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Jesuits Bark. If he had been in the house at the time he should have resisted the passing of that resolution. He now begged the right hon. the chancellor of the exchequer to inform him when the bill was likely to be introduced; at the same time he thought it right to state, that he should most decidedly oppose a measure which went to carry into effect that most detestable species of warfare.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer said that the bill would most probably be introduc ed to-morrow.


Wednesday, February 24.

AFRICAN COMPANY'S PETITION.] General Gascoyne presented a Petition from the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, setting forth, "That the Petitioners have laid before the

and under that pretext exclude our merchandize from the accustomed marts in their territory; that the petitioners conceive something ought to be done to convince the world that we cherish the idea of perpetual war as little as any other nation, when peace can be had with honour and safety, and that the most effectual way of answering such allegations would be to enter into Negociations for Peace; that the petitioners deprecate the very idea of perpetual war being entertained for a moment by any order of men in this kingdom; and they conceive that a protracted one can be attended with no advantage to the interests of this country, as the destiny of Europe seems fixed beyond the power of us to alter; and the petitioners think it incumbent on them to state, that the uncertainty whether the relations of amity could be maintained between our government and that of the united states of America has contributed no little to in-house, an Account of the money granted crease the difficulties of our situation, and, in the event of a rupture between the two countries, in the present confined state of our commerce in Europe, certain ruin will be the consequence to a great number of the petitioners; and therefore praying, that the house will be pleased to present an address to his majesty, advising him to enter into such arrangements for the immediate restoration of Peace, asthe urgency of the case seems to require; but the peti tioners do not request that the honour and security of the nation should be sacrificed to obtain for them a temporary relief from their sufferings; on the contrary, should our enemies, from any unjustifiable motives, be induced to make demands inconsistent with either, the petitioners will not repine at any privations they may endure till the contest can be brought to an honourable issue; but they have the satisfaction to think there will be few obstacles in the way of peace, from the Declaration of his majesty, that the late negotiations broke off upon points not immediately affecting the interests of his Britannick majesty, but those of his Imperial ally; in humble confidence the petitioners submit the matter to the wisdom of the house, not doubting but the important object of the petition will receive their candid consideration.”—Ordered to lie upon the


JESUITS BARK BILL.] Mr. Whitbread observed, that a Resolution had been passed the other night, upon which a Bill was to be founded, to prevent the exportation of

to them for the year 1806, examined and passed by the cursitor baron of the exchequer, as required by an act of the 23d of his late majesty; and that, for the purpose of enabling the petitioners to maintain the British forts and settlements on the said coast, parliament has been pleased, for several years past, to grant the sum of 18,000l. for the support of the said establishments, which sum has been invested for that purpose by the petitioners; and that the petitioners, being sensible of the great regard shewn by the house for the preservation of the British forts and settlements on the coast of Africa, humbly solicit that the house will take the premises into consideration, and grant to the petitioners the like sum of 18,000l. for the maintenance and support of the said forts and settlements for the present year; and the petitioners beg further to submit to the house, that, during the continuance of the Slave Trade, the committee were enabled to procure competent persons, willing to encounter the climate of Africa, at salariés greatly inadequate to the service, by reason of the commercial advantages which they derived from a constant and extensive intercourse with vessels trading in slaves; but this commerce being now abolished, the committee apprehend that their servants, rendered incapable of supporting themselves upon their salaries only, will no longer have sufficient inducements to remain in Africa, unless such addition should be. made thereto as may be reasonable and just; and therefore

praying, that the house will be pleased to grant to the petitioners, in addition to the 18,000l. for the maintenance and support of the said forts and settlements for the present year, such further sum as may appear to the house to be sufficient to enable them to augment the salaries of their servants in Africa as before mentioned.". Ordered to lie upon the table.

to sea by the retreat of the blockading force. Though the sailing of the Rochefort squadron would, he hoped, be the means of adding new glory to the triumphs of the British navy, still he was sure that every one who heard him would agree, that if the blockade had been raised from any neglect in supplying the squadron under sir John Duckworth, that neglect was ex

authenticate, his object would be best answered by making a motion, of which he might now give notice. All he could now say, in answer to the argumentative statements and questions of the hon. gent. was, that he was not aware of any such fact as that alluded to by the hon. gent.

Mr. Calcraft said, he certainly had received some information which had led him to put the questions he had addressed to the hon. gent. He gave notice that he would on Thursday se'nnight submit a motion, with a view to ascertain the state of the approvisionment of sir R. Strachan's squadron.

