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ty. And, probably, the session of the present legislature will not terminate without having concluded a similar treaty with the provinces of Guatemala, a ministerfrom whence is now in this capital, and whose recognition has been delayed from considerations towards our faithful ally the republic of Mexico.

I, therefore, entertain hopes that the assembly of America will be installed with the presence of the plenipotentiaries of Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, and even Chili and Buenos Ayres, as it is probable the policy of this last country will come nearer to our wishes, after the installation of the congress of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata.

With respect to the United States, I have thought it highly proper to invite them to the august assembly at Panama, in the firm conviction that our intimate allies will not fail to see, with pleasure, friends so enlightened and sincere, take a part in their deliberations of a common interest to all. The instructions which, with this view, have been sent to our envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at Washington, of which I accompany a copy, will inform you at length of the motives which have urged me to come to this resolution.

In the mean time, the government of Colombia will, with plea sure, send, within four months from the present time, its two plenipotentiaries to the isthmus of Panama, in order that, together with those of Peru, they may immediately enter into discussions preparatory to the installation of the general assembly, which, perhaps, may be able to commence their important labors the first day of Oc


tober of the present year. the purpose, then, of facilitating this object, I venture to make to you the following proposition:

First. That the governments of Colombia and Peru should authorise their plenipotentiaries, after having commenced their preparatory conferences in the isthmus of Panama, to enter into correspondence directly with the ministers of state and foreign affairs of Mexico, Guatemala, Chili, and Buenos Ayres, stating to them the importance of sending, without loss of time, the plenipotentiaries of those republics to the general assembly.

Secondly. That the plenipotentiaries of Colombia and Peru should have full liberty to choose, in the isthmus of Panama, the place they may think, from its healthiness, most adapted to hold their preparatory conferences.

Thirdly. That as soon as the plenipotentiaries of Colombia, Peru, Mexico, and Guatemala, at the least of three of the said republics, should be in the isthmus of Panama, they may fix, by common consent, the day on which the general assembly is to be installed.

Fourthly. That the general assembly of the confederates should likewise, in the same way, have full liberty to choose, in the isthmus of Panama, the place which, from its healthiness, they may judge proper to hold their meeting.

Fifthly. That the plenipotentiaries of Colombia and Peru should, by no means, absent themselves from the isthmus of Panama, from the time of their holding their preparatory conferences, until they see assembled the general meeting of the conferences, and its sessions be terminated.

I hope that these propositions

will evince the lively interest which the republic of Colombia feels to see realized the great designs of Divine Providence, in this beautiful hemisphere, of whom I fervently pray to keep you in his holy guard. Given, signed, and sealed by the secretary of state for foreign af fairs, in the city of Bogota, on the 6th of February, 1825-15th of independence of the republic of Colombia. F. DE P. SANTANDER.



My great and good friend-The communication of your excellency, dated 9th of last December, relative to the great project of conversation, an assembly of plenipotentiaries from the republics of America, for the regulation of these interests and relations which mutually unite them, has been so much the more satisfactory to me, as, led by the same motives and actuated with the same wishes, I had determined upon taking the lead, and sending an officer with despatches to your excellency, to propose the same measures, under the idea, that although the ratification of the treaty, of the 3d of October, 1823, by the government of Colombia, has not yet been received,

and Mexico had not concluded

similar conventions with the other nations of this continent, which were formerly colonies of Spain, this was not an obstacle to her inviting all their governments to be present at the wished for congress, as their respective plenipotentiaries could come specially authorised to conclude the said treaties, and these be the first objects of the deliberations of the assembly.

Your excellency is more favorably circumstanced for making this

invitation to the other governments, for, placed as you are in the centre of the republics of the south, you can easily arrange and accelerate the coming of their plenipotentiaries to the place of meeting, for which, I am certainly of opinion, Panama unites the greatest advantages: and, as far as regards the period of the installation of the congress, although I had thought of proposing the first of November, of this year, in consequence of the distances and difficulty of arranging the departure of the plenipotentiaries, nevertheless, if, as your excellency points out, it can be carried into effect earlier, I have no difficulty in acceding to it, and, on the contrary, anxiously wish it may be so: for which purpose I shall cause the Mexican plenipotentiaries to set off for the time you may appoint, immediately I should receive notice of it from your excellency.

Persuaded that the cause of liberty and independence is not only that of those republics which were formerly colonies of Spain, but also that of the United States of North America, I have directed the Mexican minister there to ascertain, of the president, if he should wish to be present, by means of his plenipotentiaries, at that assemby.

This is what I have the honor to reply to your excellency on the important subject of your communication, availing myself of this opportunity to congratulate your excellency directly on the success in Peru, which has given the last blow to Spanish dominion in America.

God preserve your excellency many years.

Your great and good friend,


Mexico, February 23, 1825.

COMMUNICATION of the Secretary of State of PERU, to the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of CoLOMBIA, GUATEMALA, BUENOS AYRES, and CHILI.

His excellency the president of the United States of Mexico, in reply to the circular addressed to him by this government, to convoke the American assembly, has expressed his good disposition towards it, and ardent wishes to concur in so important a design. His excellency the council of government, has viewed this step with the greatest pleasure, flattering it self, in consequence, that there can be no obstacle, on the part of the other governments, which can delay its installation, and, in order not to retard a similar proceeding on the part of your excellency, it has resolved to send you a copy of the said communication, and that of the minister of foreign affairs of Mexico, which I now do; presenting, at the same time, the sentiments of consideration and respect with which I have the honor to again subscribe myself your very obedient servant,


The general congress of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata have agreed to and decreed as follows:

1. The executive will dispose, that as soon as possible an embassy, suitable to the object of the mission, be sent in the name of the nation to congratulate Simon Bolivar, the distinguished liberator of Peru, and president of the republic of Colombia, and also charged with the supreme command of that of Peru, on the high and exalted

services he has performed to the cause of the new world, whose liberty and independence he has just irrevocably established, expressing to him, at the same time, the very sincere feelings of gratitude and acknowledgment with which the United Provinces are animated, for the heroic and generous exertions of the liberating army which, after having given freedom to those of Upper Peru, has taken upon itself the noble task of subjecting them to order, freeing them from the horrors of anarchy, and facilitating to them the means of organizing themselves.

