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CAR'OB, ALGAROBA, or LOCUST-TREE (It. carrubo, from Ar. kharrüb, bean-pods) (Ceratonia siliqua). A tree of the natural order Leguminosa, a native of the countries around the Mediterranean Sea, in size and manner of growth much resembling the apple-tree, but with abruptly pinnate, dark, evergreen leaves, which have two or three pairs of large oval leaflets. The flowers are destitute of corolla; the fruit is a brown, leathery pod 4 to 10 inches long and an inch or so wide, a little curved, and containing gummy pulp, of an agreeable, sweet taste, in which lie a number of shining brown seeds, somewhat resembling small flattened beans. The seeds are bitter and of no use, but the sweet pulp renders the pods an important article of food to the poorer classes of the countries in which the tree grows, as they contain as much as 60 per cent. of sugar. They are very much used by the Moors and Arabs. They are also valuable as food for horses and cattle, for which they are much employed in the south of Europe, and have of late years begun to be extensively imported into Great Britain under the name of locust-beans or Saint John's bread. The Arabs make of the pulp of the carob a preserve like tamarinds, which is gently aperient, and also a kind of liquor. The carob-tree is too tender for the climate of Great Britain. Its introduction

into the north of India has been recommended as an important addition to the resources of that country and a valuable safeguard against famine. At the California Experiment Station the tree is highly thought of for its shade. It grows well in dry, rocky situations, and is considered a valuable acquisition. It will not stand frost. The wood is hard and much valued, and the bark and leaves are used for tanning. The locusttree (q.v.) of America is quite distinct from this. In Hawaii the mesquite tree (q.v.) is called algaroba. In California this tree is frequently used for hedges.


the custom in many parts of England for troops of men and boys, known as 'waits,' to go about the villages for several nights before Christmas, singing carols in the open air. As a rule, the best carols are the oldest, although one of the most popular, "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night," was composed in 1703 by no better a poet than Nahum Tate, and the ancient spirit has been successfully caught in recent times by Swinburne, William Morris, and John Mason Neale. The older carols, usually set to pleasing and not difficult melodies, have the characteristics of popular poetry in general. They are simple, picturesque, and often childlike in their naïveté to the point of seeming to persons of less unsophisticated training to border on irreverence. A manuscript of the Fifteenth Century now in the British Museum (ed. Thomas Wright, London, 1847), contains a number of the most famous early carols. The best collection, however, of both the ancient and modern types is Christmas Carols, Old and New (London, 1874), the words edited by H. R. Bramley, and the music by Sir John Stainer.

CAROLAN, kär'ô-lan, or O'CAROLAN, &kär'o-lan, TURLOGH. See O'CAROLAN, TUR


CAROLANO, kä'rð-läʼnô. A wild Malayan people in the mountains of Negros Island. See PHILIPPINES.

CAROLINA, kä'rô-lē'nå, LA. The capital of a district in the Province of Jaén, Andalusia,

Spain, on the southern range of the Sierra

and silver mining industries, vineyards, and Morena, 36 miles northeast of Jaén. It has lead olive plantations. The inhabitants, descendants of South Germans, who settled here in 1780 under the auspices of Count Olavides, the favorite tion, their origin being easily discernible, alof Charles III., exhibit an interesting assimilathough the Teutonic language has been placed by the Spanish. Population, 1901, 9756.


ing to Naples, Carolina again conspired against Napoleon, and, with her husband, was, in 1806, dethroned and succeeded by Joseph Bonaparte. She died in Vienna.