KING'S MESSAGE respecting an ANNU-tremely criminal. ITY TO THE FAMILY OF THE LATE LORD The Chancellor of the Exchequer had no LAKE.] Lord Castlereagh presented a information of the fact alluded to by the Message from his majesty, which was read hon. gent. If the hon. gent. wished for by the Speaker, as follows; any information on the subject, or had re"G. R. His majesty having taken in-ceived any that he conceived it right to to his royal consideration the splendid achievements and eminent services performed by the late general viscount Lake on the continent of Europe, and in the East Indies, and being desirous to confer some signal mark of his favour upon his family, in order to enable them to support the dignity of the title conferred upon him; and for this purpose to give and grant to his eldest son the present viscount Lake, and to the two next surviving heirs male of the body of the deceased, to whom the title of viscount Lake and baron Lake of Delhi and Laswary, and of Aston Clinton, in the county of Buckingham, shall descend, an annuity of 20007. per annum, recommends it to his faithful commons to consider of a proper method of enabling his majesty to grant the same, and of extending, securing, and settling such annuity upon the said viscount Lake, and on the two next succeeding heirs on whom the title of viscount Lake and baron Lake of Delhi and Laswary, and of Aston Clinton, in the county of Buckingham, shall descend, in such manner as shall be thought most effectual for the said viscount Lake, and the two next male heirs to the title." -Resolved, That this house will, upon Friday next, resolve itself into a committee of the whole house, to take his majesty's said most gracious Message into consideration.

SIR RICHARD STRACHAN'S SQUADRON.] Mr. Calcraft wished to know from his majesty's ministers, how far there was any foundation for the rumours so painful to the public feelings, upon that most important branch of the public service, which were lately in circulation. He alluded to the rumours of sir R. Strachan having been obliged to quit his station off Rochefort, in consequence of being short of provisions, and the concomitant report that the French squadron had been enabled to put

[DISTILLATION FROM SUGAR.] The Chancellor of the Exchequer rose, in consequence of the notice which he had given, to move that a Committee should be appointed to inquire into the best mode of granting relief to those engaged in the West India trade; and in directing the serious attention of the house to a subject which the whole house, he was convinced, would agree with him in thinking worthy of the earliest inquiry, he did not think it necessary to use any arguments to press it upon their notice. Every gentleman, he was persuaded, would be of one opinion as to the propriety of obtaining all the information that could be collected upon the subject,in order that this information might be followed up by the remedy which might appear to be most applicable to the circumstances of those immediately interested in obtaining relief. The first idea that had suggested itself was, extending the internal consumption of the staple article of West India produce, by rendering it applicable to our home Distilleries. The select committee, which had already been appointed to inquire into the causes of the present embarrassments of the planters, had not, it was true, in their report been very favourable to the opinion, that

much relief could be obtained by these | of the house, and it was left wholly in the means, but he was not without hope that dark, both respecting the grounds upon it would be found on farther inquiry, that which the Orders had been issued, and the a measure might be so framed as materially effects which were likely to result from to contribute to the object which he had them. The right hon. chancellor of the He thought, therefore, that a exchequer had thought it was sufficient to Committee should be again appointed, to bring them forward in a Committee of inquire how far it might be proper to pro-Ways and Means, where it was impossible hibit Distillation from any other articles than sugar and molassess, and whether such a regulation should be extended to England, Scotland, and Ireland, or to England only. But though this was the first question to which the committee ought to direct their inquiries, there were others to which they might afterwards point their attention for the accomplishment of the great object. He concluded with moving "That a Committee be appointed to inquire and report how far, and under what circumstances, it may be practicable and expedient to confine the Distilleries of the united kingdom, or of any part of the united kingdom, to the use of sugar and molassess only; and also what other provision can be made for the relief of the growers of sugar in the British West India colonies, and to report the same, with their observations and opinion thereupon, from time to time, to the house." The motion was carried unanimously, and a select Committee appointed.

