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sent troops to attack Buenos Ayres. One a long period, and with the privity of the part of her armies, which appeared destin- cabinet of St. James's, the subject of reed to make a diversion in Italy, quitted at ciprocal guarantee, did not dissemble his length Sicily where it was assembled. resentment against England, and announcThere was reason to believe that this was ed to her that he could not remain insendone to make an attack upon the coasts of sible to it. His majesty did not foresee Naples, when it was understood that it was that when England, having employed her occupied in attempting to seize and ap- force successfully, was about to bear away propriate to itself Egypt.-But what sen- her prey, she would commit a new outrage sibly touched the heart of his imperial ma- against Denmark, and that his majesty jesty was, to perceive that England, con- was to share in it. New proposals were trary to her good faith and the express made, each more insidious than the foreand precise terms of treaties, troubled at going, which were to connect with the sea the commerce of his subjects. And British power, Denmark subjected, disat what an epoch! When the blood of graced, and affecting to applaud what had the Russians was shedding in the most glo- been wrought against her. The emperor rious warfares; which drew down, and still less foresaw that it would be proposed fixed against the armies of his imperial to him that he should guarantee this submajesty, all the military force of his majes- mission, and that he should pledge himty the emperor of the French, with whom self that this act of violence should have no England was, and is now at war. When unpleasant consequences to England. Her the two emperors made peace, his majesty, ambassador believed that it was possible in spite of his just resentments against to propose to his majesty's ministry, that England, did not refrain from rendering his majesty should become the apologist her service. His majesty stipulated, even and the protector of what he had so loudly in the very treaty, that he would become blamed. To this proceeding of the cabimediator between her and France; and net of St. James's, the emperor paid no finally he offered his mediation to the king other attention than it deserved. He thought of Great Britain. His majesty announced to it time to put limits to his moderation. the king, that it was with a view to obtain The prince royal of Denmark, endowed for him honourable conditions. But the with a character full of energy and nobleBritish ministry, apparently faithful to ness, and possessing from providence a that plan which was to loosen and break dignity equal to his high rank, had inthe bonds which had connected Russia formed the emperor, that justly incensed and England, rejected the mediation. The at what had taken place at Copenhagen, peace between Russia and France was to he had not ratified the convention, and prepare a general peace. Then it was considered it as of no effect. At this mothat England suddenly quitted that ap- ment he has just communicated to his imparent lethargy to which she had aban-perial majesty new proposals which have doned herself; but it was to cast upon the North of Europe new firebrands, which were to enkindle and nourish the flames of war, which she did not wish to see extinguished. Her fleets and her troops appeared upon the coasts of Denmark, to execute there an act of violence of which history, so fertile in examples, does not furnish a single parallel. A tranquil and moderate power, which by long and unchanging wisdom had obtained in the circle of monarchies a moral dignity, sees itself assaulted and treated as if it had been forging plots,and meditating the ruin of England; and all to justify its prompt and total spoliation. The emperor, wounded in his dignity, in the interests of his people, in his engagements with the courts of the North, by this act of violence committed in the Baltic, which is an enclosed sea,whose tranquillity had been for

been made to him, which serve only to inflame his resistance instead of appeasing it; because they tend to impress upon his actions the seal of degradation, the impression of which they have never borne. The emperor, touched with the confidence which the prince royal placed in him, and having considered his own peculiar complaints against England; having maturely examined, too, the engagements which he had entered into with the powers of the North-engagements formed by the empress Catharine, and by his late majesty the emperor, both of glorious memory-has resolved to fulfil them. His imperial majesty, therefore, breaks off all communication with England; he recals the whole of the mission which he has sent thither; and no longer chuses to keep with him that of his Britannic majesty. There shall from henceforth be no con