CAROL (OF. carole, from Bret. koroll, dance, CAROLINA, kä'rô-lē'ná, MARIA (1752Gael. carull, melody, from car, bar of music, 1814). A daughter of Francis I., Emperor of Ir. car, a turn, ultimately, perhaps, connected Germany, and Maria Theresa of Austria, and with Ir. carr, cart, Lat. currus, cart). In the Queen of Naples by her marriage with Ferdinand stricter sense, a popular religious song intended IV. in 1768. She had great influence with the to form part of the rejoicings connected with the King, brought about the appointment of Sir John great Christian festivals. The kinship of the Acton as Prime Minister in 1784, and caused the earlier English carols with similar French comKing, in 1798, to join the coalition against positions is evidenced by the frequent recurFrance, the consequence of which was the marchrence in them of the refrain 'Nowell,' a variant ing of the French upon Naples (1799) and the of the Fr. Noel, Christmas (Lat. natale, birth-flight of Ferdinand and Carolina. After returnday); though they had a wide popularity in the Middle Ages on the Continent of Europe, they are especially associated with English tradition. Their use seems to have been at its height under the Tudors; the universal familiarity with them is shown by the specific prohibition in 1525, when Henry VIII. lay seriously ill, of "carols, bells, or merry-making." In 1562 license was given to Thomas Tysdale to print "certayne goodly Carowles to be songe to the glory of God." The Puritans, in their general onslaught on the observance of Christmas, when holly and ivy were made seditious badges, attempted to abolish them; but they came back with the Restoration, and in 1661 appeared The New Carols for the Merry Time of Christmas, to Sundry Pleasant Tunes. To this day it is



CAR'OLINE, THE. An American vessel, the seizure and destruction of which, off Grand Island, by a party of Canadians, on December 29, 1837, during the rebellion in Upper Canada, threatened to cause a war between the United States and Great Britain. The steamer had been used for carrying supplies to a party of insurgents on Navy Island, and Great Britain asserted in 1840 that its destruction was a legiti mate act of war, while the United States re

peatedly demanded redress on the ground that the Canadians had invaded its territory in time of peace. The difficulty came to a crisis in the course of the same year when a Canadian named McLeod, who had boasted of participating in the affair, was tried in New York. British Ministry threatened war in case he were not released, but his trial was nevertheless continued, and his acquittal alone prevented serious trouble between the two governments.


CAROLINE, AMELIA ELIZABETH (1768-1821). Queen of George IV. of England. She was the second daughter of Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, and Princess Augusta of Britain, sister of George III. She was born on May 17, 1768, and on April 8, 1795, was married to the Prince of Wales, who, with no love for his cousin, consented to the union for the sake of liquidating his debts. She soon complained of his intimacy with Mrs. Fitzherbert and Lady Jersey. The King sought to reconcile the royal pair; but after the birth of their daughter, Princess Charlotte, January, 1796, the Prince of Wales deserted his wife. She received public sympathy and support, especially when official attempts

were made to discredit her. In 1814 she ob

tained leave to travel, and lived in Italy for some time, but acted imprudently in showing favor to her courier, Bergami, and his family. When her husband became King in 1820, she was offered an annuity of £50,000 sterling to renounce the title of Queen and live abroad; but she refused, and made a triumphal entry into London, whereupon the Government instituted proceedings for divorce on a charge of adultery. Indiscreet conduct was proved; but the manner in which she had been used by her husband, and the splendid defense of Brougham, caused such a feeling in her favor that the Ministry abandoned the divorce bill, after it had passed the House of Lords. She assumed the rank of

royalty, but was repulsed from Westminster Abbey when she insisted on her right to coronation with her husband, July 29, 1821. Nine days afterwards she died. In direct disregard of the King's desire, the funeral procession, on its way to Brunswick, where Caroline was buried, passed through the city of London; but not before lives had been lost in an encounter with the Life Guards at Hyde Park Corner. Consult: Memoirs of Queen Caroline, by Nightingale (London, 1820); Adolphus (London, 1821); Huish (London, 1821); Wilk (London, 1822); also Clerke, Life of Her Majesty Queen Caroline (London,


CAROLINE BOOKS (Lat. Libri Carolini). A work in four books, drawn up, probably in 790, by the authority of Charles the Great, against the decrees of the Iconoclastic Council of 754, and of the Second Council of Nicæa, in 787. The latter had been translated into Latin incorrectly, and the author of the Caroline Books supposed that they ordered the same worship to be paid to the images as to the Trinity. The Caroline Books reject both iconoclasm and the worship of images. The author is unknown. Consult Hefele, History of the Councils, Vol. III., Book 20, Chap. 2 (Freiburg, 1873-90).

