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" Parties may adopt rules and regulations governing the use of such canals within its own territory and may charge tolls for the use thereof, but all such rules and regulations and all tolls charged shall apply alike to the subjects or citizens of the High... "
Upper Columbia River Development: Joint Hearings Before the Committee on ... - Stran 26
avtor: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations - 1956 - 380 strani
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Annual Report of the Corporation of the Chamber of Commerce, of ..., Količina 55

New York Chamber of Commerce - 1913 - 654 strani
...HAY-PAUNCKFOTE Treaty. I am again obliged to take issue with him as to facts. The Canadian treaties say : " All such rules and regulations and all tolls charged shall apply alike to the subjects or citi/ens of the high contracting parties, and the ships, boats and vessels of both of the high contracting...
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Annual Report, Količine 19–26

New York (State) Commissioners of the State Reservation at Niagara - 1903 - 1770 strani
...regulations governing the use of such canals within its own territory and may charge tolls for the use thereof, but all such rules and regulations placed on terms of equality in the use thereof. ARTICLE II. Each of the high contracting parties reserves to itself or to the several State Governments...
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Supplement to the American Journal of International Law ..., Količina 7

1913 - 364 strani
...regulations governing the use of such canals within its own territory, and may charge tolls for the use thereof; but all such rules and regulations and...subjects or citizens of the high contracting parties, and they * * * shall be placed on terms of equality in the use thereof. A similar provision, though more...
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Das Staatsarchiv, Količine 77–79

1909 - 1034 strani
...Regulations governing the use of such canals within its own territory, and may charge tolls for the use thereof; but all such Rules and Regulations placed on terms of equality in the use thereof. Article 2. Each of the High Contracting Parties reserves to itself, or to the several State Governments...
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Annual Report of the Commissioners of the State Reservation ..., Količine 26–33

1910 - 754 strani
...regulations governing the use of such canals within its own territory and may charge tolls for the use thereof, but all such rules and regulations placed on terms of equality in the use thereof. ARTICLE II. Each of the high contracting parties reserves to itself or to the beveral State Governments...
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Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Protocols, and Agreements Between ...

1913 - 480 strani
...regulations governing the use of such canals within its own territory and may charge tolls for the use thereof, but all such rules and regulations placed on terms of equality in the use thereof. ARTICLE II. Each of the High Contracting Parties reserves to itself or to the several State Governments...
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Water-powers of Canada

Canada. Commission of Conservation, Sir Clifford Sifton, Leo German Denis, Arthur V. White - 1911 - 538 strani
...regulations governing the use of such canals within its own territory, and may charge tolls for the use thereof, but all such rules and regulations placed on terms of equality in the use thereof. ARTICLE 2 Each of the High Contracting Parties reserves to itself or to the several State Governments...
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Annual Report of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society to ...

American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society - 1911 - 760 strani
...regulations governing the use of such canals within its own territory and may charge tolls for the use thereof, but all such rules and regulations placed on terms of equality in the use thereof. ARTICLE II. Each of the High Contracting Parties reserves to itself or to the several State Governments...
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Debates: Official Report, Količina 1

Canada. Parliament. House of Commons - 1911 - 1222 strani
...regulations governing the use of such canals within its own territory and may charge tolls for the use thereof, but all such rules and regulations and all tolls charged shall apply alike to the subject? or citizens of the high contracting parties and the ships, vessels, and boats of both of the...
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Preservation of Niagara Falls: Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs - 1912 - 482 strani
...regulations governing the use of such canals within its own territory and may charge tolls for the use thereof, but all such rules and regulations placed on terms of equality in the use thereof. ART. II. Each of the high contracting parties reserves to itself or to the several Sta te governments...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

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