ample powers, to his Danish majesty, to request, in the most amicable manner, such explanations as the times require, and a concurrence in such measures, as can alone give, security against the further mischiefs which the French meditate through the acquisition of the Danish navy.-The king, our royal and most gracious master, has therefore judged it expedient to desire the temporary deposit of the Danish ships of the line in one of his majesty's ports.-This deposit seems to be so just, and so indispensably necessary, un

nection between the two countries. The emperor declares, that he annuls, and for ever, every preceding convention between England and Russia, and particularly that entered into in 1801, the 5th (17th) of the month of June. He proclaims anew the principles of the armed neutrality, that monument of the wisdom of the empress Catharine, and engages never to recede from that system. He demands of England complete satisfaction to all his subjects, for their just reclamations of vessels and merchandize, detained against the express tenor of treaties concluded in his ownder the relative circumstances of the neureign. The emperor engages, there shall be no re-establishment of concord between Russia and England, till satisfaction shall have been given to Denmark. The emperor expects that his Britannic majesty, instead of suffering his ministers, as he does, to scatter the seeds of fresh war, listening only to his own feelings, will be disposed to conclude such treaty, with his majesty the emperor of France, as shall prolong (to use the expression) interminably (à toute la terme), the invaluable blessings of peace. When the emperor shall be satisfied upon all the preceding points, and especially upon that of peace between France and England, without which no part of Europe can promise itself real tranquillity, his imperial majesty will then gladly resume with Great Britain those relations of amity, which, under the just discontent which he could not but feel, he has, perhaps, preserved too long. Given at St. Petersburgh 20th (31st) Oc-when received under the protection of the



DITION TO COPENHAGEN. I.-PROCLAMATION.-By the Commanders in Chief of His Majesty's Forces by Sea and by Land.

tral and belligerent powers, that his ma jesty has further deemed it a duty to himself, and to his people, to support his demand by a powerful fleet, and by an army amply supplied with every preparation necessary for the most active and determined enterprise.-We come therefore to your shores, inhabitants of Zealand! not as enemies, but in self-defence, to prevent those who have so long disturbed the peace of Europe, from compelling the force of your navy to be turned against us.-We ask deposit; we have not looked to capture; so far from it, the most solemn pledge has been offered to your government, and it is hereby renewed, in the name and at the express command of the king our master, that if our demand is amicably acceded to, every ship belonging to Denmark shall, at the conclusion of a general peace, be restored to her, in the same condition and state of equipment, as

British flag. It is in the power of your government, by a word, to sheath our swords, most reluctantly drawn against you; but if, on the other hand, the machinations of France render you deaf to the voice of reason, and to the call of friendship, the innocent blood that will be spilt, and the horrors of a besieged and Whereas the present treaties of peace, bombarded capital, must fall on your own and the changes of government, and of heads, and on those of your cruel advisers. territory acceded to, and by so many-His majesty's seamen and soldiers, when powers, have so far increased the influ- on shore, will treat Zealand, as long as ence of France on the continent of Europe, your conduct to them permits it, on the as to render it impossible for Denmark, footing of a province of the most friendly though it desires to be neutral, to pre-power in alliance with Great Britain, serve its neutrality; and absolutely necessary for those who continue to resist the French aggression, to take measures to prevent the arms of a neutral power from being turned against them.-In this view, the king cannot regard the present position of Denmark with indifference; and his majesty has sent negotiators, with

whose territory has the misfortune to be the theatre of war.-The persons of all those who remain at home, and who do not take an hostile part, will be held sacred.-Property will be respected and preserved, and the most severe discipline will be enforced.-Every article of supply furnished or brought to market will