CAROLINE ISLANDS. A group of small and widely scattered islands in the Pacific Ocean, extending from the equator to about latitude 10°


N. and from about longitude 136° to about 164° E. (Map: Australasia, G 2). They number about 525, including reefs and uninhabited rocks, and their area is estimated at 390 square miles, They are mostly low and of coral formation, and their soil is not above the average in fertility. The main islands of the group are Rug, or Hogolu, Ponape, and Strong. chief product is copra, while some of the islands also yield shells. The commerce is mostly in the hands of the German Jaluit Company, which has stations on almost every important island. Administratively the group is a part of the German New Guinea Protectorate. The population of the Caroline Islands is estimated at 36,000, and consists chiefly of Micronesians, with about 125 Europeans. Most of the native have been converted to Christianity. They are well developed physically and mentally, a little shorter than the eastern Polynesians, and dolichocephalic. The ruins of stone structures on the islands of Ponape, Lalla, etc., are by some writers (e.g. Christian, in 1899) needlessly attributed to a 'black race,' predecessors of the present occupants. These famous' ruins are doubtless remains of the works of the forefathers of the people now inhabiting the archipelago, for elsewhere, as in Tonga, Easter Island, etc., the Polynesians have demonstrated Carolines were discovered in 1525 by the Portutheir ability to surpass these achievements. The guese Diego da Rocha, and further explored during the Seventeenth Century by the Spanish admiral Francisco Lazeano, who gave to the group its present name in honor of King Charles the group was entirely abandoned by Spain, II. In the beginning of the Eighteenth Century and it was not until the beginning of the Nineteenth Century that the existence of the Caroline archipelago was again brought to the attention of the civilized world by a number of scientific expeditions. At length German comCarolines, and the hoisting of the German flag mercial interests became paramount in the over Yap in 1885 called forth the protest of Spain. A settlement reached in the same year, with the Pope as Spain's claim to the archipelago, but conferred an arbitrator, recognized In 1899 the special privileges on Germany. Caroline, Pelew, and Ladrone groups (except Guam), were ceded to Germany in consideration of the sum of 16,750,000 marks (about $3,300,000). Consult: Christian, The Caroline Islands (London, 1899); Otto Finsch, Karolinen und Marianen (Hamburg, 1900); id., Anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in der Südseo

(Berlin, 1883).


CAROLINE MATILDA (1751-75). Queen child of Frederick, Prince of Wales, and in 1766 of Denmark and Norway. She was the youngest married Christian VII., by whom she became the mother of Frederick VI. The King was a youth of feeble character, and by self-indulgence had reduced himself almost to a state of imbecility. From the first he treated the Queen with coldness. In the course of time she became in

volved in an amour with Struensee, the Court with the King, and was appointed Cabinet Minphysician, who at the same time was a favorite ister and created a count (1771). Early in 1772, as the result of a Court intrigue, the Queen and Struensee were arrested, each confessed guilt, and Struensee was executed. The royal marriage

was declared dissolved, but when it was proposed to banish the Queen, the British Government interfered. She received a pension of £5000, was allowed to retain the title of Queen, and spent her last years in a castle at Celle, Hanover. Consult Wraxall, Life and Times of Queen Caroline Matilda (London, 1864) and Wittich, Struensee (Leipzig, 1899). See STRUENSEE.

