A EULOGY ON THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, DELIVERED AT THE REQUEST OF THE LEGISLATURE OF MASSACHUSETTS, IN FANEUIL HALL, APRIL 15, 1848. "Ego vero te, cum vitæ flore tum mortis opportunitate, divino consilio et ortum et BY EDWARD EVERETT. BOSTON: DUTTON AND WENTWORTH, STATE PRINTERS, No. 87, Congress Street. US42500.27 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY 1865. Pept, 15. site! (6.6.1814) 1309 43-126 HT HON. EDWARD EVERETT, Dear Sir: The undersigned, a Committee appointed for the purpose, have the honor to transmit to you the enclosed Order, adopted unanimously in both branches of the Legislature. In communicating this Order, and expressing our hope that you will comply with the request therein contained, the Committee pray you to accept the assurance of their personal respect and most affectionate regard. JOS. T. BUCKINGHAM, JAMES C. DOANE, EZRA WILKINSON, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. IN SENATE, April 17, 1848. ORDERED, That Messrs. BUCKINGHAM and DOANE, with such as the House may join, be a Committee to tender the thanks of the Legislature to the Hon. EDWARD EVERETT, for the appropriate and eloquent Eulogy on John Quincy Adams, delivered by him on the fifteenth April, instant, at the request of the two branches of the Legislature, and to request a copy thereof for publication. Sent down for concurrence. CHAS. CALHOUN, Clerk. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, April 17, 1848. Concurred, and the House join, on their part, Messrs. GRAY, of Boston, WILKINSON, of Dedham, and DEWEY, of Williamstown. CHAS. W. STOREY, Clerk. CAMBRIDGE, 17TH APRIL, 1848. GENTLEMEN, I have received your letter of this day, enclosing to me an Order of the Legislature, requesting a copy of my Eulogy, on the late President Adams, for publication. I hasten to comply with the request of the two Houses, and feel myself much honored by this mark of their approbation. Be pleased to accept my thanks for the kind expressions of personal regard contained in your letter, and permit me to subscribe myself, Gentlemen, |