Nature, Količina 27Sir Norman Lockyer Macmillan Journals Limited, 1883 |
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acid Algæ ammonia angle animals appearance astronomers atmosphere aurora Ben Nevis birds bright British carbon centimetres centre chemical cinchona colour comet connection cyanide cyanogen December direction disc distance earth electric electromotive force experiments fact feet geological give Guildown heat height heliometer horizon inches increase interesting islands larvæ Lavoisier length less light lines lower magnetic matter means measure ment method miles moon motion nature nearly notice November November 17 observations Observatory obtained October October 24 paper parallax perihelion phenomena photographs plants plates position present pressure probably Prof recent remarkable right ascension rocks Royal schists scientific seen Society solar species specimens spectrum stamens stations sun's surface tail temperature theory tides tion transit of Venus tube velocity venomous snakes visible wind wire
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Stran 167 - Bart., president, in the chair. — The following gentlemen were elected Fellows of the Society : — The Rev. R.
Stran 75 - Wright (Lewis). — LIGHT ; A COURSE OF EXPERIMENTAL OPTICS, CHIEFLY WITH THE LANTERN. By LEWIS WRIGHT. With nearly 200 Engravings and Coloured Plates. Crown 8vo. Js. 6d. ASTRONOMY. Airy. — POPULAR ASTRONOMY. With Illustrations by Sir GB AIRY, KCB, formerly Astronomer'Royal.
Stran 322 - No Candidate will be allowed any marks in respect of any subject of examination, unless he shall be considered to possess a competent knowledge of that subject.
Stran 317 - La troisième, de conduire, par ordre, ses pensées, en commençant par les objets les plus simples, pour monter peu à peu, comme par degrés, à la connaissance des plus composés.
Stran 247 - It will be in the recollection of some of our readers that the object of the Association was extended at the last annual meeting, so as to include the effecting of improvements in the teaching of elementary mathematics and mathematical physics. This extension has met with great approval, and the novelty of this year's meeting will be the reading of three papers : ( I ) " The Teaching of Elementary Mechanics," by WH Besant, FRS (2) " The Basis of Statics,
Stran 224 - Our readers possibly may smile at our ignorance ; but we care not, so that the sincerity and truth of our statement be not suspected. The Tree of the Ten Thousand Images seemed to us of great age. Its trunk, which three men could scarcely embrace with outstretched arms, is not more than eight feet high; the branches, instead of shooting up, spread out in the shape of a plume of feathers, and are extremely bushy; few of them are dead. The leaves are always green, and the wood, which is of a reddish...
Stran 252 - Many of you will begin to think that you are listening to the play of Hamlet with the part of the Prince of Denmark omitted, for so far I have said nothing whatever about technical education. I have said nothing about it for the reason that I believe the less said to a boy about technical education before he is sixteen ytars old the better.
Stran 239 - Stratigraphical geology. Book 7. — Physiographical geology. Comparing this classification with that of other authors, and viewing it with reference to the present condition of the science, we may say without hesitation that it has no superior, and that it is well adapted to existing needs. GK GILBERT, US Geological Survey...
Stran 251 - In matters of commerce, the fault of the Dutch Is giving too little and asking too much; With equal advantage the French are content: So we'll clap on Dutch bottoms a twenty per cent.
Stran 189 - Commissioners, and also for inquiring whether any and what measures could be beneficially adopted for collecting and arranging all or any of such Registers or records, and for depositing the same, or copies thereof, in the Office of the Registrar General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England, or for otherwise preserving the same, and also for considering and advising the proper measures to be adopted for giving full force and effect as evidence in all Courts of Justice to all such Registers...