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change of purpose in the mind of the wife, though the husband was still bent upon the voyage. He often placed his hand fondly upon the heads of his boys, and spoke of the conviction he felt that it would be better for them to emigrate than to remain here. He tarried in the city a week or two, rather in the hope of inducing her consent to his plan; but finding his efforts unsuccessful, he reluctantly concluded to turn his face homeward once more. Before leaving, he addressed a note to several gentlemen in the city, who had warmly befriended him, of which the following is a literal transcript. Considering the writer's history, it is a sort of curiosity in literature, and we do not feel at liberty to destroy the authenticity of the document by amending its style:


I hav Close my affairs on your advise namely the Collonizaton Society and hav Sould my property To disadvantage and on my arival in Boston Mr Tadvise me not to go on. who is one of the Collonizaist and now all of my Towles is on my hand whitch I hav bought for the Liberia perpous and Now I am about To imbark again and would be very thinksfoul for a little a Sistance from that moste benevelon Society if it Shoul Not be No mour then that whitch I hav paid out for my Towles whitch is of no use to me now and they shall be at the Servce of the Society if they wishes, and Oblige your

H**** V** M*****.

It hardly need be added that the prayer of the petitioner was promptly granted, and that he turned back on his way to Maine, if not rejoicing, yet abundantly satisfied with the kindness of his friends in the city.



We had the pleasure of attending a public meeting of this Society on Wednesday, the 8th inst. of the anniversary week.' It was held in Dr. Spring's church, and was attended by a large and highly respectable audience. The chair having been taken by President Duer, and a prayer offered by the Rev. Dr. Cuyler, of Poughkeepsie, the following Resolution was moved by the Rev. J. N. Danforth, Agent of the American Colonization Society for New England and New-York:

Resolved, That the enterprise of African Colonization demands the continued and increased efforts of the benevolent and patriotic in all parts of the United States, as tending, in co-operation with other influences, to improve the condition of the free people of color, and to hasten the voluntary and safe abolition of slavery.

On the former of these points, Mr. Danforth said, it might be new to many of those present, but it was a fact, that thousands of the free people of color were desirous of emigrating to Africa, and the number of individuals who entertain this wish was annually increasing. Who could then refuse them an opportunity to go to a country of their own, where they might rise to that rank of dignity in the scale of human nature, which they were capable of holding? For it was not now to be proved that they possessed capabilities of improvement in as high a degree as the whites. As to Africa, if any one doubts her capacity for the arts and virtues of civilization, let him look to the history of that country. Northern Africa was the birth-place of the arts and sciences. The genius of Africa had not been doubted till her sons had been debased by the slavery and oppression of three hundred and fifty years, and the only matter of wonder furnished by their present condition was, that under the abuse and tyranny of ages, the last spark of their intellect had not become extinguished. The present state of the Colony at Liberia was as flourishing as that of any new settlement which any where exists. The standard of the temperance reform was not higher any where than in Liberia, excepting perhaps at the Sandwich Islands. There was but one place in Monrovia where ardent spirits was sold, and the cost of a license to sell it was three hundred dollars. He adverted to the history and results of early colonies in America, to show that they were the means, after long struggles, of carrying population, power, and the arts of civilization throughout the continent. There was no reason then to doubt that the Colony at Liberia would be the means of civilizing Africa.

In a climate congenial to the African constitution,-on a soil fertile in the richest products,-on a coast where commerce spreads her sails to every breeze,-where the Sabbath bell is heard from Sabbath to Sabbath,-where the missionary is,-where the British and Foreign Bible Society send their bibles to interior tribes, many of whom can read as well as this audience,-who does not look for events which for grandeur and glory have never been equalled?

The slave-trade, though denounced by all good men, and by many who were not so good, was still carried on. Mr. D. believed that this Colony would put an end to it. Legitimate traffic, as the country became civilized, would be substituted for the traffic of flesh and blood, and the Colony would afford great facilities to the efforts of those powers which are engaged in suppressing the trade. But it was said by some, is not the slave-trade carried on at home? Let us first put an end to the domestic traffic. With mortification and shame, he would confess that there did exist a domestic

traffic in slaves. Why it was not abolished, at least in the District of Columbia, he could not tell. The constitution and laws of the country did not permit us to touch the subject of slavery in any point, but they did permit us to exert an influence over public opinion, which might end in the extinction of this traffic. The total abolition of the foreign slave-trade would open a way for the suppression of the domestic trade. We must take care to avoid any measure which will inflame the minds of those whose confidence must be gained, or all our efforts are lost. There is no difference among us as to ends; let us then use constitutional and prudent means. His opinion was the same in regard to the laws at the south forbidding the residence within the State of emancipated slaves. Of the policy of those laws we could not become fair judges, without being on the spot, and understanding fully the peculiar relations of slavery and freedom. A thousand considerations which it was unnecessary to name, had combined to establish this policy in the southern states, and we must take the laws as we find them.

