hope coming through the United States...
Illegal recruitment of sailors by the Mary Anderson in the New Hebrides.
The Sackville-Murchison incident

Extradition treaty with the United States.

Seizure of British sealing vessels in Behring Sea

Fur seals, proposed treaty for protection of

Tonnage dues and navigation charges, abolition of..

.813, 814, 824

823, 824
825, 826
1730, 1740

600, 663


.796,824, 827






Greenebaum, consul, action of, in Samoa.

Grévy, Jules, resignation of, as President of France....

Guadeloupe, tonnage duties on vessels from, removed (proclamation)

Guano deposit, claim to discovery of, on Vivorilla Key, by J. R. Schultz .

Champerico and Northern Transportation Company (which see).
Representation of, by United States representatives in foreign coun

[blocks in formation]



Right of citizens of the United States to sue in..

142, 149, 155, 158

Discriminatory duties in favor of the Spanish Central American Steam-

ship Line....

Gurr vs. Marquardt. (See Marquardt.)

.90, 95, 98, 141, 148

Gutierrez, Benjamin, sentence of, for invading United States territory..1187, 1188, 1191


Half Cavalla, intervention of the United States asked to punish natives of.. 1081
Harvey Archipelago. (See Cook's Islands.)


[blocks in formation]

877, 681

Financial and the caisse d'amortissement bonds
Submarine telegraph cable from Mole St. Nicholas to Santiago de Cuba
Rebellion in (see also the Haytian Republic and disturbances at Port au
Prince, etc.)....884, 887, 891, 892, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 904, 905, 916,
917, 918, 920, 921, 924, 930, 931, 932, 936, 941, 942, 943, 944, 945, 958, 960,961, 962,
977, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 988, 989, 990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 997, 1001, 1005, 1006
Disturbance and incendiarism at Port au Prince.....884, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902,

Sanitary measures at Port au Prince...

..918, 919, 920, 921
.928, 988, 990


Blockade of Cape Haytien, Gonaïves, and St. Marc..
Attempted bribery by the French ministry.
Seizure of the Haytian Republic....932, 936, 941, 942, 943, 945, 958, 962, 982, 983, 984.
989, 991, 993, 994, 1001, 1005, 1006

Seizure of the William Jones

Blockade of Mole St. Nicholas, Port de Paix, and Jacmel.

Interference in Haytian domestic affairs, Consul Goutier, 940; Mr.

.953, 942, 943, 944, 960


Right of asylum...



Recognition of Légitime's government deferred.

943, 994

Clearance from Port au Prince refused the Winnie Lawry, 961; the Maggie
Abbott, 980; the Julia Fowler.


Claim of A. Č. Van Bokkelen..

.984, 985, 987, 988, 1007
Contraband of war shipped from the United States to the insurgents..992, 997, 1000
Haytian Republic, the, seizure of, by Government of Hayti.... 932, 936, 941, 942, 943,945,
958, 962, 982, 983, 984, 989, 991, 993, 994, 1001, 1005, 1006

Hector, James, shipments of American pork by, to Netherlands..
Heidenheimer, Stephen E., passport of..

Hellman, Max., passport of.

Hertenstein, death of President

Henry Reed, the, seizure of, by the Congo State authorities.
Henry, Walter, murder of.


.1331, 1333, 1334
561, 563, 564, 565


24-26, 29-34

Discriminatory duties in favor of the Spanish Central American line of

.90, 95, 98

Guano deposits on Vivorilla Key, claim of J. R. Schultz to discovery of. 119, 1.2
Honey, Mrs. S. R., income tax levied on, in Germany........623, 630, 649, 650, 655, 669
Horses and arms taken from United States sheriffs at Janos returned.. 1293, 1300, 1301
Horses belonging to the United States delivered by Mexican authorities........ 1249
Houston, R. P., guaranty for steam-ship lines to New York and north of En-

rope made to, by the Argentine Government to.....


Ice, monopoly of, on the Isthmus of Panama.
Immigration into the Argentine Republic.