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place, for the purpose of avoiding the further effusion of blood, by giving up a defence, which it is evident cannot long be continued.-The king, our gracious master, used every endeavour to settle the

be paid for at a fair and settled price; but as immediate and constant supplies, especially of provision, forage, fuel, and transport, are necessary to all armies, it is well known that requisitions are unavoidable, and must be enforced.-Much conveni-matter now in dispute, in the most conence must arise to the inhabitants, and ciliating manner, through his diplomatic much confusion and loss to them will be servants. To convince his Danish maprevented, if persons in authority are found jesty and all the world, of the reluctance in the several districts, to whom requisi- with which his majesty finds himself comtions may be addressed, and through whom pelled to have recourse to arms, we, the claims for payment may be settled and undersigned, at this moment, when our liquidated. If such persons are appointed, troops are before your gates, and out batand discharge their duty without meddling teries ready to open, do renew to you the in matters which do not concern them, offer of the same advantageous and conthey shall be respected, and all requisi- ciliating terms, which were proposed tions shall be addressed to them through through his majesty's ministers to your the proper channels and departments of court.-If you will consent to deliver up the navy and army; but as forbearance the Danish fleet, and to our carrying it on the part of the inhabitants is essential away, it shall be held in deposit for his to the principle of these arrangements, it Danish majesty, and shall be restored, is necessary that all manner of civil per- with all its equipments, in as good state as sons should remain at their respective ha- it is received, as soon as the provisions of bitations; and any peasants or other per a general peace shall remove the necessons found in arms singly or in small sity which has occasioned this demand.— troops, or who may be guilty of any act The property, of all sorts, which has been of violence, must expect to be treated captured since the commencement of hoswith rigour. The government of his Da- tilities, will be restored to its owners; and nish majesty having hitherto refused to the union between the united kingdom of treat this matter in an amicable way, Great Britain and Ireland, and Denmark, part of the army has been disembarked, may be renewed. But, if this offer is reand the whole force has assumed a war-jected now, it cannot be repeated. The like attitude; but it is, as yet, not too late for the voice of reason and moderation to be heard. Given in the Sound, under our hands and seals, this 16th day of Aug. 1807. (Signed) JAMES GAMBIER. CATH


II.-In Adm. Gambier's, Aug. 20, 1807. Hostilities having commenced on the part of the English, I hereby declare, in virtue of the highest authority, that all English property be laid under sequestra


which each and every one is accordingly enjoined, to report the English property of what kind or nature soever to the police, who will make the further necessary arrangements: any one who conceals or does not fulfil this Order, will be considered as a traitor to the country. (Signed) PEYMAN. Copenhagen, Aug. 16, 1807.

III. To his Excellency General Peyman, Commander in Chief of the Danish Land Forces. Dated, British Head Quarters before Copenhagen, Sept. 1, 1807.

Sir; We, the commanders in chief of his majesty's sea and land forces now be fore Copenhagen, judge it expedient, at this time, to summon you to surrender the

captured property, public and private,
must then belong to the captors; and the
city, when taken, must share the fate of
conquered places. We must request an
carly decision; because, in the present
advanced position of the troops, so near
your glacis, the most prompt and vigorous
attack is indispensable, and delay would
be improper. We therefore expect to
receive your decision by this evening.
We have the honour to be, &c. (Signed)
JAMES GAMBIER, admiral of the blue, and
com. in chief of his majesty's ships and
vessels. CATHCART, lieut. general, &c.
IV. To his Excellency Adm. James

Gambier, Lord Cathcart, Comrs. in
Chief of the British Sea and Land
Forces. Dated Copenhagen, Sept. 1,


My lord; Our fleet, our own indisputable property, we are convinced is as safe in his Danish majesty's hands as ever it can be in those of the king of England, as our master never intended hostilities against-yours.-If you are cruel enough to endeavour to destroy a city, that has not given any the least cause to such a treatment at your hands, it must submit

to its fate; but honour and duty bid us reject a proposal unbecoming an independent power; and we are resolved to repel every attack, and defend to the utmost the city, and our good cause; for which we are ready to lay down our lives. -The only proposal in my power to make, in order to prevent further effusion of blood, is, to send to my royal master, for learning his final resolution with respect to the contents of your letter, if you will grant a passport for this purpose.-I am, &c. PEIMANN.

