A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes, Količina 1Robert Dodsley J. Dodsley, 1782 |
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Zadetki 1–5 od 24
Stran 13
... fweet regions hold , With groves of fpices , and with mines of gold . " Four Indian kings or chiefs , of the fix nations lying between New England and Canada , arrived in England in the year 1710 , and had a public audience of the queen ...
... fweet regions hold , With groves of fpices , and with mines of gold . " Four Indian kings or chiefs , of the fix nations lying between New England and Canada , arrived in England in the year 1710 , and had a public audience of the queen ...
Stran 15
... fweet retirements fee them fafe convey'd , And raise their battles in the rural fhade . From fields of death to Woodstock's peaceful glooms ( The poet's haunt ) Britannia's hero comes Begin , my Mufe , and foftly touch the string : Here ...
... fweet retirements fee them fafe convey'd , And raise their battles in the rural fhade . From fields of death to Woodstock's peaceful glooms ( The poet's haunt ) Britannia's hero comes Begin , my Mufe , and foftly touch the string : Here ...
Stran 29
... fweet the glooms beneath thy aged trees , Thy noon - tide fhadow , and the evening breeze ! His image thy forsaken bowers reftore ; Thy walks and airy profpects charm no more ; No more the fummer in thy glooms allay'd , Thy evening ...
... fweet the glooms beneath thy aged trees , Thy noon - tide fhadow , and the evening breeze ! His image thy forsaken bowers reftore ; Thy walks and airy profpects charm no more ; No more the fummer in thy glooms allay'd , Thy evening ...
Stran 43
... fweet trumpet founds too late , Too late to stay the fpirit on its flight , Or footh the new inhabitant of light ; Who hears regardless , while fond man , distress'd , Hangs on the abfent , and laments the bleft . Farewel then fame ...
... fweet trumpet founds too late , Too late to stay the fpirit on its flight , Or footh the new inhabitant of light ; Who hears regardless , while fond man , distress'd , Hangs on the abfent , and laments the bleft . Farewel then fame ...
Stran 50
... fweet we well may praise , But far , far fweeter in its ancient days , Far fweeter was it , when its peopled ground With fairy domes and dazzling tow'rs was crown'd . Where in the midst thofe verdant pillars fpring , Rofe the proud ...
... fweet we well may praise , But far , far fweeter in its ancient days , Far fweeter was it , when its peopled ground With fairy domes and dazzling tow'rs was crown'd . Where in the midst thofe verdant pillars fpring , Rofe the proud ...
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A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes. by Several Hands: With Notes Robert Dodsley Predogled ni na voljo - 2016 |
Pogosti izrazi in povedi
æther beauty beneath bleffings bleft boaft breaft charms defire Earl eaſe Ev'n eyes facred fafe faid fair falfe fame fate fatire fcene fcorn fear fecret fecure feems feen fenfe fhade fhall fhew fhining fhould fhun fide filent fing firft firſt fkies flain fmile foes foft fome fons foon foul ftands ftate ftill ftream fuch fweet fwell Gaul grace Grongar Hill heart heav'n honour houfe houſe joys juft king laft lefs loft mind moft moſt Mufe muft muſt ne'er nymph o'er paffion pain peace Peleus pleaſe pleaſure pow'r praiſe pride proud purſue quæ Queen Queen Anne Queen's College quid rage raiſe reafon reft reign rife ſcene ſhade ſhall ſhe ſkies ſkill ſmile ſpeak Spleen ſpread ſtand ſtate terque thee thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou thought thouſand tow'rs uſe vaft virtue whofe Whoſe wife youth