Law, convict (in regard to Italians).
Laws restricting, evaded by Chinese..

Of Indians from British Columbia into Alaska

Of laborers into Hawaii..

Of the family of A. Gallagher...

Imitation of American goods in Argentine Republic.

Of coins, Government obligations, etc. (See Spielmarken.)


.411, 420, 429
13, 14

.1056, 1057


808, 809

834, 868

773, 774


Imprisonment. (See Brudigam, Burnett, Glasier, Jacobsen, Mejia, Postel,

Schwab, Woods, and Work.)

Incendiarism at Port au Prince.

.897, 898, 899, 902, 917

Indemnity for losses of Chinese by mob violence in the United States...363, 369, 378,
383, 389, 390, 392, 397


Paid by Chinese Government to American missionaries......
Independence of the Sandwich Islands declared by France and England.... 774, 78
Indians, immigration of, from British Columbia into Alaska..
Industrial Property Convention

Infants, when of full legal age in China

808, 809

.1390, 1391, 1535, 1538, 1540, 1542, 1545


Infectious diseases, regulations for prevention of, in Corea
Instruction, proposed Turkish regulations for public..
Instructors for the Corean army

1550, 1561


Military at Sucre....

ment of..

To be avoided...

Insurrection in Guatemala

Intellectual effort, prize offered by the King of Belgium for the encourage-

Interference in Haytian affairs, Consul Goutier rebuked for.

International. (See Congress, Exhibition, etc.)

Intervention of the United States requested to punish the Half Cavalla tribes

[blocks in formation]


.52, 53, 54



942, 982

.77, 78, 107, 120, 133, 143, 1050, 1416

172, 186, 197

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Tonnage dues, differential rates of, 1878-1880; and navigation charges,
abolition of.


.1050, 1054, 1055

Jacmel declared blockaded............

Jacob, A. P., enforced enlistment of, in French military service.
Jacobs, Jules, passport of....

543, 556

Jacobsen, Hans, arrest of as a deserter from the German army.
Janos, arrest of United States sheriffs and posse at. (See sheriffs.)

[blocks in formation]

Nemo, attack on the, while fishing off Copper Island.
Abolition of tonnage and navigation charges...

Jeanie, the, discriminatory duties levied on, at Havana..

Jessen, H. F., arrest of, in Germany for non-performance of military service.. 659

Expulsion of, from Palestine

Expulsion of, from Russia

H. Ex. 1, pt. 1-124

Johanna Island:

Claim of B. F. Wilson against the sultan of.

Protectorate of France over

Johnson, C. A. B., citizenship of...

Joint-stock companies, Turkish regulations governing

Jones, Wm., seizure of the, by the Haytian authorities......
Judgments, execution of consular, in Turkey ...
Juneau, outrages on Chinese at..

Jurisdiction, claim of Mexico to extraterritorial criminal





.933, 936, 942, 943, 944, 960


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

615, 630

Kessel, Frank, application of, for passport.....
Kidnaping attempted by Mexican soldiers of a deserter at Eagle Pass....1176, 1185,

1186, 11-7

Klein, August, arrest of, in Germany for non-performance of military service.
Kraljevica, reward to members of the United States life-saving stations for aid

to the.....

Krupp, Messrs., orders given for cannon for the Belgian army.
Kwai Ping, missionary troubles at.........

Kurds, attack by, on Nestorian Christians..



.2.0, 236, 266
1362, 1363


Laborers, immigrant, in Hawaii ...

Lalanne, W.:

.834, 864, 868, 871

Request of, for certificate of exemption from French military service.... 535, 540
Naturalization, legality of, and right to a passport......



Right of foreigners to hold, in Guatemala.

Special permission required for a foreigner to hold or lease, in Norway ..
Tenure of foreigners in China..


270, 301

Tenure of natives in China..





Lawry, the Winnie, refused clearance to Port de Paix

Leary, R. P., commander, U. S. Navy, letters in regard to Samoan affairs..
Lease, restoration of real property in Turkey on termination of.......
Leerdam, the tonnage dues imposed on, in the United States ....

