CHANCERY PRACTICE; BEING A CONDENSED TREATISE OF THE Practice of the Court of Chancery, AS ALTERED BY THE RECENT STATUTES AND ORDERS, AND BY THE ABOLITION OF THE SIX CLERKS' OFFICE. WITH PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS, AN APPENDIX OF FORMS, (INCLUDING BY HUBERT AYCKBOURN. LONDON: OWEN RICHARDS, LAW BOOKSELLER & PUBLISHER, 94, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. THE introduction of the recent statutes and orders in Chancery, and the consequent abolition of the Six Clerks' Office, have so materially altered the mode of conducting the various proceedings in a Chancery suit, as to render the production of some practical work upon the subject of the utmost importance to the profession. With a view, therefore, of supplying the present deficiency, and of affording some immediate assistance to the practitioner, this little volume is submitted to his notice. It is confidently hoped that the arrangement of the work will be found to be of such a nature as to afford the greatest facilities for reference, and, at the same time, to offer the least perplexity or confusion to the uninitiated. It is divided into Four Parts. The First Part comprises all the ordinary proceedings in a suit, from its commencement to the decree inclusive; the Second Part, various particular proceedings in a suit, either of an incidental or secondary nature; the Third Part treats of the proceedings in the Masters' Offices; and the Fourth, of proceedings connected with particular parties in a suit. |