V. To his Excellency General Peimann, &c. Dated Head Quarters before Copenhagen, Sep. 2, 1807.

Sir; It is with great regret that we acquaint you, that it is not in our power to suspend our combined operations, during the time necessary for consulting your government: we having done the utmost within the limits of our authority, in offering to you at this moment terms as advantageous as those which were proposed to prevent a rupture. We shall deeply lament the destruction of the city, if it is injured; but we have the satisfaction to reflect that in having renewed to you, for the last time, the offer of the most advantageous and conciliating terms, we have done our utmost to save the effusion of blood, and prevent the horrors of war. We have the honour to be, &c. JAMES GAMBIER, admiral, &c. CATHCART, It. gen. &c.

A. To the Commanders in Chief of the British Sea and Land Forces. Dated Copenhagen, Sept. 5, 1807. My lords; For preventing further effusion of blood, and not exposing the city to the sad consequences of a longer bombardment, I propose an Armistice of four-and-twenty hours; in order to come to an Agreement that may lead to the settling of the Preliminary Articles of a Capitulation. It is with the highest personal consideration, I have, &c. PEI


to make, relative to the Articles of Capitulation, and upon which it may be possible for me to agree to any, even the shortest Armistice. I have, &c. CATHCART, lieut. general.

B.-To Lord Cathcart, Commander in
Chief of the British Forces. Dated

Copenhagen, Sept. 5, 1807.

My lord; The Proposal has been made without any the least dilatory intention; but the night being too far advanced for deliberating upon a matter of such very high importance, with the respective departments, a measure necessary on account of his majesty's absence, and that of the Prince; and my state of health not permitting me to proceed as expeditiously as I wish, I engage to send to-morrow before 12 o'clock, the Articles relative to the Capitulation: and have in the mean time the honour to be, &c. PEIMANN.

To his Excellency Maj. General Peimann, &c. Dated Head Quarters before Copenhagen, Sept. 6, 1807. Sir; having communicated to admiral Gambier your letter received this morning, together with those of last night, I have to acquaint you, that we will consent to treating with you for the Capitulation of Copenhagen, on the basis of your delivering up the Danish Fleet. But as you have not forwarded Articles of Capitulation, officers of rank in the sea and land service of his majesty shall be sent forthwith, to prepare Articles with you or with the officers you may appoint, and which may, if possible, unite the objects you have in view, in regard to the occupation of Copenhagen, with the performance of the service intrusted to us. I have &c. CATHCART, lieut. gen.

C.-To Lord Cathcart, Commander in
Chief of the British Troops. Dated
Copenhagen, Sept. 6, 1807.

My lord; I accept of your Proposal, with respect to the delivering up of his majesty's Fleet, as the fundamental basis of negotiations; but with this proviso, To his Excellency Major Gen. Peimann. that no other English troops enter the city, Dated Head Quarters before Copen-than those commissaries, officers, and mihagen, Sept. 5, 1807. litary men, who shall be stipulated and agreed on, in the course of the said negotiations. I have &c. PEIMANN.

Sir; The same necessity which has obliged us to have recourse to arms in the present occasion, compels me to decline any overture which might be productive of delay only. But to prove to you'my ardent desire to put an end to scenes, which I behold with the greatest grief, I send an officer, who is authorized to receive any Proposal you may be inclined VOL. X,

D.-To Lord Cathcart, Commander in Chief of the British Troops. Dated Copenhagen, Sept. 6, 1807.

My lord; As soon as you shall be pleased to appoint a neutral place out of the town where to meet on both sides, for regulating the Articles of Capitulation,

officers provided with full powers for negociating, shall be sent; and in the interim, the Armistice is considered as subsisting, till contrary orders shall be given. I have, &c. PEIMANN.

To his Excellency Major General Peimann. Dated Head Quarters before Copenhagen, Sept. 6, 1807.