.1342, 1344

Légitime (see Revolution in Hayti), elected chief of the executive power.. 930, 993

[blocks in formation]

Lesseps, Count F. de, letter presenting the Bartholdi medal to Mr. Cleveland.

Letters rogatory:

To be executed in France, issued by a New York court..
Execution of foreign, in the United States

Lewchew, claim of China to suzerainty over


Intervention of the United States requested to punish the half-Caralla

Race prejudice in ..

Claim of France to the Beriby district

License, form of, for American fishing vessels in Canada


Institutions, reports, etc., of, to be obtained (circular)
Station, reward to members of, for aid to the Kralijevica....
Life and property, imperial guaranty of, in Persia.......
Lights in the Red Sea....

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Linden, J., medical goods of, refused entry into Russia
Lipszyc, Adolph, expulsion of, from Russia

Liquor law of Siam....


Literary and artistic works, convention for the protection of...
Livingston, free port of, and free zone abolished..

Loan, Hawaiian



.1400, 1402



.1542, 1545

159, 162



Log Cabin Bar, Snake River, murder of Chinese at..........383, 387, 391, 395, 401, 403
Lopez & Co., Calixto, claim of, against Spain for illegally collected duties..
Lower California, colonization of, by United States citizens
Lowinsohn, Sigismund, application of, for a passport
Lozano, Toribio, claim of, against the United States
Luis, Atanacio, attempted kidnapping of, by Mexican

[blocks in formation]

Maritime conference for greater safety of life and property at sea.


In China

Of native women with foreigners in China

.178, 179, 194, 196, 422

512, 688

.740, 742, 1659

Annulment of civil, in Colombia by concordat with the Holy See of


.319, 347, 349, 683

416, 419

Of Americans abroad, validity of

645, 649

Marquardt, Gurr vs., question of jurisdiction at Apia in the case of..

704, 780

Mary Anderson, illegal recruitment of sailors in the New Hebrides by the.... 825,826
Massacre of Christians in Tiary and Tehoman

.1362, 1363

Massowah. (See Zoula.)

settle the claim of the Italian Government.....

Medal for President Cleveland, from the committee of the Bartholdi statue..
Mejia, Manuel, arrest of, at Phoenix, Ariz...

Menist, Alexander, citizenship of........

Meriam, Mary B., complaint of, of race prejudice in Liberia...

Merida, seizure of the....

Mediation of the United States requested by the Government of Salvador to

.1253, 1301
.1338, 1341

.99, 106, 122


Message of the President of:


[blocks in formation]


.426, 427, 429



Murder of Leon Baldwin...........1087, 1088, 1090, 1092, 1144, 1202, 1217, 1248, 1250, 1254
Claim of Mrs. Baldwin for the murder of Leon Baldwin..

Discrimination by Mexico in favor of the Spanish Central American line
of steamers

Quarantine against Mexican cattle in Arizona..

[blocks in formation]

Colonization of Lower California by United States citizens..
Boundary between the United States and Mexico......
Claim of Howard C. Walker

Wing-dams on the Rio Grande..

Imprisonment of Oliver Woods.
Claim of A. K. Cuttings ...

.1099, 1109, 1110, 1111
1103, 1137

.1110, 1200, 1241, 1242, 1244, 1245, 1246

.1112, 1136, 1138, 1143, 1184
1113, 1189, 1199, 1201

Kidnapping by Mexican soldiers of a deserter at Eagle Pass.. 1176, 1185, 1186, 1187

Imprisonment of B. C. Work


.1182, 1185, 1191, 1223, 1228, 1234, 1239
Trespassing by Mexican troops on the United States frontier....
Abduction of prisoners from Nogales, sentence of Mexican officers..1187, 1188, 1191
Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation with France....
Attack on visiting Papago Indians........
Imprisonment of B. B. Glasier.


.1197, 1199, 1223, 1225
.1203, 1215

Extradition of Shields and Wilson.....1216, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1228, 1236, 1237, 1238,

1239, 1240, 1241, 1243, 1247

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