"What though on Simois' or Scamander's fhore, "Far off from home, the Greeks your death deplore? "No matter where, or when: it once must be, "And nothing can revoke the firm decree. Though Thetis' fon, though third from mighty Jove, "Eternal monarch of the realms above, "Nor Jove, nor Thetis, can your days recal, "Or for an hour defer your destin'd fall. "Mean while a loofer reign to pleasure give : Time flies in hafte, be you in hafte to live: "Seize on the precious minutes, as they fleet; "Your life, however fhort, will be compleat, "If at the fatal moment you can say, "I've liv'd, and made the most of every day! "For this, remember, monarchs firft were made, "And fond, expecting Peleus chides your ftay. « Go Or from an endless chain of caufes wrought, Am I but what I feem, mere flesh and blood; ftoration; and received his education at Aberdeen, where he took his Doctor's degree. He foon afterwards removed to London, and was employed fometime in teaching the mathematics. On St. Andrew's day 1704, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society; and on the 30th October following, was fworn Physician extraordinary to Queen Anne; upon the indifpofition of Dr. Hannes, he was appointed fourth Phyfician in ordinary to the Queen; and on 27th April 1710, was admitted a Fellow of the College of Phyficians. The death of Queen Anne deprived him of his place and refidence at Court. On 30th September 1723, he was named fecond Cenfor of the College of Physicians; and on the 5th October 1727, became an Elect of the fame Society. ›During the latter part of his life, he was afflicted with an asthma, of which he died on the 27th February 1734-5. Dr. Johnson obferves of Arbuthnot, "that he was a man eftimable for his learning, amiable for his life, and venerable for his piety." The fame writ alfo adds, "that he was a man of great comprehenfion, skilful in his profeffion, verfed in the sciences, acquainted with ancient literature, and able to animate his mass of knowledge by a bright and active imagination: a scholar with great brilliancy of wit; a wit, who in the crowd of life, retained and difcovered a noble ardour of religious zeal." This This frame compacted with transcendent skill, Nurs'd from the fruitful glebe, like yonder tree, Who warm'd th' unthinking clod with heavenly fire: By double nature, double instinct fway'd : And weigh the whirling planets in a scale: T Some |