"Till, flufh'd with hope from views of paft fuccefs, Left it from nature lead us quite astray; ODE, ODE, to a LADY. On the Death of Col. CHARLES Ross, in the Action at Fontenoy. Written May 1745. By Mr. W. COLLINS . 1. WHILE, loft to all his former mirth, BRITANNIA's genius bends to earth, And mourns the fatal day; While, ftain'd with blood, he ftrives to tear Unfeemly from his fea-green hair The wreaths of cheerful May; a William Collins was born at Chichester on the 25th day of December, about 1720. His father was a hatter. In 1733 he was admitted a fcholar of Winchefter college, and in 1740 ftood first in the lift of the fcholars in fucceffion at New College; but there being no vacancy at that time, he became a commoner of Queen's College, and in about half a year after was elected a Demy of Magdalen College, where he continued until he had taken a Batchelor's degree, and then fuddenly left the univerfity. This event happened about the year 1744. He immediately came to London, and commenced a literary adventurer; in which capacity he was not diligent enough to keep himself from want. In a fhort time he was relieved from his diftreffes by the death of his uncle, Mr. Martin, a lieutenant colonel, who left him about £. 2,000. From this period his health began to decline, and he gradually fell into that ftate 1 1 II. The thoughts which musing pity pays, Still fancy, to herself unkind, Awakes to grief the soften'd mind, By rapid Scheld's defcending wave. That facred spot the village hind And peace protect the shade. O'er him, whofe doom thy virtues grieve, Aerial forms fhall fit at eve And bend the penfive head! And, fall'n to fave his injur'd land, Imperial Honour's aweful hand Shall point his lonely bed! of depreffion of mind which enchains the faculties without destroying them, and leaves reason the knowledge of right without the power of pursuing it. These clouds which he perceived gathering on his intellects, he endeavoured to disperse by travel, and paffed into France; but found himself constrained to yield to his malady, and returned. He was for fome time confined in a house of lunatics, and afterwards retired to the care of his fifter at Chichester, where death, in 1756, came to his re. lief. VOL. I. Z V. The |