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Chapter II.


Before there can be an intelligent solution found for the problem of a community, there must be a study made of its needs. In planning such a survey there is a tendency to go into too much detail. Not only is it difficult to assimilate properly such a vast amount of detail as many surveys provide, but the task of doing so disheartens the workers. Most such detailed surveys are carefully tied up in bundles and left to gather dust on closet shelves.

It is doubtful if a house-to-house survey is justified. The questions asked are apt to be personal, if not impertinent. Agitators of trouble are quick to impute ulterior motives to such a survey. The foreign-born people, not yet acquainted with the reasons for the survey, are very apt to misunderstand the purpose. They associate it with the visits of the police in their former lands. Instead of helping, a house-to-house survey is almost sure to hinder. Nor is it


There are sources of information available in every community that will give the workers all the information necessary, at least in the beginning of the work. In every community of size there are large numbers of people ready at hand to receive instruction and assistance. Only when the helping hand has been extended to all of these will a community find it necessary to search the homes for persons to help.

Surveys of any sort or the tasks of gathering statistics of any kind are without value unless use is made of those facts when secured. Practically all of the information needed by committees can be secured from a few sources. For information relative to individuals, the industries are ready at hand with contacts with probably nine-tenths of the foreign born in a community.

A suggestive survey is given below. Needless to say this must be fitted to each particular community, rejecting such parts as do not well apply. The questionnaires supplementing the survey plan have been designed in order that only pertinent points be presented to the several types of agencies involved. The duplication in some of the questionnaires caused by the existence of several possible sources of information on a given subject may be used for purposes of checking up or averaging estimates; or, on the other hand, the duplication may be obviated by utilizing the most important questionnaires first and striking out those portions in all subsequent ones upon which data have already been secured.



A. Summary of data from United States Census (by wards in larger cities):

1. Population (total)_

2. Color and nativity (native and foreign born-white; Negro)_

3. Foreign nationalities in larger cities.

4. Males of voting age--

a. Citizenship of foreign-born



5. Illiteracy--

6. Inability to speak English___
7. School age and attendance__
8. Map of community, showing
location of chief immigrant

B. Summary of data for community secured through questionnaires, etc.

1. Estimated number of foreign born and of foreign parentage by foreignlanguage groups:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

(Information can be secured from 1917-18 records of draft boards.)


3. Estimated number of immigrants in the community's industrial plants:

[blocks in formation]


A. Public day schools with any considerable number of immigrant children (foreign born or of foreign parentage) attending:

[blocks in formation]

B. Public-school classes, evening and day, for immigrants above regular school age.

Names and addresses of Number of immischools.

grant classes.

Average total number
attending per year.

Number hours instruction per year.

Remarks.-Amount of money appropriated for these classes— legislation governing them. Are these schools covering the situation adequately? Is the subject matter taught adapted to the needs and interests of the immigrants? Do these classes hold their pupils? List of sources for further information, etc. C. Private day schools with any considerable number of immigrant children attending.

Names and addresses of schools. Total number children at


Number of children of immigrants attending.

Remarks and recommendations:

D. Private-school classes, evening and day, for immigrants above regular school age:

[blocks in formation]

Remarks: Basis of cooperation between factory and school board,

[blocks in formation]

Note. List also county and State traveling libraries if these reach immigrants in your community to any extent.

Remarks: Is the number of foreign-language books in keeping with the foreign-language speaking population?

[blocks in formation]


Note.-List county and State institutions in addition to community facilities wherever the former affect immigrants to any extent.

[blocks in formation]

C. Foreign-language newspapers circulating to any extent in your community :

Names and addresses.

Approximate circulation.

Remarks: Utility for publicity for various lines of cooperation, etc. (The Ayer Newspaper Annual will be found helpful in securing addresses.)


D. Community centers reaching immigrants:

Names and location.

Approximate total
number reached.

Approximate number of immigrants reached per year (give by foreign language groups, if possible).

Remarks: State what funds are available for this work; legislation upon which it depends. What basis of cooperation is there between the schools and community centers, etc.?

E. Legal aid societies:

Names and location.

Total number reached
per year.

Approximate number of immigrants reached per year.

Remarks: Are there any special information and translation facilities furnished for immigrants? etc.

F. Information bureaus reaching immigrants:

Names and addresses.

Approximate number aided
per year.

Number immigrants reached per year.

Remarks: The nature and scope of the bureaus; the use of interpreters; foreign language literature, etc.

G. Housing committees, bureaus, etc.

[blocks in formation]

Remarks: Plan of charity organization in the community. Conditions among immigrants, etc.

[blocks in formation]

Remarks: Legislation upon which the work rests, appropriations, cooperation with schools, etc., scope of the work.

to immigrants.

2. Gymnastic organizations:


[blocks in formation]

Remarks: Nature and scope of work actually carried on in the
community. Work with immigrants.

[blocks in formation]
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