Slike strani

relative to American Trade.

The 2. propounded to Mr. Allorney was, on the 25.410.3.

Whether a Man born in Britain is capable and by what means of becoming a Subject of the Nonited States.

To the affect of being qualified to

own, comman

navigate. Américan Ship, importing Tobacco, or other Américan Commodities?



"Very different questions may arise inconsequence of the Independemed of America. But if Funderstand the presents

Question?, it is, sohether a man bom in Great Britain, and not resident in America at the time of her Independence. being granted, can makes himself a subject of America "Sam of opinion that he can not and that he is, notwithstanding his Residence in America, a British Subject and consequently cannd command American Vessell in a Desatada British Port recordy to the Act of


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Jum over.

12.13 - Vessels, to belong to America, mus be American built – owned by America subject — and at least three fourths of the Crew American

on failure of these requisites _ the Vessel is forfeited.

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American State Papers; including
Declaration of Rights
Non-Importation Agreement
Laft Petition to the King

Declaration of Independence

Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union be-
tween the States of New-Hampshire, Massachu-
fetts-Bay, Rhode-Island and Providence Planta-
tions, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia,
North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia
Conftitution of New-Hampshire
Conftitution of Massachusetts-Bay

Charter of Rhode-Island

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