Finally, he considered the Colony as adapted to open a way for the diffusion of the Gospel; not, however, that it was a missionary society any more than it was an abolition society. But he rejoiced to say that it numbered among its founders and most zealous advocates, a Mills, a Finley, and an Ashmun. They had now gone to their rest and their reward; but their names secure the Society from the slur which had been attempted to be cast upon it as a slave-holder's society. For himself he rejoiced that slave-holders patronised the Society. This to him was a principle recommendation of the Society. If the south says we have hostile designs upon their interests, that will place the slaves beyond our reach. He had remarked that this was not a missionary society—but its early friends had this object steadily in view. What said Samuel Finley? This work is of God, and it will succeed.' What said Mills, on the eve of his departure? We go to Africa to civilize and christianize the most oppressed country in the world.' Their remains are now consecrated, as is the cause which they espoused.

The motion of Mr. D. was seconded by Mr. Thatcher, of Boston, whose remarks, with those of the Rev. Leonard Bacon, of New-Haven, and Gerrit Smith, Esq. of Peterborough, N. Y. we feel ourselves compelled to omit. Mr. Finley, agent of the Society, (and son of the distinguished founder of the Parent Institution,) presented the following communication from the Maryland State Society, to which we ask the careful attention of our readers. Mr.

Finley considered it as putting an end forever to what was said about the tendency of the Society to perpetuate slavery.

At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Maryland State Colonization Society, held at the Colonization office, on Monday, the 30th of April, 1833, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, it is the desire of the Maryland State Colonization Society to hasten, so far as it can, the arrival of the period when slavery shall cease to exist in Maryland; and whereas the Society believe that this can best be done by advocating and assisting the cause of colonization, which is the truest, the safest, and the most efficient auxiliary of freedom, under existing circumstances; and whereas the cause of colonization, which has already produced great results, and from which so much is still anticipated, must depend in Maryland upon the facilities afforded for the transportation and reception of emigrants on the coast of Africa, which can only be secured to the necessary and desired extent by the establishment of settlements in Africa, where there will be no restraints upon emigration beyond the control of the State Society; and whereas it is believed, for these and other reasons, to be expedient for the State Society to form, at this time, a new settlement on the coast of Africa; and whereas it has been represented to the Society that Cape Palmas and its neighborhood offer commercial and agricultural facilities of the most important character, so as to make a settlement there desirable in every point of view; and whereas it is believed that a settlement thus formed by a Society whose avowed object is the ultimate extirpation of slavery, by proper and gradual efforts, addressed to the understanding and experience of the people of the State, would be viewed with peculiar interest by all those who advocated colonization on account of the tendencies towards liberty, and would receive that aid from them which would insure its prosperity and happiness; and whereas the Society believe that it is proper to use every means in their power to raise Maryland to the rank of a free State of this Union, not only on account of the immediate benefit to herself, but for the sake of the illustration which she would then furnish of the effect of colonization in removing slavery

Therefore, be it Resolved, That this Society will forthwith establish a settlement at a suitable point on the coast of Africa, and will take immediate measures to procure, both within and without the State, the necessary pecuniary aid.

Resolved, That the Committee heretofore appointed on the subject of a new settlement, be directed to report to the Board upon the position and the details of the proposed settlement, together with the probable cost of the same.

Resolved, That the managers of the state fund be solicited to lend their aid in such a manner as they may deem proper in this behalf.

Resolved, That the Corresponding Secretary be directed to address a copy of the above resolutions to the Agent of the New-York State Colonization Society, and that Mr. Latrobe, Mr. Sheppard, and Dr. Bond be a Committee to conduct such correspondence as may grow out of the said resolutions in the recess of the Board.

By the politeness of Mr. Finley, we are enabled to give the following extract from a letter of the gentlemen last above named,

addressed to him, in relation to this movement of the Maryland Board. They say- Without entering into a detail of the reasons and arguments that were urged, it is sufficient to say that it was the unanimous and decided opinion of the Board, that the ultimate extirpation of slavery within the State should, to prevent all misrepresentation and misconception, be openly avowed to be the object of the Society's existence and labors; and it was admitted by all present, that the establishment of a new settlement on the coast of Africa, under the actual management and control of the Maryland Society, was indispensable, not only to the accomplishment of this object, but to the success of colonization generally. The subject was fully discussed and considered, and the resolutions were adopted with the most gratifying unanimity. It may well be conceived that the Board felt the responsibility of determining, without qualification, to embark in the course indicated in the resolutions; and, had their views been confined to this State alone, they would undoubtedly have paused long before they assumed the establishment of a new settlement, with the very limited means that they would be enabled to command. But, feeling that they stood on ground common to the entire people to the north, east, and west, and that Maryland was the only slave-holding State which, as yet, looked forward to the ultimate extirpation of slavery as the result of colonization, they could not for a moment doubt that their undertaking would be supported, and carried on to a successful issue, by the assistance that they would receive from other quarters.'



THERE was heard a song on the chiming sea,
A mingled breathing of grief and glee;
Man's voice, unbroken by sighs, was there,
Filling, with triumph, the sunny air;

Of fresh green lands, and of pastures new,
It sang, while the bark through the surges flew.

But ever and anon,

A murmur of farewell

Told, by its plaintive tone,

That from woman's lip it fell.

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