2. The embassy will settle with the liberator as charged with the supreme command of the republic of Peru, all difficulties which may arise between the latter and this state, in consequence of the freedom in which the four provinces of Upper Peru, which have always belonged to those of the union, at present are.

3. It will also negotiate with the assembly of deputies from the said provinces, which has been convoked by the grand marshal of Ayacucho, Jose de Sucre, general in chief of the liberating army, inviting them to attend, by means of their representatives, at the general constituent congress, which is now legally and solemnly installed.

4. The invitations spoken of, in the preceding article, and the instructions which the embassy may receive from the supreme executive power, will have for their basis, that although the four provinces have always belonged to the state, it is the wish of the general constituent congress, that they should be left perfectly free to decide as they may think most

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ADDRESS of the PRESIDENT of MEXICO to the first Constitutional Congress.

Gentlemen-It will henceforth be impossible to doubt, as it has been pretended, at some period, whether social institutions, established for the freedom of mankind, are the indispensable result of the progress of just and benevolent ideas, or exist only for a time, by the shameful subversion of principles, and for the tumultuous advancement of passion. The parasites of state tyranny, those who make compacts and duties emerge from the clouds, deny the legitimacy and vigor of governments which have sprung from the sovereign people. For, according to these individuals, free beings have no limit or guaranties; according to them, they assault and devour each other, and in this strife, eruelty and merciless anger annihilate the hope of any orderly system of legislation.

It is not supposed, gentlemen, that, in order to confound the enemies of the people, I need lead them to the ruins of Carthage, to rouse the remembrance of free Rome, or to unfold the pages of that Greece, where letters, fine arts, and sublime philosophy gave birth to institutions which have been admired in all ages. No! America, our adored country, raising its head over antique times, has resolved the most interesting problem to humanity, and has al

ready taken the veil which covered the origin, and the end and object of power.

The profound legislator of Carolina, and William Penn, the friend of man, planted in the virgin soil of America the precious seeds of civil liberty, which, cultivated afterwards by Washington and Franklin, find themselves now deposited, with the fruit they produced, in that capitol, which has erected wisdom on the banks of the Potomac. From thence are issued desolating rays on despotism, and from there appears the regeneration of sovereign nations. glory for the new world! immense the grandeur of its destiny!



It is admirable, gentlemen, that the light should have penetrated to the colonies, founded by the adventurer Medellin. It is certain that genius overcame resistance, that morals weakened the heat of parties, and that the thoughts of philanthropy came to take the place of customs and errors which time had consecrated.

But I have come here, gentlemen, to congratulate with you, because the triumph of opinion, of the social doctrines, have assembled us on the foundation of a compact created by ourselves, and for our own felicity. Who can take from the representatives, who will

leave these seats consecrated to merit and virtue, the great satisfaction of being replaced by citizens equally respectable, and equally anxious for the public welfare with themselves? Union, the safety and the welfare of the states, have been confided to prudent hands, who, by the advice of wisdom, will attract upon themselves the admiration of a people who know how to appreciate justice and talent. Happy are we in having directed the elections to the advantage of the public; we shall see the schemes of the legislator, and the unanimous votes of the Mexican, fulfilled in the first constitutional congress.

My heart rejoices at the happiness we enjoy, and at that which it hopes to enjoy still. The magnificent edifice of liberty, which formerly was a beautiful ideal prospect, has been seated on an indestructible basis, and it now shines by the institution which a great nation deserved.

The high attributes with which the law and the will of my fellowcitizens have deemed proper to invest me as the depository of the executive power, have enabled me to employ all my exertions for its usefulness. A glance, although a rapid one, over the progressive existence of our affairs, will convince you, gentlemen, that I have caused to be done the greatest good possible, according to the sphere of my ability, in the short time of my presidency-happy if I have succeeded in filling up the vast circle of my duties to the country!

The secretary of the treasury will show to congress, that if its situation is not advantageous, neither on account of its income or its duties, we have succeeded. by

great exertions, in clothing, arming, and increasing the army and navy, to send succors to New Mexico, to the Californias, and to all the frontiers; to appease the clamors of the officers of the republic, whose pay was in arrears, and to defray, in all its parts, the administration, with the wise and legal use of the foreign loans. The organization of the treasury has, by the last law, considerably improved in its economical branch, and advances, without doubt, towards perfection. wards perfection. May the projects which will be submitted to the house deserve its approbation! The safety of the republic requires sacrifices, but these are always compatible with the state, the exertion and patriotism of its heroic citizens.

The federal judiciary not existing, and the government being precluded from the intervention which it formerly had in that of the ancient provinces, its action, in this respect, has been almost null, and will be so until the supreme court be instituted by a law designating the number and local relations of the district and circuit judges, and prescribing rules for territorial tribunals, and the federal district. Notwithstanding this, the end of justice has been effected as far as possible, and the citizens can complain only of the vices of legislation, and of those introduced by the degrading indolence of the Spanish governors. The prisons and houses of correction have had the fate of the times; but I do not despair of rendering them useful, without increasing the affliction of the delinquents.

The Mexican army, which gathered so many laurels, has considerably improved in its discipline.

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