to institute any discussion, either upon their principle or tendency, and where they could be regularly considered only as a measure of finance. In this committee it was impossible to discuss either their legality or their policy, or the preamble of the bill. In every measure like the present, it had been the constant practice to submit the grounds of the measure to a Committee. In the American Commercial bill this course had been pursued, and likewise in the case of the Bank Restriction bill a secret committee had been appointed to inquire into the general state of its affairs, in short, this had been the uniform practice in matters of great magnitude and importance, connected either with commerce or finance. He disclaimed all intention or wish, by the present motion, to produce any unnecessary delay; but, conceiving the question involved in the Orders in Council to be of vital importance to the prosperity, and even to the existence of the country, it was ma

what it was about before it decided upon them. He was ready to admit, for the sake of argument, that it was competent for the king's prerogative to have issued the Orders in Council; he would admit, for the sake of argument, that they were justifiable as a measure of retaliation against the enemy; and for the sake of argument, he would admit, though he certainly was of a different opinion, that they were not inconsistent with the common usage of nations; but, what he wished to know was (and upon this point there was no information whatever to enable the house to form any opinion) what was like

COMMITTEE ON TRADE AND NAVIGATION.]terial, surely, that the house should know Mr. Tierney rose to move that the house should resolve itself into a Committee of the whole house upon the Trade and Navigation of the country, or, if a select committee was thought preferable, he should have no objection that that course should be followed. The object which he had in view was, that the house should have a full opportunity of discussing the Orders in Council after they were put into a shape and form, in which they were capable of being discussed. At present he did not mean to express either approbation or disapprobation of them. The present was one of the very few instances, in which an 'administration had brought such a mea-ly to be their effect upon the trade of the sure before parliament without producing any information, or proposing some step by which information could be obtained, calculated to guide the judgment of the legislature upon the measure on which it was called upon to decide. In other instances, ministers had been rather disposed to challenge, than to shrink from a discussion of their acts, but in the present, the papers had merely been recommended in the king's Speech to the consideration

country? In this single point of view, he considered the present as one of the most stupendous questions that ever had been agitated. It involved not a matter of subordinate regulation, not the prosperity of one branch of trade, but the commerce of the whole world, that commerce on which the prosperity and the very existence of England, in its present circumstances, depended. Was it therefore because our present situation was peculiar? Was it

Speech, without examining whether the measure in itself was right or wrong? He did not now ask the right hon. gent. to give up his measure; let him only confess that he had been guilty of an omission; and let its progress be suspended till the house had put itself into a situation to judge of its merits. If, however, in spite of his suggestion, the right hon. gent. persisted in carrying it through, all that he would say was, that he admired the boldness, not to use a harsher word, of the right hon. gent. He must be sensible that the house was now acting upon no better ground than blind and implicit confidence in his judgment; and if he happened to err, the last hope of the country was gone. For if the measure should fail (he did not pretend to say whether it would or not), but if it happened to fail, to what sources did the right hon. gent. look, to supply the defalcation in the revenue which would result from it? The right hon. gent.

because our affairs were in a more critical | mendation contained in his majesty's conjuncture, than they had ever been in before? Or was it because the question was more interesting and more important than any that could be canvassed, that even the most common precautions were not to be adopted, and a decision passed with unprecedented precipitancy? In this country, from the existence of a body of merchants of liberal education, enlightened views, unrivalled probity, and great experience, the house of commons could command means of information upon such a subject, of which no other government was in possession? He wished to know the opinions of the merchants upon this subject. There were many persons, it was true, belonging to this respectable class in the house of commons, but they were prevented, probably, by the circumstance of their not being accustomed to deliver their sentiments' in public, from giving their opinions. These, however, they would give before a committee. This information he wanted, and to this informa-seemed to think, that it would be the tion he was entitled. The right hon. gent. had this very day moved for a Committee to inquire into the present state of the West India trade; and not only that, but every other question, shrunk into nothing when compared with the pre


means of compelling the enemy to conclude a peace; but this was simply an opinion, and if it failed in producing this effect, was he sure that it would not diminish our means of carrying on the war; and if it should cripple our revenue, what would he Mr. Tierney said, he did not know then have to say for having refused inon what information the right hon. gent. formation to that house? It would be a had proceeded in issuing the Orders in poor consolation then, that the right hon. Council, but sure he was that he needed gent. had taken all the responsibility to information. However well entitled that himself; and that the blame rested upon right hon. gent. was to the praise of great his shoulders. The right hon. gent. at three acuteness and much ability in many re- o'clock last Friday morning, had refused spects, yet he could not be supposed to be to accede to the smallest delay, but in the greatly conversant with commercial sub- course of the next twelve hours, he had jects; and the fact was, that there was not found it necessary to recede from his deone individual in the present administra- termination, and he (Mr. T.) was confition to whom the country looked up in dent, that as he proceeded, difficulties matters of trade. It was but fair, there- would press upon him at every turning. fore, that the house should know from He even now ventured to predict, that he what quarter the information came upon would be obliged to divide the bill into which they acted. Trade was a subject two parts, and to refer both back to a with which the imagination had nothing committee. He wished for nothing that to do, and on which all theories might would savour like a triumph over the right be fallacious: here experience was the hon. gent.; on the contrary, he declared, safe and only guide. He called upon upon his honour, that he was actuated the house to bear in mind, that they might solely by a wish to promote the interests soon, if the course of proceeding was not of the country. Every person must conarrested, be passing a bill, of the merits of fess, that now they were wholly in the which they would be completely igno- dark, and the house owed it to the country rant; and if the other house should send to inform themselves respecting the tendown a message, requesting to be in-dency of it proceedings. It owed this to formed on what grounds they had acted in so doing, what answer could they give, but that they had complied with the recom