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the island of Zealand, on the other part.

Article I. When this Capitulation shall be signed and ratified, the troops of his Britannic majesty are to be put in possession of the citadel.-II. A guard of his Britannic majesty's troops shall likewise be placed in the Dock Yard.-III. The Sir; The officers appointed to treat with Ships and Vessels of war of every descripyou, are major general the right hon. sir A. tion, with all the Naval Stores belonging Wellesley, k. b. sir Home Popham, captain to his Danish majesty, shall be delivered of the fleet, and lieut. col. Murray, deputy into the charge of such persons as may be quarter master general of the army. appointed by the commanders in chief of These officers are waiting at the barrier, his Britannic majesty's forces, and they and will meet the officers named by you, are to be put in immediate possession of at any place you may appoint for imme- the Dock Yards, and all the buildings and diate discussion, between our advanced storehouses belonging thereto.-IV. The posts and your lines. Orders were given Store Ships and Transports in the service of to desist from the bombardment, and to his Britannic majesty, are to be allowed if cease firing, the moment your first letter necessary to come into the harbour, for was received; but there has been no Ar- the purpose of embarking such stores and mistice concluded; a proof of which is, troops as they have brought in to this isthat a house in the suburbs has been set on land.-V. As soon as the ships have been fire within these few minutes, by your removed from the Dock Yards, or within people, close to our centinels.. As we have six weeks from the date of this Capitulaalready stated, more than once, we can ad- tion, or sooner if possible, the troops of his mit of no delay in this business, and there- Britannic majesty shall deliver up the cifore it will immediately appear whether tadel to the troops of his Danish majesty, the Articles proposed, are of such a nature in the state in which it will be found when as to warrant an Armistice. I have the they shall occupy-it; his Britannic majeshonour to be,&c. CATHCART, lieut. general. ty's troops shall likewise within the beforeCAPITULATION.-Articles of capitulation mentioned time, or sooner if possible, be for the town and citadel of Copenha-embarked from the island of Zealand.— gen; agreed upon between major VI. From the date of this Capitulation, hosgeneral the right hon. sir Arthur Wel- tilities shall cease throughout the island of lesley, k. b. sir Home Popham, knight Zealand.-VII.No person whatsoever shall of Malta, and captain of the fleet; be molested, and all property public or and lieut. col. George Murray, depu- private, with the exception of the Ships ty quarter-master general of the Bri- and Vessels of War, and the Naval Stores tish Forces; being thereto duly au- before-mentioned belonging to his Danish thorized by James Gambier, esq. ad- majesty, shall be respected; and all civil miral of the blue, and commander in and military officers in the service of his chief of his Britannic majesty's ships Danish majesty, shall continue in the full and vessels in the Baltic; and by exercise of their authority throughout the lieut. general the right hon. lord island of Zealand: and every thing shall Cathcart, knight of the thistle, com- be done which can tend to produce union mander in chief of his Britannic ma- and harmony between the two nations.jesty's Forces in Zealand, and the VIII. All Prisoners taken on both sides, north of the continent of Europe, on shall be unconditionally restored; and the one part: And by major general those officers who are prisoners on parole, Waltasdorff, knight of the order of shall be released from its effects.-IX. Danebroze, chamberlain to the king, Any English Property that may have and col. of the North Zealand regi- been sequestered in consequence of the ment of infantry; rear admiral Liet- existing hostilities, shall be restored to the ken, and J. H. Kirkhoff, aid-de-camp owners. This Capitulation shall be ratito his Danish majesty; being duly fied by the respective commanders in chief, authorised by his excellency major and the ratifications shall be exchanged general Peimann, knight of the order before 12 o'clock at noon this day. Done of Danebroze, and commander in at Copenhagen, this 7th day of Sept. 1807. chief of his Danish majesty's Forces in (Signed) ARTHUR WELLESLEY, HOME POP

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