CAR'OLIN'GIANS (Fr. Carlovingiens, Med. Lat. Carolingi, from OHG. Karling, descendant of Karl, particularly Charles Martel). The second dynasty of Frankish kings. The origin of the family is traced to Saint Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, who died in 641. His son, Ansegisel, married a daughter of Pepin (q.v.), of Landen, in Austrasia. Their son, Pepin of Heristal, the greatest territorial lord in Austrasia, was called to the office of Mayor of the Palace, in that kingdom. At the battle of Testry in 687, Pepin compelled the weak Merovingian King, Theuderich III., to invest him with the office of Mayor of the Palace in all the three Frankish States, Neustria, Austrasia, and Burgundy. Pepin allowed the Merovingian kings to remain upon the throne, but they were kings only in name. He died in 714, and left as his successor a grandson who was a mere child; but Charles Martel (q.v.), a natural son of Pepin, was made Mayor of the Palace by the Austrasians, and in this capacity brought the three States under his power. He died in 741. His two sons, Carloman and Pepin the Short, divided the kingdom, although for a time the nominal Merovingian dynasty still existed. Carloman abdicated after a few years and entered a monastery. Pepin at last formally assumed the royal power, and was crowned King of the Franks in 751. From this is dated the beginning of the Carolingian dynasty. Pepin was succeeded by his sons, Carloman and Charles the Great (q.v.) or Charlemagne, of whom the latter soon reigned alone, and prodigiously extended his dominions. In 800 Pope Leo. III. set upon his head the crown of the Western Roman Empire. He planned to divide his dominions among his sons, of whom, however, only one, Louis the Pious, survived him, who, in the list of the Kings of France, appears as Louis I., but who was properly Emperor and King of the Franks. With Charlemagne the high abilities of his family disappeared, and his successors were comparatively weak. Family feuds broke out during the life of Louis the Pious, who had divided his dominions among his sons, and he terminated his troubled reign in 840. By a treaty concluded at Verdun, in 843, Lothair I., the eldest son of Louis, obtained the imperial crown and the kingdom of Italy, with Lorraine, Franche Comté, Provence, and Lyonnais; Louis, his brother, called Louis the German, obtained the German part of his father's dominions; and Charles the Bald, the son of a second marriage, obtained Neustria, Aquitania, and the Spanish Mark. The Emperor Lothair I. died in 855, and his dominions were again divided-his eldest son, Louis II., becoming Emperor and King of Italy, and his two other sons kings of Lorraine and of Provence, the kingdoms of the two younger brothers later reverting to the Emperor. Charles II., the Fat (q.v.), son of Louis the German, reigned over the reunited realm of Charles the Great from about 884 to 887, when he was deposed. Arnulf (q.v.), King of Germany, obtained the imperial dignity later, and Louis III., the Child

(q.v.) ruled in Germany from 899 to 911, when the Carolingian dynasty there became extinct. The French dynasty, of which Charles the Bald may be deemed the founder, continued a succession of weak monarchs and pretenders to the throne for about a century, till it terminated with the reign of Louis V., on whose death Hugh Capet, the most powerful nobleman in France, seized the crown, in 987. The Carolingian kings had for some time possessed little real power. A subsequent marriage connected their family with that of the Capets, and enabled the kings of the Capetian dynasty (q.v.) to trace their descent from Charlemagne. See FRANKS; FRANCE; GERMANY; HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.


CARON, kå'rÔN', RENÉ EDOUARD (1800-76). A Canadian statesman and jurist. He was educated at the Seminary of Quebec and at the College of Saint Pierre, and was admitted to the bar in 1826. He was mayor of Quebec from 1827 to 1837 and Speaker of the Legislative Council of Lower Canada from 1843 to 1847, and again from 1848 to 1853. On being appointed judge of the Queen's Bench in the latter year, he abandoned politics. In 1857 he was commissioner for codifying the laws of Lower Canada, and in 1873 was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec.

CARORA, kå-rō'rå. A town in the State of Lara, Venezuela, about 40 miles east of Barquisimeto, and midway between that city and Lake Maracaibo. Stock-raising and tanneries are the chief industries, and there is a considerable trade in gums and rubber. The town was founded by Spaniards in 1572. Population, 8000.

CAROTID ARTERY (Fr. carotide, Lat. carotis, Gk. Kapwrls, karōtis, carotid, from kápos, karos, deep sleep). The great artery which on each side distributes blood to the different parts of the head. Each carotid artery consists of the primitive or common carotid, which, at the upper margin of the larynx, separates into two great divisions of nearly equal size, the external and internal carotid. The external carotid supplies the larnyx, tongue, face, and scalp with blood, its principal branches being the superior thyroid, the lingual, the facial, the occipital, the posterior auricular, the internal maxillary, and the temporal. The internal carotid enters the cavity of the cranium through a somewhat tortuous canal in the temporal bone, and after perforating the dura mater, or fibrous membrane of the brain, separates into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries, which are the principal arteries of the brain; while in its course through the dura mater it gives off the ophthalmic artery, which subdivides into several small branches that supply the eye and surrounding parts. See CIRCULATION.

Wounds of the carotid trunks are generally from stabs. Suicides have a vague desire to cut them, but rarely cut sufficiently deep by the side of the windpipe. Of course, should either vessel be wounded, death would result almost immediately. Punctured wounds, however, may not be immediately fatal; they may heal, or a false aneurism (q.v.) may result. These arteries are sometimes the seat of spontaneous or true aneurism. Sir Astley Cooper was the first to tie the common carotid for spontaneous aneu

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