the country upon many grounds, but upon none more than to shew that it was alive to the distresses of the people. Only

forty-eight hours ago a petition, stating | tant interests. To this proceeding Mr. T. these distresses, had been presented to the house, signed by 30,000 people. (p. 692.) He was far from rejoicing that petitions of this description were presented, but when petitions such as that were presented, and, as had been justly remarked by a right hon. gent. not now in his place (Mr. Canning), couched in the most respectful and becoming language, they were surely on that very account entitled to greater consideration. It ought never to be out of the mind of that right hon. gent. nor out of the mind of the house, that there were 30,000 individuals in the country who were in want of bread. The right hon. gent. might say, perhaps, that these petitions were determined on before the Orders in Council were issued, but they surely were a sufficient reason for paying greater attention to every thing which might tend to give relief to the sufferers, and for avoiding any thing which might have the effect of aggravating their sufferings. And was the right hon. gent. sure that the present measure would not increase the number of these sufferers from 30,000, to 300,000. Was he fully aware of their tendency to produce a war with America; and had he taken into his calculation the injury which would accrue from * auch an event to the industrious and manufacturing classes of the people? Here Mr. Tierney adverted in terms of the highest praise to the able pamphlet of Mr. Baring, and asked if any merchant would take upon him to controvert the statements and opinions which it contained? He called then upon the right hon. gent, to look at the situation of 30,000 men, who told him that they were in want of bread, notwithstanding the advantage they derived from living under the most indulgent masters, who were smarting under the pressure of every kind of difficulty, and when he did that, to say, whether he would persist in refusing to refer to a committee a measure by which it was at least possible, if not probable, that this difficulty might be greatly enhanced? Was not this such an extensive question of trade as to require the most extensive investigation? To this question he begged that he would say aye or no. If he was of opinion that it would be better to discuss it in a select or secret committee, he (Mr. T.) should have no objection to either; but do not let him bold out the house of commons to the country as careless and indifferent about a subject connected with its most impor

shewed there could be no objection, whether he considered it as a question of general policy or merely as a question of revenue. But as it was, the right hon. gent. had first issued the Orders, then he had advised the prorogation of parliament, lest it should have an opportunity of taking cognizance of them too soon, and afterwards, when it did meet, he would not give the house of commons an opportunity of discussing them. This was the course which the right hon. gent. had pursued, and instead of blaming, he ought to thank him (Mr. T.) for endeavouring to turn him from it. He assured the right hon. gent. that it was idle to attempt to run a race of privation with the French; in the first place, because they were better accustomed to privations than we were, and in the next place, because he knew no class who were more susceptible to any species of hardship than the merchants, who would be first affected by this measure. He did not mean to say that they were at all deficient in loyalty, or that they were backward in contributing their full share to the wants of the country. But in order to make these contributions, they must have profits, and without profits it would be vain to make an appeal to their patriotism. The right hon. gent. did not contend that the measure was calculated to mend the present state of our commerce. [Here the chancellor of the exchequer seemed to dissent.] Well, said Mr. T. so I understood him; but if he really thinks that it will improve our trade, why is he unwilling that evidence of this should be given before a committee? Does he pretend to "do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame?"But all that he understood him to expect was, that it would open a profitable career of smuggling, and he should be glad that his expectations were even so far well founded. In short, he confessed himself totally at a loss even to divine the motives of the right hon. gent. for his present mode of proceeding; but, whatever this might be, which he had no means of knowing, he conjured the house before granting its sanction to a measure of such magnitude, to avail itself of the information which it had the means of obtaining, and which was essential to regulate its judgment instead of putting every thing to hazard by a hasty and precipitate decision. He called upon the right hon. gent. in particular, who was prevented by scruples, which he was most ready to admit were

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